Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Noncommuting SubObservables of Joseph Hirschfelder at UW-Madison Chemistry, 1978 via Basil J. Hiley


I just started Ralph Ganis' recent book on his acquisition of Otto Skorzeny's letters revealing the CIA using the Nashzi-fascist networks via shell corporations that was "activated" for the JFK assassination. The key focus after WWII was the "Operation Gladio" military planning "executive action" terrorism against a supposed invasion of Europe by the Soviets (using false flag operations to blame communists, of course).
Of course Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman and Skull&Bones were working for the Nazis during the War and the Wall Street lawyers, Allen Dulles, John McCloy, etc. - the corporate fascist military industrial complex for the US Empire was already interlocked as board of directors with the fascists. So the TR-3B antigravity plasma craft that I saw so close I could have hit with a rock - as Ed Fouche explains the tech - this had to have been from fascist science (not from ET-aliens as Fouche believed). Jordan Pascual was the first to realize that Heisenberg had discovered the noncommutative secret as the foundation of reality. Wiki on the idiocy:
"During the war he [Jordan] attempted to interest the Nazi party in various schemes for advanced weapons. His suggestions were ignored because he was considered "politically unreliable", probably because of his past associations with Jews (in particular: Courant, Born, and Wolfgang Pauli) and the so-called "Jewish physics"... between 1928 and 1930 that Jordan, Eugene Wigner, Heisenberg, Pauli, and Enrico Fermi discovered that material particles could also be seen as excited states of quantum fields. ..." Actually noncommutativity is totally against the typical "fields" of symmetric physics - noncommutativity is quantum algebra!
Check out Professor Basil J. Hiley's critique of Richard Feynman renormalization - in 2022 - at his Pari Center talk on youtube and Hiley's recent talks at the Fetzer Fund - from 2021. Hiley is relying on the Jordan Product as the anticommutator.
The "weak measurement" or SubObservables - have already proven antigravity as 2022 Yakir Aharonov published research even states explicity "implying gravitational repulsion."
Jordan Pascual was promoting a "self-amplifying" antigravitational force from noncommutativity already in the 1930s. Since he was in the Nashzi SA then of course, rightfully, his "science" got dismissed as Hiley points out. Or more likely Jordan's legacy got played down - passed on via other German Nazi scientists that had been "recruited" via Operation Paperclip. Friedwardt Winterberg was pushing his de Broglie nuclear plasma propulsion tech Wiki: "a student of Werner Heisenberg. In 1959, Winterberg was brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip....His work in nuclear rocket propulsion earned him the 1979 Hermann Oberth Gold Medal of the Wernher von Braun International Space Flight Foundation[1][2][3 "
- I think that is some kind of cold fusion type secret that Fabio Cardone has also been demonstrating with ultrasound. This acoustic cavitation antigravity quantum coherence can be achieved via yoga meditation also. John G. Williamson calls the noncommutativty to be the SuperStrong force because the "spin" nonlocality from the future is stronger than the strong force.
 Quantum uncertainty reflects the lack of common eigenstate for non-commuting observables.

 In another hand, it appears that noncommutativity is deeply tied to the presence of some magnetic sources in the space at scales near the planck one, and it is supposed to be a quantum effect of gravity, [9]. However, we think that this problem needs a deep analysis to be well understood....


In quantum theory one replaces the functions by non-commuting infinite matrices or to be more precise, self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. This enigmatic step remains the most daunting obstacle for those who wish to understand the subject....mathematics students must post-
pone understanding why non-commuting variables appeared in the first place

 deciphering an argument that Heisenberg presented in his 1930 survey [10]. At the
heart of his computation is the observation that
the analogue of the derivative for the discrete action variable is just
the corresponding finite difference quotient.







 To summarize, the natural spin orbitals do not seem
useful for studying the equations of change for proper-
ties other than the probability density (i. e., the equation
of continuity). - Hirschfelder

 Hirschfelder, J. O. (1978). Quantum mechanical equations of change. I. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 68(11), 5151–5162.

 Professor Basil J. Hiley says even Hirschfeld lost his funding for delving into noncommutativity as Subobservables!

fascinating. Hiley says this is the same as Weak measurements - only notably noncommutative.







 Early works by Hirschfelder et al.9,10, Philippidis et al.11, and Dewdney et. al.12 focused on the scattering of massive particles off different kinds of potential barriers.....

Flack and Hiley have raised concerns that a relativistic treatment of photon trajectories is likely unphysical due to the existence of reference frames in which the photon’s velocity is zero33. Other works have used the relativistic Dirac equation as the basis for constructing a Bohmian theory for spin-1/2 particles13,31,34, however, these studies are not without their own issues.

 strong empirical verification of the nature of nonlocal influences in the Bohmian paradigm.


 Clifford Bundles... light ray geometry... classical world emerges from the quantum world.... Not the other way around...

basil j. hiley

And of course that's what Jordan actually said to Heisenberg, "Look what you're dealing with is really Matrix Mechanics."


the kinetic energy disappears and stores it in the quantum

Basil J. Hiley


Towards a weak measurement of transverse momentum in a matter-wave interferometer



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