Monday, April 8, 2024

Lee Smolin: We want to understand why our world is chiral (noncommutative) & faces imminent biological annihiltion

 chirality is not some anthropic project.

  yeah so in that interview Lee Smolin is arguing for chirality (asymmetry) as the foundation of reality. Then he goes back to the Bohmian quantum Potential.

 There are parallels between our approach to matrix models in this paper and several
other lines of research, including deformation quantization [17], non-commutative
field theory [18,19], double field theory [20,21], and the BFSS [1] and IKKT models [2]
motivated in string theory and M-theory. Our presentation is self-contained, but we
do not intend any disregard to these similar approaches and the vast literature of
matrix theories which we could not review here 

 see his latest published paper:

 "It describes the non-local and non-commutative nature of matrix-type"

  so then Smolin says that retrocausality must exist but as a "thick present" - meaning the retrocausality is only for the microsecond or around there.


 @TheoriesofEverything  Thanks Curt: I was involved in the antigravity propulsion research via Jeremy Rys. The problem when physicists try to discuss biology is the physicists underestimate our current ecological crisis. (A third of my undergraduate degree was in ecology and conservation biology at University of Wsconsin-Madison and Costa Rica). Roger Penrose mentioned in passing he didn't think civilization would survive abrupt global warming and only Penrose has pointed out that gravitational entropy is the opposite the entropy of matter. (meaning the entropy on Earth is from photon radiation that originates from quantum negentropy that is noncommutative nonlocality as Penrose and Lee Smolin both explain).
Professor Herbert J. Bernstein set up an interdisciplinary research institute at Hampshire College and so one of their projects was working on cleaning up military pollution. Some 50% of U.S. physics is for the military yet the military is by far the largest destroyer of the environment. So I discovered in my own research what I have called "noncommutative quantum biology" - and Lee Smolin's latest paper also focuses on noncommutative nonlocality. I just think Lee discovered this noncommutativity focus too late. When I took Herbert Bernstein's class (1989-90) he called me out by name and laughed at me - he was explaining nonlocality using the "Dirac Dance" example (where you hold a glass without spilling it while doing a 720 degree rotation). I had this aghast open jaw look that he laughed at because I immediately realized it was the same secret of music that I had noticed when I was 16 years old - it was only Alain Connes who confirmed the secret truth of music is noncommutativity (only Alain Connes explains this but even he glosses over the music theory aspect).
So then I discovered that Eddie Oshins, as a physicist working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, argued that noncommutativity is the key secret of what he coined as "quantum psychology" - meaning that he taught Wing Chun (of Bruce Lee fame) and Oshins argued that "neigong" (internal martial arts alchemy energy) is due to noncommutativity. Oshins also argued that this noncommutativity is key to all mind-body integration movements.
So I realized that the "three gunas" of India is also based on noncommutativity and so noncommutativity also explains the secret of nondualism - just as Ramana Maharshi mentioned the triad of the three gunas as the secret of nondualism. I have a free training manual on this noncommutative quantum biology training - as my "oldest" upload on youtube. thanks
 Against Method - I haven't heard of him in 30 years. hahaha. My buddy James T. Hong got me reading him. Hong was a math and philosophy double major - and then finished a philosophy Ph.D. minus the thesis. Then he became a documentary film maker. "Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge is a 1975 book by Austrian philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend."
 Lee Smolin has a theory that his disease - Parkinson's - is chiral.
Hi Professor Lee Smolin: When I took Herb Bernstein's quantum physics class in 1989-90 then I immediately realized the secret of nonlocality was the same music theory secret I had realized - later I knew it was called noncommutativity. Eddie Oshins realized the secret of nonwestern meditation is also noncommutativity! thanks, drew hempel for qigong phone healings from Chunyi Lin

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