Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Volume, Intensity and Density (time) in perfect balance: The Holy Trinity of muscle training explained by Paul McIlroy

 So you do 80% of failure with 20 sets of 3 reps (30 seconds to 1 minute break between sets)= 18 minute work out twice a week and by week six you are at 6 reps per set and then you cycle back with increased weight. So overall you have more volume and thus more intensity overall at a faster rate of strength increase. 

45 to 55 reps of 3 sets at 18 minutes per session. With only 5% LESS intensity doing 3 times more volume at less than HALF the time, closer to 20% of the time.

It's a conservation with the Nervous System - you have to put yourself in a malleable state - ...

Your body (nervous system) will perceive "failure" as a threat to survival and procreation and thus shut you down!! 

So increased training time in comfort...

the less threat that your central nervous system perceives by your action in the gym - the more facilitative and less debilitative it will be....The trick is to increase that intensity - to manipulate the mathematics in such a way - the intensity is allowed to increased WITHOUT an increase in perceived RPE....

RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion,

what's gonna increase your five rep max more - doing your 12 rep more or doing more of the same five rep max? 

 There's no need to peak ever.

Expand your Comfort Zone....

I followed up on his recommendation of Paul McIlroy who strives for what he says as "intensity is allowed to increased WITHOUT an increase in perceived RPE" - so I think Total Gym can do this. It seems difficult to do a "Max rep" on the Total gym - just because it's resistance training. So he says to do 80% of failure for more sets and fewer reps - I've just been taking 30 second breaks on the Total Gym - and breaking up the sets into units of fewer reps. Seems to work fine to increase overall volume. hahahaha.

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