Saturday, May 27, 2023

David Chester, Ph.D. physics, presents the noncommutative "two, three and infinity" concept in terms of geometry (not frequency) 2 hours 44 minutes in David Chester says: 

"There's two different ways to interpret the same thing. One thing is to say, "Hey, all these edge lengths are unit 1." This, it was a 2 x 2 square, from P to Q is length 2, from up here to here is 2, 2, 2. It's all length two. So when I add this third point, I graph here at the level, I have the freedom to decide how I interpret the geometry. And so I could say, "This whole length is length two or I could say, "No, this length is one and now it's three." So if you say that this is length three, that when you do the holonomy thing, you're saying it's torsion. But you could also say, "No, the calibration of my ruler got deformed, actually when I transported this vector along this point, it actually changed lengths, such that this whole side length stays lengths two, such that this little length right here is now 2/3rd instead of 1." And so it's the same defect, the thing, but now we're just saying there's no torsion, it's non-metricity. So it's ambiguous....Because in the language of the defects, I'm saying, "Hey, energy and momentum and stress sources these 2D wedge disclinations as curvature." But Cartan introduced these line defects which Einstein eventually used for his teleparallel theory." 

This is very similar to Alain Conne's claim of infinite factorizations of infinite degrees as "two, three, infinity" from nonlocal noncommutative time-frequency. In music theory 2/3 is C to F as undertone while C to G is 3/2 as overtone - this is NOT allowed in commutative geometry yet it's empirically true. See Connes' lecture, "Music of Shapes" for details. thanks

 Why do Alice and Bob have to "observe" and why "raise eyebrows"? Why don't Alice and Bob LISTEN instead? haha. Because there's a secret to listening that Anirban Bandypadhyay tapped into when he discovered ultrasound is a 3000 times greater quantum coherence conductance of the negative refractive metamaterials in the neurons - the microtubules and tubulins as nonlocal noncommutative superradiance. This is the true secret of antigravity as documented with Saint Joseph de Copertino. Qigong grandmaster Chunyi Lin who works with Mayo Clinic doctors, he also levitated up 9 feet after he finished his nonstop 28 day cave meditation in full lotus yoga position, with no sleep - just "listening" with his eyes closed (and third eye open). hahaha. Guenter Nimtz has already demonstrated superluminal acoustic phonon signals as long as we understand the signal is not defined by a commutative geometry symmetric amplitude as energy, rather the signal is the phase time-reversed inversion of frequency - so a noncommutative negative frequency that is nonlocal.

 Roger Penrose already debunked the weak equivalence principle via his palatial twistor analysis of quantum nonlocality as noncommutative protoconsciousness.

 people are claiming we HAVE to leave Earth! Hilarious - like they assume we already destroyed Earth - and therefore we'll have great skills to create another Earth? hilarious.

"These simulations express an evolutionary process leading to humans and on up through higher levels of biological and technological evolution."
Hi David Chester: I actually was certified in conservation biology as a semester of study in Costa Rica in 1992, the same year E.O. Wilson published his biodiversity book on the "crisis of mass extinction of species." Conservation biologist Michael Soule pointed out that large mammals stopped evolving in the 1970s due to "lack of habitat." Conservation biologist professor emeritus Guy McPherson has pointed out the near-term human extinction due to this acceleration of "biological annihilation" (a googlescholar term in peer-reviewed journals by various biology professors).
The emergence of biological life and its ability to preserve nonequilibrium states has puzzled many.
Schrodinger introduced a term called negative entropy [95], which was later shortened to negentropy.
Glad to see you engaging with this issue! Did you realize that Jordan Pascual in the 1930s already argued noncommtuativity self-amplifies into the macroscale from quantum nonlocality? haha. He was the first real quantum biologist in that sense. Pascual is mentioned in the Royal Society award-winning quantum biology book, "Life on the Edge." (2016).
Furthermore, humanity’s recent hacking of evolutionary biology, via CRISPR gene editing, is likely to allow rapid evolution of consciousness
in the future—designer consciousness—that can make mind-simulations even more powerful.
This claim is devoid of the corporate-state science context of genetic engineering science. The human genome is not the deciding factor in terms of evolution when there is complex feedback and a supercomputer can not even model the ecology of an equatorial rainforest! haha.
Julian Huxley, whom you cite favorably, was one of the first promoters of eugenics as transhumanism along with Oliver L. Reiser - that I exposed in 2001 as part of the "Actual Matrix Plan" based on the "music logarithmic spiral."
This is why I have always focused on interdisciplinary research because when people become specialized with Ph.Ds then there's too little knowledge of the gaps between the disciplines. I discovered this from my undergraduate degree in International Relations that was supposed to combine or integrate economics with biology and political science as "sustainable development" back in 1994. hahaha.
thanks again,
drew hempel

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