Antony Sutton responds to the dismissal of his argument based on the charges of antisemitism
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Funny, some decades ago a chap named Antony Sutton wrote a trilogy of books with the same titles - Wall St and the rise of Hitler, Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution and a third, Wall St. and the New Deal. Long story short, all these books are basically a rehashed version of The International Jew, which draws upon the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Sutton himself is a product of the Hoover Institute, a right wing think tank dedicated to extolling capitalism and demonizing all other economic systems. It's all idealogical crap. The worst kind of psuedo-academic nonsense. Waste your time with it if you want...
@John Buckles Patterns of Prejudice Volume 13, 1979 - Issue 4 - look up the debunking of the claim that Antony Sutton is anti-semitic. Sorry that you have fallen for some bad interwebs gossip.
That's funny because Noam Chomsky also says the Trilateral Commission propped up the Nazis and Fascists of Japan and Germany after WWII and that the Soviet Union Cold War was a False Flag operation to subsidize the military contractors (just as Smedley Butler had exposed after WWI). People call Noam Chomsky a "Self-Hating Jew" which is a nice tautology I guess just as antisemitism itself is a logical tautology.
I've actually read Antony Sutton and I don't recall any mention of jewish control, etc. Just because some of the bankers are Jewish doesn't mean it's a Jewish conspiracy. Chomsky points out that the Zionists sided with the Nazis to go against the British Empire in Palestine. So yeah I guess not only do two wrongs not make a right but neither do three wrongs! Professor Richard Spencer is not just some antisemite - anyone can listen to his podcasts on Trineday. I read his book. To just dismiss the critique of international commerce banking as antisemitism is silly. International Commerce is what it is - plain and simple.
Another good example is "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins - an inside story of the international commerce banking gangster planet scam. My undergraduate degree was in International Relations. So I know full well that it's perfectly reasonable to expose and critique international commerce banking without having to resort to some nonsense about racial antisemitism.
The Greeks were the first to use a 10 based currency system and the Hellenization of Judaism passed on the Greek monetary system. Plato was an oil merchant and Archytas promoted exponential growth of the elite via the logarithmic "alogon" irrational magnitude geometry mathematics, as economics professor Michael E. Hudson points out. Christianity was a Judaic movement to bring back the Jubilee of ancient Western Asia where every seven years all financial debt is erased since it was well known that financial interest grows exponentially while farming is a linear cyclical growth that resets itself. As Michael E. Hudson points out the Lord's Prayer originally was "Forgive Us our Debts as we forgive our Debtors."
For example when I visited the most traditional Berber village in Morocco all the women farmed for thousands of years by relying on humanure composting but the Roman Empire used shallow street sewers that contaminated the drinking water thereby requiring the building of the aqueducts to ship in clean water from afar. Western modern people are impressed by the aqueducts without realizing that humanure composting is much more sophisticated and the smell of real money! As Freud stated hoarding wealth is due to anal retention while Sanergy is a growing humanure composting business in Africa. haha.
I protested the World Bank as part of the "50 Years is Enough!" campaign in 1994 and this was only a couple dozen of us in D.C. but this led to the Shutdown of the WTO in 1999 in Seattle where I was dodging rubber bullets. Sorry but those broad-based coalitions against the international commerce banking scam were not predicated on antisemitism.
As Michael E. Hudson points out, along with Nomi Prins (former Wall St. banker) - there's over $20 trillion in FREE Central Bank FED money doled out since the collapse of capitalism in 2008 - and this almost doubled during the pandemic with $7 Trillion of more free money added - with most of this as previously illegal stock buybacks.
The financialization of the economy is a real thing with now some one third of GDP due to parasitical "rents" or speculative finance interest based on property assets, derivatives, etc. as Michael E. Hudson points out.
Abrupt Global Warming makes all of this a joke. What is the true value of Mother Nature? We will find out soon as the East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane bomb goes off - with megatons released and Earth warming another 1 Degree Celsius - along with the Aerosol Masking Effect being twice as bad as previously thought so a 40% decrease in coal sulfur pollution also heats earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. Oops - over 240 Zetta Joules of Heat in the oceans waiting to start releasing and already releasing. Enjoy our Mass Extinction of Species that's in one decade versus thousands of years from the PETM mass Extinction of Species occurring 56 million years ago.
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