Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My commentary on Roy Dobson's commentary on a couple dudes debating nondualism philosophy (or trying to?)


Poonjaji uses the "Mirror image" of nondualism. Ramana Maharshi states that the "sattvic mind has to be accepted for the sake of argument." What that means is that consciousness as the spiritual ego of light HAS to be accepted to "turn the light around" to then resonate with the mirror of reality. This was discovered by Louis de Broglie in science as the Law of Phase Harmony and Roger Penrose has also rediscovered this. So as Penrose now emphasizes mass actually is from frequency and there is a hidden frequency of light that is a negative frequency and reverse time energy. So the "mirror" is called the noncommutative phase that Harmonizes the future and the past time through positive and negative frequency of light as the Sattvic spiritual ego. This is also why Poonjaji in his memoir, "Nothing Ever Happens" emphasizes that it is a BLUE light that is seen as a person goes into the formless awareness. Why a blue light? Because the higher frequency of light then creates a stronger reverse time "mirror" that is a harmonization of the phase of external and internal reality. So the external reality has time slowing down and getting bigger with a lowering of the frequency of light. So that is the conventional mainstream science that is destroying life on Earth while the spiritual masters have the blue light: Hathor, Krishna, etc.
Yes and Bertrand Russell stated that the real numbers are a "convenient fiction." The square root of two originated from the major 2nd music interval cubed as the tritone (9/8 x 9/8 x 9/8) from Plato. 
"Some idea of the scope and comprehensiveness of the “Principia” can be gleaned from the fact that it takes over 360 pages to prove definitively that 1 + 1 = 2. Today, it is widely considered to be one of the most important and seminal works in logic since Aristotle's “Organon”.
He's claiming noncommutative numbers are "equivocal" use of "plus" - but actually music theory explains noncommutative numbers!! It's not equivocal as Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes explains. He just calls it (2, 3, infinity) - I discovered this on my own in high school and I realized that Yang is 3/2 and Yin is 3/4 from Music theory. But then there's the Single Perfect Yang if 2/3 as C to G overtone and 2/3 as C to F undertone but as the Perfect Fifth. That got covered up by Plato. And so we all got brainwashed. haha.
eeww... "Peterson analogy" gross. Jordan Peterson is just a "father figure" meme. Tragic.
Buddha calls it the "inner ear method" and Lao Tzu calls it "listening to the highest sound that can not be heard." It's a secret of music theory that I realized - from the Logos of Pythagorean philosophy. Ever since Plato it's been a lie that math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls the "secret of the sect" that covered up the music origins of Western math that is "really astonishing" and "shocking." And Borzacchini says there is a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evoltive principle" of science.
George Cantor actually originally wanted to be a musician and he regretted going into mathematics.
Roy I was thinking about you recently. The nondualism is actually "not-two" but it's not the same as "the one" so it is actually eternal listening as logical inference as formless awareness explained by music theory. The Dao is 2, 3, infinity (chapter 42). The "three gunas of no guna" is the oldest philosophy of Indian. Ramana Maharshi called it the "Undifferentiated Triad." I'm just listening to this TOE Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes. 
He explains the secret of music as reality that he says is "1 + 1 = 2" just as the octaves. But he calls it (2, 3, infinity) because it's complementary opposites. This got covered up by Western thought since Plato. Roger Penrose recently admitted this "noncommutative" quantum algebra is also the truth of "proto-consciousness." So the "proto-consciousness" is formless awareness (not consciousness as thinking). I just did a post on Roger Penrose on the environmental coffeehouse site. yes from a physics perspective the mirrors make sense unless you study Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose who emphasizes that the negative entropy of life is actually the negative entropy of gravity that powers the quantum entanglement of solar fusion. 
Whereas the technology of symmetric-based math physics is the negative entropy of matter (or the claim of doing so). So I'm arguing that all environmental activism should be based on putting the Cosmic Mother first as the negative entropy of gravity of quantum biology due to noncommutative phase logic or quantum algebra. Penrose admits he's not good at the noncommutative geometry math or quantum algebra but he got his "Twistor" term from his buddy Professor Basil J. Hiley who is good at the noncommutative phase math.  
So as Hiley emphasizes most quantum physicists do not understand quantum nonlocality that means at zero time there already is a self-organizing new "formative cause" as a new spin force. The ancients knew this truth as it is explained by Alain Connes, the Fields Medal mathematician of physics - he calls this "2, 3, infinity" from noncommutative music theory. My background is in music theory.
 WEIRD - I read that Gordon Kane book that argued for the discovery of the Higgs Boson and I also contacted a professor to argue against its existence. Hilarious

Stephen Hawking bet Gordon Kane $100 that physicists would not discover the Higgs boson. After losing that bet when physicists detected the particle in 2012, Hawking lamented the discovery, saying it made physics less interesting. Now, in the preface to a new collection of essays and lectures called "Starmus," the famous theoretical physicist is warning that the particle could one day be responsible for the destruction of the known universe.

Hawking is not the only scientist who thinks so. The theory of a Higgs boson doomsday, where a quantum fluctuation creates a vacuum "bubble" that expands through space and wipes out the universe, has existed for a while. However, scientists don't think it could happen anytime soon.

"Most likely it will take 10 to the 100 years [a 1 followed by 100 zeroes] for this to happen, so probably you shouldn't sell your house and you should continue to pay your taxes," Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, said during his lecture at the SETI Institute on Sept. 2. "On the other hand it may already happened, and the bubble might be on its way here now. And you won't know because it's going at the speed of light so there's not going to be any warning." [Doomsday: 9 Real Ways Earth Could End]

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

actually god SAID, "Let there be light." So it's not observation - it's LISTENING. Ramana Maharshi calls it Mouna Samadhi or Silence Samadhi. Ramana Maharshi also says the Self is NOT light.
Actually if you study Andre Linde who coined the "multiuniverse" concept that everyone clings to he actually means the creation of matter FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty at the Planck scale. This can be done internally through meditation.
To "escape" as eternal liberation actually means "cutting the knot" of the spiritual ego to the body via the "secret pinhole" on the right side of the heart as Ramana Maharshi explains and he took nine years of nonstop medtation, even refusing to see his own mom, to achieve it. Even David Godman ignores this truth. Hilarious. The book "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" also explains this secret of the right side of the heart - it's via a deep right side vagus nerve activation as deep kundalini. See the 1948 edition of Ramana Maharshi's book "Who Am I?" - it shows the need for the kundalini (not like all the other versions online). haha. I'll take a photo of it - it's in the University library.
Yes Ramana Maharshi stated, "There is no evolution" and all the astral realms are temporary illusions....

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Roger Penrose points out there is no need for an observer - as does Basil J. Hiley. Sorry but there's a lot of "pop" views of quantum mechanics that are just plain wrong. Or study Yakir Aharonov on the "weak measurement."
 Actually infinity is not expansionary or reductionary. Roger Penrose points out there is NO SCALE at the primordial time that creates the big bang and exists at the end of the universe.
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
Schroedinger made his "Cat superposition" example to prove that quantum physics needed to be improved. Why? Schroedinger was ignoring relativity. He got his wave function from the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. Roger Penrose uses the de Broglie-Einstein equation to prove proto-consciousness. Yes proto-consciousness is NOT consciousness. Check out Stuart hameroff and Roger Penrose. They did figure it out pretty much. haha.

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