Thursday, October 20, 2022

Sir Roger Penrose vs Gerard 't Hooft part 2!! 't Hooft relies on a noncommutative time-frequency inversion as the eternal black hole!

 Penrose on Why quantizing gravity cannot, on its own, solve the gravitational singularity problem

This is what Sir Roger Penrose says: "you think there will be blue shifted so the blue shifted ones are red if you like and the redshifted ones are blue but the red ones by the geometry of things it's actually the more distant ones because they what you're seeing is the radiation coming towards you 

you just have to look at the geometry when the the light cones intersect as in my previous picture here it's when you're looking at the distant ones that you will see the signal coming towards you like this when it's relatively close you will see the signal going away from you so it's the opposite way around from what you might expect nevertheless what we see is this very clumping of red signals in other words in the model i'm producing they are local clumped together in distance these are outside our our particle horizon our particle horizon would be where our past light cone hits the crossover and that's as far as we can see in normal cosmology

 but this is a signal here which is actually further out you can see further out because you can see into our past eon and that's all right anyway so these are in the picture the in the theory these are more distant the blue ones up here are closer they're they are actually redshifted but they are closer than the blue shifted ones down here you have to get used to the color coding being the wrong way around and all that but never mind red ones are actually distant in the theory blue ones not the greenish ones down here are probably just about on our past our horizons so you get a mixture of colors because they're some on one side and some are on the other side anyway that's the picture um and if it's something else you're seeing here you have to explain the extreme just discrepancy from a uniform distribution."

Sir Roger Penrose on the Sean Carroll podcast: "Now, what’s the earliest evidence that we directly see of the universe? In states that’s the cosmic microwave background. So this is radiation coming from all directions, electromagnetic radiation, and this radiation has a lot of entropy in it. But the main point that I’m gonna sort of concentrate on here is if you look at the, curve which represents the intensity for different frequencies. You have this thing, the curve goes up and then comes down again and it has… It’s what’s called the Planck curve.... 

So there’s a certain temperature where its maximum, and then, the radiation at higher frequencies, it goes down. And this Planck curve is observed. ...The COBE satellite measured this curve, the intensity for different frequencies of this radiation. They found an extremely good fit, an almost perfect fit to the Planck spectrum. What does the Planck spectrum tell us? It tells us what we’re looking at is maximum entropy. I mean, that’s the whole point of it, it’s what they call the black body radiation, which meant maximum entropy. So here, this is what I call the mammoth in the room, [chuckle] and you go back, and back in time where the entropy is supposed to be going down, and down, and down, until it reaches a maximum....Which is sort of the wrong way around.....

you have these two things about the early universe, one is the Planck spectrum, which tells you that the matter and radiation, you see the Planck spectrum was telling you that the early stage of the universe, photons and matter were a kind of, at maximum and randomized as much as they could be. And so, that radiation comes to us, and you see this Planck spectrum. But the other feature about it is that it’s uniform, and that as far as gravity is concerned, is very low entropy. Because as things start to clump, and a good example of this is our sun. 

You see, our sun used to be a… Well a long time ago [chuckle], a distribution of gas all over the place and it went through various stages, but it, it clumped together and produced this hot body. It would be hot, even if there were no thermonuclear reactions, at all....So it gets that heat, which is… When compared, the darkness of this background sky is a very low entropy situation. You can get energy out of it by simply…We do, absolutely, that’s why we’re here. The plants do by photosynthesis and we live off plants and animals that eat plants and so on. And so that’s where it all comes from. So it comes from the fact that the sun’s a hot spot in a cold background sky. And this is why we are interested in the second law of thermodynamics, because it’s low and it’s creeping up, and is what we get our structure from and all that stuff."


Sir Roger Penrose  35 minutes in on the secret of before the Big Bang and after the end of the Universe. He used this same image for his Protoconsciousness Precognition talk also! also at 35 minutes! Penrose:

 Hi Sir Roger Penrose: The phase factor as time cubed is noncommutative based on the imaginary number. So as Professor Shahn Majid argues, the noncommutativity causes a reverse time balance against the gravitational collapse. The nonlocal 1/2 spin is the secret of the photon due to this imaginary time phase and so the spin also stores the information through the Hawking Point. John G. Cramer points out that the 1/2 spin enables a transversable wormhole. 

Let me know please if you think this has any worth of consideration,
drew hempel, MA


 So here Gerard and Roger have their debate finally!! It got shut down in the other video. haha.

I didn't realize that Gerard 't Hooft is using an S(2) geometry that is noncommutative for his Time reflection as the eternal black hole!!

Penrose: black hole but here but um triangle full of matter or is it empty or where what is that? 

't Hooft: that's a very good question excellent question because um what's called vacuum here is a completely filled space here to this observer sees that other high precision of the universe however it's got energy [frequency] inverted and time inverted [NONcommutative!!] so that this is empty space here but from here on when it looks through this point you'll see a completely full universe which again

So Gerard 't Hooft says he's talking about the "microsecond" time frame of when the black hole is vanishing!! Fascinating indeed. Penrose says it can't be true since there HAS to be matter as a gravitational equivalence principle. 't Hooft is claiming that the Hawking Radiation is that final matter and not the original matter of how the black hole formed....

Higgs field and gain their mass inertia must occupy a volume in tree-dimensional Euclidean space. This conclusion is reinforced by relative recent experimental findings published by independent sources [36 - 38] that electrons in atomic thin layers of graphene behave like massless particles thus when electrons are forced into a practically 2D surface medium environment without volume, they behave more like photons. This strongly suggests that electrons cannot be regarded as dimensionless mass particles as initially thought but have an
associated energy topology and manifold occupying a volume in space. Similarly, we deduce that photons must essentially have a two-dimensional topology in space and therefore do not have a volume

A ½ spin fiber model for the electron Emmanouil Markoulakis 1 *, Emmanuel Antonidakis








 Gerard 't Hooft - lecture

Dirac said, "Oh I know what to do with that, I'll just fill all those levels up and I'll leave some holes and they are now the new particles." Well that's exactly what I'm going to do here. I'm going to fill this whole region (II) up with particles and leave some holes. Those holes leave positive energy for the outside observers. So the outside observer will see particles that have holes for the local observer. So this is not a vacuum state (II) - I'm putting here what I call the "anti-vacuum."

 The particles have energy which is positive only if I say that there is a shift of the total band of the energy from minus to plus. So I'm going to shift all the particles to a constant positive, a fixed value, E Maximum. And then I subtract the particles of region I. So particles of region II has the energy of E Max minus the energy of the particles of region I. This way I follow up Dirac's own position. But now E Max itself is the Anti-Vacuum - the completely filled state of particles - the extreme opposite of the vacuum. Here the particles that go from the right are the Anti-Vacuum. The particles that go from the left are the Vacuum.


 This is a new kind of mapping that requires a lot of study...

Time Outside runs Backwards in Region II....creating a particle in Region I or annihilating a particle in Region II.


 Initial and Final black holes are mere seeds to be described as gravitational instantons.

Have you studied Sir Roger Penrose's argument about the equivalence principle of gravity arising out of quantum time-frequency uncertainty? This is such a genius claim by Penrose that it blows my mind. Basically Penrose is claiming that the collapse of the nonlocal entangled protoconsciousness creates gravity as a retrocausal effect of time-frequency uncertainty. So as Stuart Hameroff then emphasizes the more a person meditates then the higher frequency of light in the body via the biophotons enables a longer reverse time protoconsciousness to be maintained as quantum nonlocality before the "collapse" into a relativistic symmetric rest frame as two particles of matter.

The debate that Penrose and Gerard 't Hooft recently had on a youtube livestream discussion was about 't Hooft using the Penrose diagram for an eternal black hole model that assumes the particles of a black hole singularity in fact are the reverse time negative energy seen from the future. 't Hooft never explained himself to Penrose - but he did explain himself in a lecture that was later published in a peer-reviewed journal. That lecture is on youtube also. Here is 't Hooft explaining his eternal black hole model that he also claims exists on the microscale at all times:
"Dirac said, "Oh I know what to do with that, I'll just fill all those levels up and I'll leave some holes and they are now the new particles." Well that's exactly what I'm going to do here. I'm going to fill this whole region (II) up with particles and leave some holes. Those holes leave positive energy for the outside observers. So the outside observer will see particles that have holes for the local observer. So this is not a vacuum state (II) - I'm putting here what I call the "anti-vacuum." The particles have energy which is positive only if I say that there is a shift of the total band of the energy from minus to plus. So I'm going to shift all the particles to a constant positive, a fixed value, E Maximum. And then I subtract the particles of region I. So particles of region II has the energy of E Max minus the energy of the particles of region I. This way I follow up Dirac's own position. But now E Max itself is the Anti-Vacuum - the completely filled state of particles - the extreme opposite of the vacuum. Here the particles that go from the right are the Anti-Vacuum. The particles that go from the left are the Vacuum. "
I can't really follow this whole "Anti-Vacuum" concept. For me it's easier just to think in terms of time-frequency before the creation of particles. haha. Still for anyone trying to work backwards from particles to the truth of reality then I think both Gerard 't Hooft and Roger Penrose have solved the problem. 't Hooft elsewhere acknowledges his eternal blackhole as a wormhole relies on noncommutative time-frequency. Penrose also relies on noncommutative time-frequency for his Palatial Twistor model since 2018. Only Penrose admits he's not good at doing noncommutative quantum algebra math - and he cowrote his noncommutative paper with an actual noncommutative geometry mathematical physicist. Gerard 't Hooft uses Fourier analysis and so he also is not using noncommutative math and he also admits his model needs to work on that aspect. hahaha.
So I look forward to PRofessor Basil J. Hiley's forthcoming paper on this - inspired by Professor Alain Connes' talk to the physics group.



























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