Thursday, March 23, 2023

Psychological Strategy Board is the key behind CIA MKULTRA, assassinations, Andrija Puharich, etc.

 In 1962, CIA officer Tracy Barnes took over the running operation Mockingbird. According to Evan Thomas’ book The Very Best Men, Barnes planted editorials about political candidates who were regarded as pro-CIA.

In 2007, legendary Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt died, leaving behind a taped confession in which he claimed knowledge of the plot to kill Kennedy, but not active participation, describing himself as a bench warmer.  Hunt named names - including Tracy Barnes, William Harvey, Frank Sturgis, and others - but provided no substantiating details.

In April 1960, the Committee unanimously recommended to the Deputy Director for Operations Richard “Dick” M. Bissell Jr. that a disabling operation be undertaken.  Bissell's deputy, Tracy Barnes, approved on behalf of Bissell an operation to mail a monogrammed handkerchief containing an incapacitating agent to the Iraqi colonel from an Asian country. (The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, p. 181) 

 Some Unpopular History of the United States The JFK Years and His AssassinationJanuary 20, 1961 – November 22, 1963 Edition as of November 2019 

by Richard L. McManus

This blog post makes sense re: Project Penguin being actually Project Pelican:
This researcher believes that the project did in fact exist, only that Puharich had slightly altered the name. While there is no record of a Project Penguin, there can be little doubt that the Navy initiated Project Pelican some time around 1948. It came on the heels of the more well-known Project CHATTER, one of the first American programs to formally test hallucinogens on subjects (at least officially). As I noted before in my examination of the Office of Security, there are indications that Pelican served as the basis for BLUEBIRD, which eventually became ARTICHOKE in 1951.
So that blog goes on to mention Puharich working with Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi, chief of clinical research for the US Army Chemical Corps, under the direction of Gottlieb. I discovered this "Psychological Strategy Board" that I think is key. Actually I just finished reading H.P. Albarelli Jr.'s final book - this tome called "Coup In Dallas." 
Albarelli actually had a stroke near the end of his writing of the book and he left his body for good, but he was also working with a research team - and so there's a few chapters at the end by his research team. H.P. Albarelli, you'll recall, is one of the references I use as Albarelli was one of the top researchers on MKULTRA. Greg mentioned having read Albarelli on Puharich also. So Albarelli actually interviewed the person in charge of MKULTRA, Gottlieb, who then recalled Puharich being involved in the very early stages of the mind control research.
In my end notes: "Hank Albarelli reports there were over 40 cartons of MKULTRA documents destroyed by the CIA: records on the Special Operations Division were apparently destroyed in 1973 by Sidney Gottlieb, the agency’s liaison to Fort Detrick. June 2011, interview of H.P. Albarelli, Jr. on Ted Torbich report youtube channel."
 It turns out that Tracy Barnes was the key JFK assassination leader at the CIA but it really was overseen by the "Psychological Strategy Board."
See the chapter of Coup in Dallas titled "A Well Concealed "T" by Alan Kent pp. 493-4:
Barnes's first major postwar positions overlapped for a time. During 1950-1952, he served as counsel to the Undersecretary of the Army and held the position of Deputy Director of the Psychological Strategy Board. The PSB  came to be in April 1951, as an Army project, designed to interface between the Department of State, the Defense Department, and the National Security Council, in order to formulate national policy on matters that were very broadly categorized as "psychological operations." In 1953, it was placed under the control of the NSC and specialized in creating PSYOP plans for scenarios of battle against Communism but, as had the PSB, ranged widely in its interests."
The Board's name was changed to the "Operations Control Board," and it lived until 1961, when incoming President Kennedy elected to axe it. ... The PSB "grew to be a monster, out of control....", said Townsend Hoopes, then an aid to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal. Russ Baker, in Family of Secrets, wrote that the PSB "explored everything from the use of psychotropic drugs as truth serum to the possibility of engineering unwitting assassins, i.e. Manchurain candidates."  Bake does not source this sentence, but a recently published study of PSB/CIA interaction during this period of time finds evidence that PSB liaised with the Agency in matters related to the 1950s CIA "mind control" Artichoke, Bluebird, and MKULTRA. The author of the study notes that available documentary evidence on these relations is scanty.
John Prados, who researched PSB through the resources at the Truman Library,  explained the paucity of evidence: "In December 1988, after the author wrote about the PSB in a systematic way for the first time, the CIA sent a plan with a team of armed guards to Kansas City. The team went to the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO, seized the PSB records, and returned them to Washington... The CIA held onto the records for months, extracted several hundred documents from the set, and only then returned them to the Truman Library. It cannot have been the equality of the PSB's planning for psychological warfare that accounted for this degree of concern at Langley."
As is the case with subsequent career adventures, Barnes's work with this strange organization is less than clear. For the record, it will be noted that Barnes's stint with the PSB, which apparently interacted with CIA mind control experiments, corresponds with the time period that Pierre Lafitte was engaged with George Hunter White in the process of setting up scenarios in Greenwich Village in which unsuspecting victims were given frequently massive doses of LSD and related hallucinogenic drugs - activity that was being sponsored by CIA under the aegis of "Project Artichoke," and that Federal Bureau of Narcotics operative White and FBN "special employee" Lafitte have been vetted for this project by head of CIA counterintelligence James J. Angelton.
H.P. Albarelli, Jr. (A Secret Order, TrineDay, 2013), pp. 42-3, “women as couriers and covert operators. It made use of LSD and what was called ‘narco-hypnosis,’….then quotes a CIA document, “At the meeting of 14 May 1952…regarding the [Project Bluebird renamed] Artichoke Project and requested that the term ‘Narco-hypnosis’ be used…” Then Albarelli interviewed CIA Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, former Technical Services Division chief who said “…I think it [Artichoke] began before MK/ULTRA was approved…with an unrelated program Morse Allen initiated around Puharich’s work….”

We conclude with discussion of Thomas Eli Davis. Gunrunner Thomas Eli Davis appears to have been subjected to a degree of mind control at the Lafayette Clinic in Detroit. Ernst Rodin—his “therapist”—was an Austrian émigré with a Third Reich pedigree. Of particular note is the fact that MK/ULTRA operative extraordinaire Louis Jolyon West was a protégé of Rodin. Davis was a gunrunning associate of Jack Ruby and was, apparently, involved with Lee Harvey Oswald’s sojourn in Mexico. In our next program, we will set forth Davis’s connections to Viktor Oswald, an “Underground Reich” associate who networked extensively with the milieu of Otto Skorzeny in Spain. 

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