Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Olivier Costa de Beauregard Weak Force neutrinos as key to biological transmutation

 Recently a possible explanation for this phenomenon within the framework of modern
physics has been evolved by French physicist Oliver Costa de Beauregard, Professor
of Theoretical Physics at the Institut de Physique Theorique Henri Poincare (Faculty

of Sciences, Paris) who is also Director of the Centre National de la Reserche

Scientifique (C.N.R.S.). Costa de Beauregard suggests that such transmutations
neither takes place through strong interactions, nor through electromagnetic forces,

but through the weak interaction. This takes place through the neutral current of the
intermediate vector boson, the so called Zo, particle recently discovered by particle
physicists. Kervran's reaction for a biological transmutation from Potassium (K) to
Calcium (Ca) in germinating oats is thus explained as being Initiated by neutrino
capture (from cosmic rays) and the weak interaction follows mediated by the Z,
neutral current (the Zo probably existing as a virtual particle):-

It would seem that this formula has brought the reality of these transmutations into the
theoretical framework of modern physics. We thus see that in living matter there not
only occurs the chemical reactions (electromagnetic forces) of photosynthesis
involving the absorption of photons of light from the sun, but also weak interactions
that can effect the nuclear structure of matter, activated through the participation of
cosmic energy in the form of neutrinos that stream down upon the earth from the
depths of the universe. A full awareness of the consequences of these ideas should
have a profound influence upon many domains of modern science, not least in
agriculture, dietetics and healing.

 A noted French physicist, O Costa De Beauregard, suggested a mechanism for the transmutations, using weak force interactions and advanced waves.

No one - even Kervran himself - thought of negative energy/ negative time interactions. The
jury is still out on the actual mechanism, but it is absolutely clear that the transmutation does
indeed occur

  Louis Kervran, "Biological evidence of low energy transmutations", Maloine, 1975 (See "Final Note" by Costa de Beauregard)



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