Math Professor Eliot Jacobson - retired - has been a gambling guru also! He visits my blog from Las Vegas? I think so...
He got upset when I said he should study noncommutativity and he said I should have looked up his Ph.D. thesis on Brewer Groups...
When I got math lessons for 8h per week for six years, X to the second power was an exponential function.
And growth is accelerating/ compounding even if there will be some limit in the future. That's what is meant by exponential growth.
Exponential growth is part of a quadratic curve.
His proof for being right is an argument from authority fallacy btw. Growth is not exponential because I'm a math professor is an illogical statement.
Also if the earth stabilizes in a hothouse equilibrium it would not be a quadratic curve.
@Prof. Eliot Jacobson Would professor Al Bartlett agree with you?
You know, if he was alive.
People mean compounding/ accelerating growth. Which is happening all over the place. Debt, population, energy use,...
@Prof. Eliot Jacobson Google is my friend and not yours.
Can't post links but look up the Webster definition.
@Pieter-Jan Catteeuw if you post any links and they are held for review I will let them go for discussion sake. Thank you Pieter. As long as the discussion stays civil, it could help people learn.
What does this mean in English? I hate math
@All good 🦋 the amount by which it is growing, is growing itself. The growth is accelerating.
@All good 🦋 what's not mentioned is that the inverse of the exponential is noncommutative. So instead the math professors cling to Platonic Ideals about exponential functions. Yes it means math professors are brainwashed and Professor Albert Bartlett was correct - the logarithmic function is from the wrong music theory, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out. To quote Borzacchini, "A deep pre-established disharmony" is the foundation of Western math as the secret "guiding evoltive principle" of science. And yes I've corresponded with Borzacchini - first in 2001 and then again recently - he's retired now. He wrote a book called "Plato's Computer" but it's in Italian.
x to the second is "quadratic function" 2 ^ x is exponential.(2 to the x) The exponential grows relative to its own value.
@Steve Aldrich "exponentiation is not commutative." For example see Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes lecture, "Music of Shapes" 3 to the 19 as 2 to the 12 or 3 to the (1/12) as 2 to the (1/19). "The ear is only sensitive to the ratio, not to the additivity ... multiplication by 2 of the frequency and transposition, normally the simplest way is multiplication by 3 ... 2 to the power of 19 is almost 3 to the power of 12...time [spacetime] emerges from noncommutativity ...all positive integer powers q (to the) n for the real number q=2 to the 1/12th~3 to the 1/19th. Due to the exponential growth of this spectrum, it cannot correspond to a familiar shape but to an object of dimension less than any strictly positive number." (Connes, 2012) and this: "xy is not necessarily equal to yx ... from xy to yx corresponds to what evolution yields for the purely imaginary value t = √-1 ... inner automorphisms and these are in a sense invisible ... the link between time and thermodynamics ... it is very difficult to escape the one-dimensional model of time ... language is a prisoner of sequential writing ... Several melodies can coexist and a dialogue can be established in the same instant ... Music is an outline of a language that is inscribed in a multi-dimensional, not sequential framework. (Connes et al., 2001, p. 168)"...and Connes delivers the stunning implication: "If you want the algebra that is used by the Universe it is of the same type - it is something that is very simple ... but it can not be commutative because the commutative creates a collapse" (Connes, 2021).
@Steve Aldrich from wikipedia:
The formula for exponential growth of a variable x at the growth rate r, as time t goes on in discrete intervals (that is, at integer times 0, 1, 2, 3, ...), is
{\displaystyle x_{t}=x_{0}(1+r)^{t}}

where x0 is the value of x at time 0. The growth of a bacterial colony is often used to illustrate it. One bacterium splits itself into two, each of which splits itself resulting in four, then eight, 16, 32, and so on. The amount of increase keeps increasing because it is proportional to the ever-increasing number of bacteria. Growth like this is observed in real-life activity or phenomena, such as the spread of virus infection, the growth of debt due to compound interest, and the spread of viral videos. In real cases, initial exponential growth often does not last forever, instead slowing down eventually due to upper limits caused by external factors and turning into logistic growth.
@Pieter-Jan Catteeuw the discrete time series is the key secret to what caused our current ecological crisis: Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes: "It is precisely this lack of commutativity between the [symmetric geometry] line element and the [discrete noncommutative inverse frequency] coordinates on a space that will provide the measurement of distance" (Connes, 2000). Connes: "Because variables with a continuous range can not coexist with variables of discrete range ... first of all, it is that they don't commute so you can have the discrete variable that coexists with the continuous variable. What you find out after a while is that the origin of time is probably quantum mechanical and its coming from the fact that thanks to noncommutativity only that one can write the time evolution of a system. … The phase space is a noncommutative system and that's what's behind the space all the time.
Our brain is an incredible utensil which perceives things in momentum space - all the photons that we receive - and manufactures a mental picture which is geometric. But what I'm telling you, ....I believe from what I said that the fundamental thing is spectral [frequency] and that the fundamental thing is of that nature. And that somehow in order to think we have to do this innermost Fourier Transform.... A Fourier Transform not for functions but a Fourier Transform on geometry.... The Music of Shapes is really a Fourier Transform on a Shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse and this is a function that the brain does amazingly well because we think geometrically." 2012
ask Eliot about noncommutativity. hahaha. He's a math professor but I doubt he knows much about noncommutative geometry.
@UCeK83ByB-C32GtaoeVs9oFA thank you very much for doing the show tonight. Dire stuff indeed but oddly fascinating. And so it goes.
@Poppy Davis You mean the comment he deleted? Why would he delete his own comment? A dissertation on the Brauer Group - and he thinks I'm silly because I didn't devote a career to gambling? haha. What's wrong with being silly anyway. I correspond with Math Professor Louis Kauffman and Eliot should know who Kauffman is as he also has published on the Brauer Group mathematics. As Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini states, symmetric geometry incommensurability is a "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guidiing evolutive principle" of science. So Eliot just smacks of Careerism - he's too late to the abrupt global warming party. How many times has Eliot been arrested? At least James Hansen has gotten arrested. hahaha.
@Poppy Davis Seriously his "hit and run" self-censorship comment is hilarious. Is that what it takes to solve abrupt global warming? Self-censorship is the most common form of censorship as Professor Noam Chomsky points out. That's our problem in the world today. Too many Brown-No$er careerist sell-outs.
@Poppy Davis Let me finish the point I'm trying to make - Noncommutativity is a total mind-body transformation as Eddie Oshins emphasized when Oshins collaborated with Louis Kauffman working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Noncommutativity should not just be some "tweaking" theory that is added onto to symmetric commutative geometry. oops. Now we know we are all being burned - not just me by some gambling guru. hahaha.
He was a fantastic speaker. I’m going to have to listen again. Great stuff.
@Poppy Davis I'm listening to his, "A new clear and strong voice in the doomosphere. Eliot Jacobson." interview on poetry of predicament channel
@Poppy Davis So he's saying he confront GEE McFearSun about the 1750 starting point of industrial global warming meaning we are at 2 degrees global warming C. already. So I suppose this is also why Professor Eliot rejects Sam Carana also. I don't think Sam Carana says we are at 2 Degree Celsius already? I need to double check that....
@Poppy Davis In Sam Carana's analysis, the year 1750 is used as the baseline for pre-industrial. The analysis shows that we meanwhile have also crossed the 2°C threshold (in February 2020) and that the temperature rise looks set to rapidly drive humans and eventually most if not all species on Earth into extinction.
@Poppy Davis "There may have been some 0.3°C warming between 1750 and 1900, as discussed in an earlier post. ...When the baseline is changed from 1951–1980 to 1750, the necessary adjustment could therefore add up to (0.28°C + 0.3°C =) 0.58°C. NASA figures show that the temperature anomaly in February 2020 was 1.26°C above 1951–1980, so an 0.58°C adjustment translates into a anomaly above 1750 of 1.84°C for February 2020."
So Sam Carana does NOT say at 2 degree Celsius yet! So that's not a reason for Professor Eliot to dismiss Sam Carana.
@Poppy Davis "Accordingly, the February temperature anomaly was 2.04°C above pre-industrial. So, we did cross 2°C for the month February 2020. [IN THE ARCTIC]
Furthermore, long-term and short-term temperature trends that are based on the NASA data and have been adjusted as described above, have crossed 2°C above pre-industrial, indicating that both the thresholds (1.5°C and 2°C) that politicians at the Paris Agreement pledged would not be crossed, have now been crossed.:
So Sam Carana is stating that 2 degree was crossed in the arctic already - that's even true for Northern Minnesota - that's mainstream science now. Then he's says the "trend" for 2 degrees is already baked in....
@Poppy Davis OH he says he deletes his posts when he's angry. haha.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang you seem to be a diehard Sam Carana fan. I like his stuff for sure... he shows the high end of what's coming... which is not good no matter how you slice it. Sometimes scientists use different baselines only because they're looking at something that wasn't measured before a certain time, or they want to isolate a time frame, to measure acceleration for example. I enjoyed listening to Eliot regarding this new paper.
that sounds like a cool drawing right brain exercise - only I'm left-handed (at least in terms of using a pencil or pen). haha. Music as frequency is right brain dominant and the older language is the more musical it is. So the San Bushmen test as the lowest IQ but their language is the most sophisticated in terms of number of sounds and frequencies.
And there is the Bouba-Kiki Effect which proves that the imagery of written words - no matter what language - is controlled by our subconscious auditory processing of sound. So a verb sounds more round and open while a consonant sounds more sharp. Ironically it's proven by science that we can hear up to ten times faster than time-frequency uncertainty aka Fourier Uncertainty that is the linear operator switch between time and frequency. So the more precise frequency we listen to the longer time it takes to process. But the phase change between time and frequency is actually noncommutative and thus nonlocal - and therefore actually superluminal sound as listening! This is proven empirically to exist with the experiments of Guenter Nimtz. I have his book explaining this - I did a video on it.
Anyway yes our original human origins is from the rainforest like other primates and in the rainforest listening is our primary perception not visual 3D perception - or depth perception. So we have a long term bias now towards 3D visual perception with a sense of time as a linear spatial symmetric measurement. The irony being that in noncommutative nonlocal time it is asymmetric as an eternal time-frequency flow of energy that is harmonizing from the future! This is called the Law of Phase Harmony by Nobel Physicist Louis de Broglie. So all matter is actually made of light yet light, having zero rest mass, does have a hidden supermomentum or relativistic mass from the future that is the reverse time and negative frequency superluminal power of light. This is called "protoconsciousness" by Nobel physicist Roger Penrose.
So through meditation by closing our eyes and listening to the source of light then we can resonate with an energy that is inherently harmonizing our reality from the future - and hence precognitive visions are real, enabling various other abilities as a mind-body transformation. So us left-brain dominant modern humans have no idea what we are missing - in China there was a mass qigong fever in the 1980s that helped usher in their late capitalist culture - but the elite the quashed the mass movement since China has a long history of occult politics with mass movements relying on meditation for political power.
So - anyway that qigong training is the same as the Kriya yoga of the "three gunas" in India - the oldest yoga philosophy of India is the "three gunas" - its also from music theory!!
There is a meditation called the "small universe" or microcosmic orbit that is practiced in Kriya Yoga also. I go into the details in my free book, "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy." We have this assumption that our original human culture was primitive but biologically they are the same as us and their required spiritual training activated what they called N/om as an inherent FEMALE energy of the Universe. There is a Bioneers talk of a Inuit shaman who was told of the Cosmic Womb at the center of the Universe - that is the same principle - he was told his culture originated from Central Asia or even Western Asia...
So just 7000 generations ago all humans on Earth were direct cousins due to the biological bottleneck after the Mt. Toba Supervolcano. We can use science to reverse engineer our brainwashed modern left brain dominant existance. The psychiatrist Iain McGilChrist has now devoted his career to teaching how right brain dominant is better than left brain dominant. The key secret is the right brain vagus nerve is connected to the left side of the brain but not vice versa!! hahaha. So with right brain dominance we can connect to the frequency of spirit light inside our bodies and then through meditation we can empty out the energy blockages of matter - turning them back into light and reversing the phase back to the Emptiness our pure sound ether that is superluminal and inherently can not be seen - it is just a pure time-frequency energy information.
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