Saturday, November 20, 2021

Philip Moriarity leaves out the most important discovery of Louis de Broglie, the "great design" of Nature as a Walking Quantum Diffraction Wave!

 So Physics Professor Philip Moriarty then states that de Broglie was "uncomfortable" with his momentum wave equation being used as a virtual probability wave function by Schroedinger. But this is not accurate. For one thing Moriarty misses the chance to mention that Planck was directly inspired for his infamous Planck's Constant by equal-tempered logarithmic music theory, as explained by Peter Pesic in his book, Music and the Making of Modern Science. 

 Secondly as Fred Alan Wolf points out, Schroedinger realized the photon emission at the quantum jump was a quantum subharmonic or quantum beat, but of what he did not know. The quantum physicist Durr emphasizes, based on Heisenberg, that the truth of the Planck's Constant is actually from noncommutativity or time-frequency noncommutative phase requiring relativity as must as quantum waves. 

De Broglie was critiquing relativity with his Law of Phase Harmony that was the true basis of his quantum wave model of particles based on momentum. In other words it's not just that the momentum is inverse to the wavelength but also that due to relativity as a particle goes towards the speed of light then there has to be a negative frequency internal to the particle based on an internal clock of reverse time energy. 

This is the secret of the paranormal phenomenon as de Broglie's protege Olivier Costa de Beauregard argued. So by Moriarity ignoring this truth then he is missing the true music meaning of relativistic quantum noncommtuative coherence in quantum biology.

In that sense I would say that the Buddha was inspired by the same thing
that inspires mathematics itself"
vacuum energy arises as a noncommutative
geometry or Planck-scale correction; it is in some sense zero when computed in
noncommutative geometry but arises when this is seen as a correction to classical
geometry, which would explain why it is so much smaller than what would arise
from a quantum correction.
SHAHN MAJID, 2014, University of Oxford
Moriarity then emphasizes that if anyone is claiming that Quantum Woo Woo is true just ask them if they can become a walking quantum diffraction wave!! If they say that is an oversimplication - stick to your guns!! OK Moriarity - let's consider your "debunking" standard!
"in principle you can be in two places at once" and also "you can walk through walls."
Dear Dr. Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi: In the video of the award-winning "quantum drum" device, the scientist states The end of the video has the scientists saying "in principle you can be in two places at once" and also "you can walk through walls." 
Qigong master Sifu Ho Fatt Nam (see:  The Art of Chi Kung: Making the Most of Your Vital Energy: (Revised Edition) By Kiew Kit, Wong)" said his senior classmate could walk through walls. Also Daoist alchemist master Wang Liping: 
On more than one occasion, my teacher told us an experience he had with Wang Li Ping in China. He asked about enlightenment and how one really can know if they're enlightened. Sherfu Wang was silent. Suddenly he stood up and left the room, locking the door behind him. A moment later he walked back in the room, passing right through the wall as if it didn't even exist. My teacher's jaw dropped as Sherfu calmly and simply explained that when you are enlightened you are truly one with your environment; not just intellectually or spiritually, but totally."  
And please consider that SLAC quantum physicist Eddie Oshins realized the secret of Wing Chun training, that he taught, was based on noncommutative phase, as the 5th dimension, allowing Daoist Neigong alchemy training to be real. Thank you for your time and consideration. I realize this ability is rare - but the most famous Buddhist teacher of China, Master Nan, Huai-chin also describes this ability of his friend. He says he could stick his hand into his friend's "rainbow light" body and asked his friend why he was still playing games instead of seeking the real Dharma? haha. They were both in deep meditation in the mountains in Tibet.

So how would the Law of Phase Harmony apply to a person as a whole?
"Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook."

Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes.

Coherence as consciousness.
"Ghost Tones"

Manfred Euler is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Kiel.

Sitting in a quiet room, we can hear sounds that cause our eardrums to vibrate by less than the diameter of an atom. ...

Quantum Effects in the Dynamics of Biological Systems, 1983, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, William Bialek (currently Princeton Professor)

It was observed that the absolute threshold of hearing could be obtained at 0.16 mW (rms), and by calculation that there was an amplitude of displacement of the eardrum of the order of 10-11 and a corresponding amplitude of the cochlear basilar membrane of 10-13 meter.

.0001 nanometers
So definitely at the scale of quantum coherence.

Quantum Spin is not a "field"
Then if microscopic entities are assumed to obey Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP), as we know they do, one is forced to admit that the concept of "microscopic particle" is a self-contradictory one....Therefore, whatever its nature is, it is a non-spatial entity, and if only for this reason it cannot be considered a particle....But a field is also an entity defined in space, possessing specific actual properties in every point of it (like for instance force vectors).

 So the noncommutative phase is not limited to the microscale and then the Penrose-Pythagorean Protoconsciousness Principle can be scaled up.

More details later. thanks


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