Monday, May 27, 2024

Anthropologists ponder the evolution of Music without realizing what they are talking about: Stefan Milo interview Ed Hagen

 thanks for your evolution of music vid interview with "Hagen EH 2022. The Biological Roots of Music and Dance: Extending the Credible Signaling Hypothesis to Predator Deterrence. Human Nature." - first of all you start the vid saying all cultures have music.

Indeed but only Western civilization defined music as based on logarithmic symmetric harmonic ratios as promoted by Platonic philosophy from Archytas and Philolaus. More specifically as math professor Luigi Borzacchini published - it's the other way around - Western science is based on commutative geometry that was created from the wrong music theory! Professor Borzacchini calls this a "cognitive bias" - an error that geometry supplants music as defined by time and listening. 

If we turn to Fields Medal Math professor Alain Connes' lecture "Music of Shapes" we learn that the truth of music is actually noncommutative time-frequency that is nonlocal!! ONLY Professor Connes points out this truth of music that he calls simply, "Two, three, and infinity." I also realized this same secret truth of music from my own music studies. So in regards to your first point about music - you need to clarify the major Western commutative geometry bias of using the wrong science to apply to the wrong type of music, thereby fundamentally misunderstanding the truth of music.

Now to the second point - if you are studying music it seems you should ask a musician - not an anthropologist. Why? It's now proven that people who study intensely on a musical instrument before age of nine have a significantly increased corpus callosum that integrates the right and left brains. As has also been proven the left brain will lie about the more holistic perceptions of the right brain. Frequency as melody is right brain dominant and this activates the right side vagus nerve, thereby increasing dopamine -aka the "frisson" effect of music. 
But nonwestern music - cultures that are steeped in serious music training from a young age based on the noncommutative truth of music - also have a deeper mind-body transformation that is not even acknowledged in Western culture. So for example I recommend musicologist Dr. Victor Grauer's book "Sounding the Depths" that traces how our original human culture - the San Bushmen (with the Pygmies splitting off 225,000 years ago) spread around the world - with their music still identifiable. Now you would need to truly study the San Bushmen culture that puts music training at the core of their culture as the basis for spiritual healing to then realize the truth of music. You can study Dr. Brad Keeney's books for this as a start. I also have plenty of free books and articles on this topic. thanks

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