Thursday, November 18, 2021

My review of Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics

Here is someone dismissing Franz Bardon as not truly understanding Hermetics. 

Here is an in depth promotional video review of Franz Bardon 

What I found kind of strange is that alchemy is based on the simple principle of putting the fire under the water to create the steam. Franz Bardon in contrast seemed more focused on separating the elements with the electrical and magnetic as separate powers. 

I was trying to be sympathetic - and so his electrical fluid of the left brain would be the "yin qi" and the magnetic fluid of the right brain would be the "yang qi."

But in alchemy the yin and yang have to be combined together and purified to create the Yuan Qi. So then Franz Bardon states the Ether can not be accumulated in the body but the Yuan Qi definitely can be accumulated in the body as the Ether.

Also there is a disparagement of nonwestern "asanas." So he keeps calling sitting with back straight on a chair as the "asana." That's not really an asana whereas if he was doing real astral travel then he should be able to sit in full lotus padmasana. So that raises a big red flag right there.

Then he says for real astral travel the heart stops beating. That is possible but doesn't seem quite correct. I've never seen that claim elsewhere. The San Bushmen state their heart does stop beating for deep healing - and probably their astral travel - so I guess it is possible.

Still with the emphasis on separating the powers more than combining them - the book doesn't seem very realistic to me. I will read the other books I have of his - to see. The above link review dismisses him as a fake. 

Here is someone who got sent to a psychiatrist to be diagnosed with a fake brain disease because of the person trying to make the claims of Franz Bardon. Yes without relying on full lotus padmasana I'm sure people would try to make such claims.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is the real deal.

 Bardon states,

"The central point is the depth point of the body." p. 138

 He's referring to in front of the spine and behind the solar plexus. But I know from Ramana Maharshi and the Taoist Yoga book that the depth point of the body is the right side of the heart - from the right side vagus nerve as the "tiger" channel or yang qi.

Also there's no mention of the pineal gland that I could find! That seems suspicious to me - if he really achieved some kind of third eye opening if should at least mention the pineal gland.


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