Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson's lastest talk on the Physics of Mind and my response

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Hi Professor Josephson: You mentioned in a comment soon after your cymatics presentation - that you were interested in investigating math professor Louis Kauffman's research. Kauffman emphasizes that the imaginary number is not necessarily a commutative complex number but rather the imaginary number originates from a noncommutative algebraic process of time that Kauffman calls "primordial time." Similarly Penrose now relies on a noncommutative origin of reality that he calls "Fundamental time" from this same imaginary number process of time. 
Fields Medal math Professor Alain Connes calls this same process a "primitive time." Unfortunately since the foundation of science from math has been based on symmetric geometry then almost all scientists are quick to dismiss noncommutativity or be in psychological denial about it.  
Otherwise your presentation here reminded me a lot of Gregory Bateson's book, "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity" - I read that my first year of college. Bateson was struggling with the logical paradoxes but noncommutativity solves them as Eddie Oshins realized when he was working at SLAC with Louis Kauffman also.  
By the way I'm just starting the book, the biography of Mathew Manning, as per your recommendation, "The Link" - and you have a very nice quote on the back about how a "new force" is needed to explain his abilities. Yes quantum mechanics professor Basil J. Hiley also says that this "new force" is from noncommutativity and opens the door to explaining the paranormal. Hiley recently replied to me that noncommutativity is not just mathematics but is deeply physical also.

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