Friday, August 18, 2023

Plans to harvest the medicinal Prickly Ash Bark from the trees sprouting up....Zanthoxylum Americanum (1st look for Swallowtail Chrysalis!)

 Just so you know - I plan on harvesting the Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum Americanum) trees up front (to the south) for their medicinal bark. I didn't cut them down last year but I did cut them down the year before. I need to look for chrysalis first! Prickly and Wafer Ash are the major food source for the Giant Swallowtail butterfly.

A recent study (Vermont Center for Ecostudies and colleagues, 2021) shows an unusually rapid northward expansion of the range of the eastern giant swallowtail.

Over the course of 18 years, the range of the Eastern Giant Swallowtail moved just over 200 miles north—a rate of expansion more than 27 times faster than the average organism.

Further expansion of the range is considered unlikely, being limited by the range of the butterfly’s northernmost host plant, northern prickly ash.

This beautiful black and yellow butterfly is hard to miss with a wingspan of up to 7” across.
Zanthoxylum americanum [Prickly Ash] is a common understory species in the northern forests of Minnesota and surrounding regions. It has potential economic importance for its citrus fragrance, pharmacological or insecticidal properties, and produces peppercorns similar to those of the related Zanthoxylum species. ... Piperitone is more repellent than is the common insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET).  Piperitone was the most abundant terpenoid in green prickly ash fruit
Herculin, an alkamide in the plant, produces a localized numbing effect on the tongue when consumed, which may explain the historical use of prickly ash for toothaches. Prickly ash bark contains alkaloids and a volatile oil. The fruit is rich in the volatile oil.  Leaf, fruit, stem, bark and root of Zanthoxylum americanum were investigated for antifungal activity with 11 strains of fungi representing diverse opportunistic and systemic pathogens, ...A high furanocoumarin content was detected in fruit and leaf and low furanocoumarin levels were found in bark and wood. ...  Antifungal activity is positively correlated to furanocoumarin content in extracts of the traditional phytomedicine northern prickly ash
Saqib et al. (1990) demonstrated that extracts from the aromatic fresh berries of Z. americanum showed significant toxicity to brine shrimp larvae and were cytotoxic to human tumor cells. Using bioassay-guided isolation, 5 furanocoumarins were identified in the berries. These were isoimperatorin, cnidilin, imperatorin, psoralen and xanthotoxin. The cytotoxicity of other prickly ash plant parts has also been demonstrated. Recently, Ju et al (2001) reported on 4 pyranocoumarins and 2 lignans from the stem and root bark that exhibited an inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis in human leukemia cells (HL-60). Nonetheless, the antiviral activity of Z. americanum has not been investigated,
Four of these compounds were definitively characterized as xanthyletin (9 mg), dipetaline (40 mg), allo-xanthoxylettn (7 mg), xanthoxyietin (11 mg) along with the tentative characterization of two coumaric compounds, an unknown pyranocoumarin (2 mg) and 5, 7, 8-trimethoxycoumarin (5 mg).
Four pyranocoumarins, dipetaline, alloxanthoxyletin, xanthoxyletin, and xanthyletin, and two liqnans, sesamin and asarinin were isolated from the northern prickly ash, Zanthoxylum americanum. To varying degrees, all six compounds inhibited the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into human leukemia (HL-60) cells and the inhibitory effect was dependent on the structures of the isolated compounds.
Isoproterenol (ISO) induced cardiotoxicity....ZANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM EXTRACT showed a significant
decrease in sodium and a significant increase in potassium and calcium levels when
compared to ISO administered rats. ...Zanthoxylum Americanum Extract
administration might have minimized the effect of ISO and would have prevented the
damage, ....extract of Zanthoxylum americanum bark
The major components of Zanthoxylum species are furanocoumarins, monoterpenes, and
alkaloids. They have shown potential biological activities such as antioxidant, antibacterial,
antimicrobial, and antifungal.
Piperitone was the most abundant terpenoid in green prickly ash fruit
Prickly Ash Part(s) Used:Bark Constituents/Active Ingredients:Alkaloids (isoquinoline-type): Chelerythrine [This molecule also exhibits anticancer qualities... Chelerythrine is a potent antibacterial agent that has aided in dealing with the emergence of antibacterial resistant bacteria. ] and magnoflorine (main constituents), candicine, lauriflorine, nitidine, N-acetylanonaine, tembetarine. 
Alison D. Pawlus
Department of Horticultural Science and the Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute, University
of Minnesota
A Comparison of the Chemical Profiles of the Botanical Dietary Supplements, Zanthoxylum
americanum and Zanthoxylum clava-herculis, Northern and Southern Prickly Ash
Alison D. Pawlusa,c, Dana Freunda, Cecilia Gentile, Emily Starr, Jayanti Suresha, Cindy K.
Angerhoferc, Donald L. Wyseb, Adrian D. Hegemana*
aDepartment of Horticultural Science and the Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute, University
of Minnesota, 1970 Folwell Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
bDepartment of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, 1991 Buford Circle, University of Minnesota St.
Paul MN 55108, USA
cAveda Corporation Corporate Headquarters, 4000 Pheasant Ridge Drive, Blaine, MN 55449,
Additionally, both have shown to contain the alkaloids candicine, chelerythrine,
laurifoline, magnoflorine, nitidine, and tembetarine. [3, 11] Z. americanum, however, contains a
number of coumarins that distinguish it from Z. clava-herculis. These coumarins include a series
of pyranocoumarins from the bark: including dipetaline, alloxanthoxyletin, xanthoxyletin, and
xanthyletin [10, 12]
This 1975 study reported laurifoline as the major
constituent in Z. americanum bark Laurifolin (1), a novel mono-tetrahydrofuran acetogenin,
protozoa of the genus Leishmania, antiketogenic



Acetogenins isolated from fruit pericarp of A. squamosa showed antileishmanial activity and were inhibitory to Leishmania in vitro. Acetogenins also showed pesticidal properties. Extracts of A. muricata and A. cherimola seeds showed potent antiparasitic activity against Entamoeba histolytica, Nocardia brasiliensis, and Artemia salina. Also, acetogenins such as annonacin, isoannonacin, and goniothalamicin isolated from the leaves showed strong antimolluscicidal activity. Apart from this, the leaves of A. muricata demonstrated antimalarial and antiprotozoal activities in vitro. A number of acetogenin-based commercial products were developed including a shampoo for treating head lice infestation, pesticidal sprays, and an ointment for the treatment of oral herpes (HSV-1) and other skin ailments. 


  • Alkaloid chelerythrine is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and potentiates analgesic effects of morphine. Interacts with Na/K+ ATPas and inhibit some hepatic enzymes.

Pharmacy: Dried bark: 1-3g, TID. Dried berries: 1-5g TID. Decoction of bark: 1 tsp/cup, simmer 20 min, TID. Infusion of berries: 2 tsp/cup, infuse 15 min, TID. Tincture: (1:5, 60%), 2-4ml TID.


this butterfly species is now limited by the ability of Z. americanum [Prickly Ash] to expand its range northward.
Before 2011, I’d maybe seen two Giant Swallowtails in Minneapolis…in 30 years! But, as temperatures trend tropical, those living in the northern US and Canada are reporting more sightings of the Giant Swallowtail Butterfly

If the chrysalis is formed in September of later, this third stage of metamorphosis can take months as the swallowtail overwinters in chrysalis form. If the chrysalis is formed is formed by late July into August, you will get to experience North America's largest butterfly within a few weeks...

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