Tuesday, November 16, 2021

New correspondence with physics professor Manfred Euler

Professor Euler: I have been reading the article you sent. I have some questions for you. I loved your previous response to me about the Law of Phase Harmony in terms of quantum biology. As you are probably aware it's been proven that humans can listen up to ten times faster than Fourier Uncertainty and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho argues this phase coherence between the ears demonstrates quantum coherence. In your article you describe the periodicity principle as the basis for neuron synchronization creating a subharmonic ghost tone as the fundamental frequency. Then in the quantum section you write how the photon frequency is an uncertainty relation to the phase. Sorry for my imprecise language.
Have you seen Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes' youtube talks on the "Music of Shapes" and the Quantum music of the sphere? He calls his model of reality, "two, three infinity" because the pitch as the Perfect Fifth remains the same whether it is an undertone as 2/3 or "C to F" Perfect Fifth while as an overtone Perfect Fifth it is 3/2 as C to G. So the geometry is noncommutative yet the Perfect Fourth from doubling the 2/3 into 4/3 is not a natural overtone of the root tonic as the 1 denominator pitch doubling. Connes says this means music based on the growth rate of the exponential frequency actually has a geometric dimension of zero and is the basis of nonlocality as the Law of Phase Harmony foundation of reality. The noncommutative phase is demonstrated by the fact of the attempted scale equivalence of the octave and Perfect Fifth: it is 2 to the 19th divided by 3 to the 12th as the exponential while the logarithm is 2 to the 1/12th divided by 3 to the 1/19th.
So for example in traditional Indian drone listening it is well known that if the Perfect Fourth is the higher string then it is heard as the actual root tonic. And also in traditional Chinese music the concept is as Sir James Jeans describes in his book "Science and Music" - an infinite spiral of fifths that is noncommutative with the fourths (as yang and yin resonance).
So that means there is an inherent infinite resonance of energy based on internal listening. Also in tinnitus research it was proven that the highest pitch we hear externally then resonates the brain as a whole internally as ultrasound. I'd be happy to give you the reference. Then Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose's consciousness model was corroborated by a study showing that ultrasound resonates the microtubules of the neurons at 3000 times amplification of electromagnetic energy as quantum coherence. This means that the tubulin are a metamaterial with the microtubules creating a nonlocal reverse time quantum beat, as per the Law of Phase Harmony.
Let me know if that makes sense - and also Dr. Andrija Puharich figured out this same secret of ultrasound creating an ELF subharmonic beat from the water molecule being harmonically split into protons and electrons via the "4th state" of water. So then the magnetic moment between the proton and electron has a phase velocity difference of 1/0.125 as the 8 hertz ELF or alpha-theta brain waves and heart synchronization. I don't quite understand the science of the delocalized protons having an 8 hertz "reverse precession" spin as the magnetic moment. Puharich was claiming it has to do with the Schwinger magnetic moment anomaly. Dr. Emilio del Giudice, physics professor, made the same claim about water being harmonically split with the hydrophilic collagen proteins in the body - as a metamaterial resonance so that the body absorbs virtual photons.
I'd appreciate any feedback since you have the actual physics training.
thanks again,
drew hempel

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