When I was in high school I realized that Western math was wrong and that Pythagorean music harmonized all reality. Then I discovered that Daoist meditation alchemy is the same as the Pythagorean music math that Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes calls, "2, 3, infinity."
So I finished my master's degree doing intensive meditation while fasting for a week and getting energy healing from Chunyi Lin through the African Studies Department at University of Minnesota. That was in 2000. I saw ghosts and I smelled cancer as rotting flesh death smell and I did healing. haha. After that I went on a crazy zen full lotus free tantric psychic healing fest reading one scholarly book a day for ten years while sitting in full lotus in public.
Then I left the big city - having completed my "Natural resonance revolution" of psychic tantric love in Minneapolis in 2009. That's when I discovered Gee McFearSun - while I worked at an organic food warehouse job and I did restoration ecology work and continued doing free healing on my family.
People have no idea what the truth of reality is - and we are all idiots when we walk around with our eyes open and our left-brain dominance with our right-hand dominant technology. We are destroying left-handed amino acids of right-brain dominant life on Earth. Western science calls this "symmetry." Hilarious.
yes GEE McFEarSun just interviewed Kevin Hester - they say that a 9 degree Celsius increase is "baked in." So the COP26 is assuming that not only will emissions magically stop rising but that the future release of heat from the oceans will somehow be captured AND that the positive feedbacks of the arctic ice melting will be stopped. We are immediately facing global food insecurity and increasing famine worldwide and as GEE and Kevin point out - the mainstream politicized science just talks about ocean levels rising.
Meanwhile nuclear power is promoted as a solution while ignoring the pollution costs of mining uranium, routine radiation releases, all the carbon to build the nuke power plants, all the nuclear waste, etc. All these technofixes that Paul promotes and even the "mirrors" project - they don't address the fundamental issue of modern science as based on the exponential function of increased growth as a heat engine.
The fact is Western civilization made an error in logic ever since Plato - and this is what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls a "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guiding evoltive principle" of Western science. Scientists love to say the "math works" and explains the secrets of the Universe while ignoring the biological annihilation as a mass extinction of life - as GEE says - the worst since 1 billion years.
yes from a physics perspective the mirrors make sense unless you study Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose who emphasizes that the negative entropy of life is actually the negative entropy of gravity that powers the quantum entanglement of solar fusion. Whereas the technology of symmetric-based math physics is the negative entropy of matter (or the claim of doing so).
So I'm arguing that all environmental activism should be based on putting the Cosmic Mother first as the negative entropy of gravity of quantum biology due to noncommutative phase logic or quantum algebra. Penrose admits he's not good at the noncommutative geometry math or quantum algebra but he got his "Twistor" term from his buddy Professor Basil J. Hiley who is good at the noncommutative phase math.
So as Hiley emphasizes most quantum physicists do not understand quantum nonlocality that means at zero time there already is a self-organizing new "formative cause" as a new spin force. The ancients knew this truth as it is explained by Alain Connes, the Fields Medal mathematician of physics - he calls this "2, 3, infinity" from noncommutative music theory. My background is in music theory.
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