thanks for the question. Juliana Mortenson (formerly Brooks): "The mean energy of a single oscillation or wave of light [energy/number of oscillations) is numerically equal to the value of Planck's proportionality constant "h"....The photon, as historically defined, is a time dependent packet of energy, based on the arbitrary measurement time of one second....An arbitrary one second energy increment cannot be a truly indivisible and elementary particle of nature....The variable for measurement time was relegated to an invisible existence as a hidden variable, with an implicit and fixed value of "one second." ...Planck thereafter adopted the methods of Wilhelm Wien to convert the experimental black-body data, from time dependent energy measurements to energy density measurements seemingly "independent" of time....The wave and the particle of light are not simply dual, they are identical....Planck described resonant electromagnetic waves as orderly "homogenous vibrations"..."the energy would have to be completely free to be converted into work." This was Planck's insightful Resonance Hypothesis. Using Planck's incomplete quantum formula however, De Broglie was constrained to working with an energy variable - the product of action and frequency - rather than the fundamental energy quantum. Never-the-less, De Broglie gallantly tried to make sense of the paradox created by the fact that it was "impossible to consider an isolated quantity of energy" and yet "we have returned to statements on energy as fundamental and ceased to question why action plays a large role." states:
"There is an important point to make about the unit on Hz. It is NOT commonly written as cycles per second (or cycles/sec), but only as sec¯1 (more correctly, it should be written as s¯1; you need to know both ways). The "cycles" part is deleted, although you may see an occasional problem which uses it."
The Left Hand of Chaos by Miguel Martinez Iradier states:
"The same Planck's constant, the quantum of action, is not simply energy per second but an energy per cycle per second - the cycle is generally missing. And, naturally, it can be said the same for the Heisenberg's uncertainty limit, that it is not more than a technical limit of the spectral analysis. This way the frequency, the most purely temporal phenomenon, is emptied of any content and becomes a mere integrant part of the formulas."
A physics forum question asks:
"Where ћ/2 is the same as h/4π which is related "reciprocally/inversely" to Planck's Constant (h) which is the "quantum of action" of the surface area of an enclosing sphere... 4πR2. So why this?"
So let's see how YZ Umul (in Ankara Turkey) deals with his discovery. He uses H-bar (angular Planck's Constant) instead of Planck's Constant and "wave-number" (speed of light squared) and "angular frequency" and so he is able to cancel out Planck's Constant
Dionysios G Raftopoulos says the problem was Einstein did not take into account the "phase-difference angle between cause and effect."
"Thus, in this section of the material's point path, Gravity is repulsive....The fact that speed is a quantum concept, lends in turn a "quantum undertone" to the gravity concept of which it appears inversely proportional....Hence there exists a fundamental texture difference between the closed surface of the sphere and that of the Projective Plane....the Projective Plane is a non-orientable surface....a very good visual representation of a unilateral [non-orientable] surface is provided by the well-known "Moebius Strip."
Quantum Paradoxes: Quantum Theory for the Perplexed by Yakir Aharonov and Daniel Rohrlich (2005):
"Why does the color of light change? "only the intensity of the light from a kiln changes with temperature, not the color....If we integrate to obtain the overall energy of the radiation field, we find that the integral diverges...The factor kT [Boltzmann's equipartition average] includes the average of both kinetic and potential energy. These are equal for electromagnetic radiation as they are for harmonic oscillators....Since statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together imply this divergence, statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together contain a contradiction." "So why does the color of light change? We can guess that it changes to avoid the divergence. .. Planck's Law - implies that the color of light changes with temperature." pp. 13-14.
Professor Shahn Majid:
"In that sense I would say that the Buddha was inspired by the same thing that inspires mathematics itself... vacuum energy arises as a noncommutative geometry or Planck-scale correction; it is in some sense zero when computed in noncommutative geometry but arises when this is seen as a correction to classical geometry, which would explain why it is so much smaller than what would arise from a quantum correction." THE SELF-REPRESENTING UNIVERSE SHAHN MAJID, 2014, University of
Oxford Qigong master Sifu Ho Fatt Nam (see: The Art of Chi Kung: Making the Most of Your Vital Energy: (Revised Edition) By Kiew Kit, Wong)" said his senior classmate could walk through walls.
Also Daoist alchemist master Wang Liping:
"On more than one occasion, my teacher told us an experience he had with Wang Li Ping in China. He asked about enlightenment and how one really can know if they're enlightened. Sherfu Wang was silent. Suddenly he stood up and left the room, locking the door behind him. A moment later he walked back in the room, passing right through the wall as if it didn't even exist. My teacher's jaw dropped as Sherfu calmly and simply explained that when you are enlightened you are truly one with your environment; not just intellectually or spiritually, but totally."
Physics Professor Manfred Euler on the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony: "Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook." Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes. Coherence as consciousness. "Ghost Tones" Manfred Euler is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Kiel.
So Noncommutativity is not a "field" from the paper:
Do Spins have Direction? Soft Computing volume 21, pages 1483–1504 (2017)
"Then if microscopic entities are assumed to obey Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP), as we know they do, one is forced to admit that the concept of "microscopic particle" is a self-contradictory one....Therefore, whatever its nature is, it is a non-spatial entity, and if only for this reason it cannot be considered a particle....But a field is also an entity defined in space, possessing specific actual properties in every point of it (like for instance force vectors)."
Peter Pesic's book, "Music and the Making of Modern Science" has a chapter on how Planck was inspired directly by equal-tempered music tuning to create Planck's Constant.
“Commutative versus noncommutative lies at the heart of causality itself.” Peter Pesic, Abel's Proof: An essay on the sources and meaning of mathematical unsolvability (M.I.T. Press, 2004), p. 142.
"Max Planck (a skilled pianist and conductor) experimented with the Eitz harmonium, which divided the octave into 104 steps. Planck then investigated whether skilled choruses would move toward “natural” (Pythagorean) or “tempered” tunings (using irrational numbers). Planck devised musical compositions for choruses to test the issue; to his surprise, convention and habit proved more powerful than “nature.” In the process, Planck had to confront established authorities (especially his mentor Hermann von Helmholtz) and, through by disposition conservative, was forced to question received opinion. The death of Helmholtz and several other colleagues required that Planck turn to investigating the spectrum of blackbody radiation, which involved his treating the atoms of the blackbody as a “chorus” of resonators. As the Eitz harmonium had divided the octave according to a new unit, Planck discovered that his atomic “harmonium” was “tuned” to a new fundamental interval regulated by a quantum whose universality he thought the most important aspect of his new theory. Throughout the book where various sound examples are referenced, please see (please note that the sound examples should be viewed in Chrome or Safari Web browsers).
Juliana Mortenson
"In reality however, Wien’s conversion procedure actually fixed the time variable at “one second”, and then cancelled out the variable altogether. This made it seem as though the energy density measurements were independent of time. The energy measurements were still quite dependent on time, however, even though time did not appear as a separate variable in Planck’s famous (and incomplete) quantum formula “E = hv”.... Photon energy is calculated using Planck’s incomplete quantum formula, with its fixed time measurement of “one second”. This calculation simply sums the energy of each individual oscillation into a total. The number of oscillations to be summed is determined by the frequency, “v”, which indicates the number of sequential oscillations in “one second”. The photon, rather than being a real physical particle, is an artifact of Planck’s incomplete formula.... In summary then, Planck’s quantum formula was missing the variable for measurement time “tm”, which obscured the nature of his constant as an energy constant, “h”, and also obscured the true elementary particle of light, a single oscillation.... the time period “τ” of the oscillation. Hence it can be seen that the force of a single oscillation of light is: F0 = m0 c / τ [7] Because of the reciprocal relationship between time period and frequency, this can also be written: F0 = m0 c v The force exerted by a single oscillation of light varies with time period and frequency. The shorter the time period over which the energy quantum/rest mass of a single oscillation of light is absorbed, the greater the force that light oscillation will exert on the absorbing mass. Higher frequency oscillations will exert more force, oscillation per oscillation, than lower frequency oscillations. Although the time periods and wavelengths for individual oscillations are infinitely variable, their ratios are constant and identical. Hence, no matter what the wavelength and time period (or frequency) associated with any oscillation of light, the ratio of its wavelength to time period is constant. As a result, the product of an oscillation’s force and distance “λ”, includes the constant and invariant space-time coupling constant, the speed of light, “c”. The relationship for light’s constant oscillation energy of Eq. 11., above, reduces to Planck’s energy constant, “h̃” : E0 = m0 c 2 = h̃ This is another way of stating that "Light is Heavy" as Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft emphasizes with Martin van der Mark - the photon has gravitational mass!
Electromagnetic radiation carries momentum ~p = ̄h~k and energy E = ̄hω = pc, and it can exert a (radiation) pressure on any object it falls upon. Hence, light has inertia that can be quantified by an inertial mass mi = ̄hk/c. Now, the principle of equivalence tells us that light must also have a gravitational mass mg, and consequently it must be attracted by heavy bodies " The rest mass of the box is not equal to the sum of the rest masses of its contents. The reason that we find Mg = M0 is that we have a closed system with the centre of mass of all the particles at rest." The shorter the wavelength, λ = 2π ̄hc/E, of the photons, the heavier the box" The result is that the bottom seems to have velocity v = at with respect to the top at the moment tdown = t of impact of the “photon”. The Doppler shift of the light can be calculated using the following Lorentz transformations for k and ω in the rest frame to ˆk and ˆω in a frame moving with velocity v: the gravitational mass of light is mg = E/c2." The confusion that sometimes arises can often be traced back to the mix-up between the words “mass” and “matter”. Matter can be transformed into radiation. Matter is taking the role of energy container, radiation is some sort of released, “free” energy, that must fly through space. In the case of light, the rest mass is zero, but the gravitational mass equals the inertial mass, which is identical to the relativistic mass. The “photon” can only be weighed if it is contained in one way or another, so that its centre of mass is fixed (on average). The smaller the length scales, the stronger the forces involved and the higher the (binding) energies, and hence the corresponding masses, relative to the rest masses of the constituents. We could wonder whether this finds it climax at a point where an elementary material particle is build of constituents that have zero rest mass, with only kinetic and potential energy to make up for its mass. That this should be the case for the electron, but at the same time seems quite impossible [3], is well known [4]. What is intriguing is that matter’s most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply that they all must have some sort of intrinsic dynamics. Hypothetical structures which do not have internal dynamics, such as point particles and hard spheres, do not exist. So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box [5]. If really so, matter is light.
Dionysios G Raftopoulos
The energy in Planck's proposition and the angular momentum in Bohr's proposition are not fundamental (a priori) concepts this being the reason of why I called their propositions "Military Orders". Dionysios G Raftopoulos According to the Classical description, the atom radiation frequency is none other than the trajectory rotation frequency of the electron in the atom, which is given by (1.7.51) We note that the two frequencies coincide when n tends to infinity This was precisely (and continues to be...) the famous Delian Problem: N= The construction of the cube root of 2.... We note that if (1.7.56) is written as:2 n 1nr r , it agrees with (1.7.49) of Bohr's atom model, where the trajectory radiuses in relation to the fundamental (r1) share a ratio of squared integers...Please note that I never promised to explain the origins of Planck's Constant, only the origins of the integers in the theory Planck founded, and this is exactly what I did. The square roots appearing when the independent variable is the radius (space), become cubic roots when the independent variable is the period (time) Such an intelligent* replacement [of Planck's Constant] is: Planck's Constant (h) is nothing more than the measure of the thickness of the "knife’s blade [of light]" that "carves" up the World.
Fred Alan Wolf (p. 94, Taking the Quantum Leap)
"The movement of the electron from one orbit to another lower energy orbit was a simple change of notes. As a violin string undergoes such a change, there is a moment when both harmonics can be heard. This results in the well-known experience of harmony, or as wave scientists call it, the phenomenon of beats. ...The light was a beat, a harmony, between the lower and upper harmonics of the Schroedinger-de Broglie waves. When we see atomic light, we are observing an atom singing harmony....They had no medium to wave in, and they had no recognizable form in physical space."
"Here we have forfeited symmetry. We have however discovered something else: Harmony....I don't believe that Nature is governed by symmetry but rather by Harmony and Harmony is certainly not synonymous with symmetry....In Projective Space you can go from A to B, not in one, but in two ways....the reverse one...via the plane at infinity. Light would precisely follow this reverse path, if we were to move at speeds greater than its own, so that it would always stay "ahead" of us....meaning we "will capture" light coming from spaces we have not yet reached....
Juliana H. J. Mortenson:
"Importantly, the experimental data which Planck used (and on which quantum physics was later founded), assumed that the internal energy of the experimental device was composed only of thermal energy and necessarily omitted all resonant work energy (“A”). Twentieth century science was thus founded almost exclusively on thermodynamics, with boundary conditions that virtually excluded consideration of EM work energy and resonance dynamics.
"Is the formalism of quantum mechanics complete? Examination of Max Karl Planck's original quantum work suggests the answer is "No".1-3 Retrospective analysis of Planck's foundational quantum derivation suggests that his action constant ("h") is actually the product of an energy constant ("h∼") and a time variable (tm"). Planck's ground-breaking quantum formula, "E = hν" (E is energy and ν is frequency) may more appropriately be denoted as, "E = h∼tmν". The energy constant represents the energy of a single oscillation or wave of electromagnetic (EM) energy, and is constant regardless of frequency, wavelength or photon energy. The time variable (as originally defined by Planck) is the measurement time of the electromagnetic energy. The invariance of the EM energy constant over a change in time or space suggests it represents a universal constant for light. Retrospective evaluation also reveals that Planck inadvertently fixed the EM measurement time (tm) at a value of one (1) second, thereby significantly limiting the time variable's degrees of freedom. Implications appear to be profound for restoring infinite degrees of freedom to the EM measurement time variable. "
If h were the smallest possible amount of energy, then the basic equation showing the energy contained in photons of various frequency would not balance. It would be wrong.
When the researchers shined a laser on water, pairs of photons that emerged from the liquid at the same time tended to have complementary energies. While one photon had lost a little energy, another had gained the same amount of energy, indicating that they were exchanging quantum vibrations.... it was observed at room temperature,
The team also showed that the exchanged quantum vibrations were “virtual” — appearing only for fleeting moments
Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi vids playlist
Dr. Ruth E. Kastner:
a particle of rest mass is associated with an oscillation of frequency = m x speed of light squared/Planck's constant which takes the form of a standing wave of constant phase at all spacetime points for a particle at rest.
The oscillation's transformed properties when viewed from a moving frame...are then taken to be dictated by the a priori structure of spacetime.
But it is claimed here that this depiction of the wave as propagating "in spacetime" is an artifact of our imposition of the spacetime construct on the underlying dynamical object(s), and that the latter should be considered the ontological supports of the construct, rather than the other way around.
a particle with a definite momentum....does not have a definite position....from the particle's point of view it is 'everywhere at once.' Taking this ontology seriously implies that spacetime, and the attendant notion of 'location of a particle' is not fundamental.
Thus spacetime should not be thought of as a substance, but only a way of describing observable effects arising from the existence of finite mass.
As Taylor states, another way to state this is that the "source clock" (the qigong master) is "running at a faster rate than the observer's clock (typical left-brain dominant reality). Which is to say the difference in time (of internal to external reality) is then equal to the change in wavelength (of external reality to internal reality) - such that the spirit frequency energy equalizes as the same momentum.
Since the binasuan inverts the arm through rotation, it is sometimes given as a macroscopic, physical demonstration of the rotation properties of a spin-½ spinor. As the liquid never spills, the rotation can all occur within the same plane. Upon a rotation of 2π radians, the elbow changes between pointing up and down. Upon a rotation of 4π radians, the palm "doubly covers" the shoulder, and the elbow points in its original direction.
Dirac Dance vid linked by massimilianosassoli de bianchi
This is correct only for a so-called "spin one-half entity," like an electron. When you measure the spin of an electron along a given spatial direction, you can only obtain two values: ħ/2 or - ħ/2, where ħ=1.054571817×10−34 J⋅s, is the so-called "reduced Planck constant" (to be pronounced "h-bar"). When you choose a system of units such that you set ħ=1, then these two possible values are simply 1/2 and -1/2. Now, to know "why" these values and not others, this is of course part of the mystery of what a spin is and is still a subject of debate. A consequence of this one-half value is that you need to rotate an electron twice to bring it in the exact same state, in the same way in the Philippine dance called Binasuan the dancers have to rotate their palms holding a glass twice to bring them back to the same position.
virtual phonons. Koiller and her team wondered: was this true for light as well?
They used detectors to examine the emerging photons, searching for pairs that arrived simultaneously, in which one photon had shifted towards red (losing energy) and the other towards blue (gaining energy).
If the arriving pairs were created by virtual phonons, rather than the standard scattering process, the energy shifts of the photons should be too small to come from classically allowed vibrations, so the team applied a filter to let through only this range of energy shifts. They compared the results with the number they saw when both types of energy shifts were allowed.
In both cases, they saw the same rate of photon pairs, suggesting that the pairs had to be created by the virtual process. The signal was tiny: of around 10 quadrillion photons pumped through the material per second, they saw 10 pairs, compared with the 1 pair every 10 seconds that they would have expected to see by chance.
"They used detectors to examine the emerging photons, searching for pairs that arrived simultaneously, in which one photon had shifted towards red (losing energy) and the other towards blue (gaining energy). If the arriving pairs were created by virtual phonons, rather than the standard scattering process, the energy shifts of the photons should be too small to come from classically allowed vibrations, so the team applied a filter to let through only this range of energy shifts. They compared the results with the number they saw when both types of energy shifts were allowed. In both cases, they saw the same rate of photon pairs, suggesting that the pairs had to be created by the virtual process. The signal was tiny: of around 10 quadrillion photons pumped through the material per second, they saw 10 pairs, compared with the 1 pair every 10 seconds that they would have expected to see by chance."
We can achieve this in meditation also. So the difference between the blue and red light is mediated by a virtual phonon that is the future guiding the past in pure time and frequency. Normally a "negative frequency" is defined in spatial terms but due to noncommutativity there is a second "loop" in spacetime that is pure time-frequency and thus the true ether. I called this "Sound-current nondualism" in my 2000 University master's thesis.
wow - thanks for your clarification! This paper "Photonic Counterparts of Cooper Pairs" shows the virtual phonons that connect the colors of light. This must be due to noncommutativity being nonlocal. That Balinese "Dirac Dance" vid you link below is what I learned in my first year of college from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein teaching quantum physics. I immediately realized this was the same music theory secret I figured out in high school private training - why 2/3 can not be a music frequency in Western music tuning. Math Professor Alain Connes explains in his "Music of Shapes" vid lecture (several versions online) that the truth of music theory is actually noncommutativity with a geometric dimension of zero. This is because the Pythagorean Comma has to be inverted back into the octave scale so the 3 to the (1/19th) as to 2 to the (1/12th) originates from 3 to the (12th) as 2 to the (19th). So he says this is only explained by a quantum noncommutative two-sphere. Then I discovered Eddie Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center who coined the term "quantum psychology" based on noncommutativity as the secret of nonwestern meditation! I had already realized the secret of nonwestern meditation was due to this music theory secret - I have a book on this called "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" it is free - docdroid or academia edu - and to finish my master's degree I tested out my theory by doing intensive meditation training from Chunyi Lin, qigong grandmaster here in Minnesota (he works with the Mayo Clinic doctors). So then I discovered that ghosts are real and long distance healing is real and precognition is real, etc. He even levitated while in full lotus meditation right after he went outside, finishing his 28 day cave meditation in full lotus meditation with no sleep at Mt. Qingcheng, corroborated the levitation of St. Joseph de Copertino. thanks