Tuesday, February 21, 2023

New Quantum Gravity Sensors at 10 hertz frequency: Tim Kovachy, et. al. quantum metamaterial levitation

 MAGIS-100 is a next-generation quantum sensor under construction at Fermilab that aims to explore fundamental physics with atom interferometry over a 100 m baseline. This novel detector will search for ultralight dark matter, test quantum mechanics in new regimes, and serve as a technology pathfinder for future gravitational wave detectors in a previously unexplored frequency band. It combines techniques demonstrated in state-of-the-art 10-meter-scale atom interferometers with the latest technological advances of the world's best atomic clocks. MAGIS-100 will provide a development platform for a future kilometer-scale detector that would be sufficiently sensitive to detect gravitational waves from known sources. "Taking atom interferometric quantum sensors from the laboratory to real-world applications: ultraprecise quantum sensors in metrology, geophysics, space, civil engineering, oil and minerals exploration, and navigation. ....With a correlated array of atom interferometers, it is possible to discriminate between gravitational-wave signals at low frequencies in the range of 0.1–10 Hz and Newtonian gravitational noise from the environment, which allows a frequency band not covered by other gravitational-wave detectors to be addressed....Operating atomic sensors in space brings the possibility to reach long interrogation times, large interferometer areas and, ultimately, very high precision. Motivated by this scaling, we have realized atom interferometers that cover macroscopic scales in space (tens of centimeters) and in time (multiple seconds). I will present experimental results from the implementation of these large area interferometers as high-precision gravitational sensors. Subsequently, I will discuss a new experimental effort to use such gravitational sensors to look for new particles beyond the standard model, including light moduli associated with the compactified extra dimensions that arise in string theory, by searching for deviations from the gravitational inverse square law with improved sensitivity at the length scale of 10 cm to 1 m. This experiment could also provide a new measurement of Newton’s gravitational constant. In addition, large area atom interferometers using atom optics based on single-photon transitions on the clock transition of strontium have the potential to be excellent gravitational wave detectors in the frequency band from 300 mHz to 3 Hz, " Tim Kovachy et. al. 



 Casimir nanoparticle levitation in vacuum with broadband perfect magnetic conductor metamaterials Adrian E. Rubio Lopez1, ∗ and Vincenzo Giannini

 Quantum levitation using metamaterials by Venkatesh K. Pappakrishnan 2014 Ph.D. thesis Louisiana Tech University



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