Thursday, November 18, 2021

Petoukhov, S.V.: Algebraic Harmony in Genomic DNA-Texts and Long-Range Coherence in Biological Systems from (2, 3, Infinity)

Algebraic Harmony in Genomic DNA-Texts and Long-Range Coherence in Biological Systems

 The paper is devoted to actual problems of development of quantum biology. Connections of the hyperbolic rules of cooperative oligomer organization of DNA-texts of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes with known Fröhlich’s theory of quantum long-range coherence in biological systems are considered for the first time. These new hyperbolic rules in long helical DNA, which are related with the harmonic progression 1, 1/2,…, 1/n, allow discussion of a connection of Fröhlich’s theory with fractal-like phenomena of the cooperative organization of long DNA-texts and also with helical antennas, which emit and absorb electromagnetic waves of circular polarization. The harmonic progression is related to standing waves in resonators and, in particular, to harmonics in music. It is noted that the algebra-harmonic features of genomes remind the well-known ancient practice of meditations using music and 4-sector mandalas. The described materials develop ideas of quantum biology and can lead to new ideas in theoretical and application areas, including problems of artificial intelligence and in-depth study of genetic phenomena for medical and biotechnological tasks.


  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Positional tetra-groupings rule of percentage composition of n-plets
  3. 3. DNA epi-chains and the positional rule of percentages of n-plets
  4. 4. Regarding the development of Gestalt genetics based on analogies with Gestalt psychology
  5. 5. Gestalt genetics and quantum informatics
  6. 6. Gestalt percentage rules for sets of n-plets starting with certain k-plets (k < n)
  7. 7. The genomic rules and Frohlich's theory about collective quantum effects in biological systems
    • 7.1. Some concluding remarks
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Appendix I. On the tensor product of matrices
  10. References


 Wow fascinating!! a sequence of these two and three hydrogen the INfinite stochastic resonance of Pythagoras!!


This is amazing!!

Precisely the same noncommutative phase model. No conversion to equal-tempered tuning...

Oh I saw this before I think.


Dear Professor Sergey V. Petoukhov: The topic you have recently published on is precisely the same topic I have been researching for over thirty years so I am very happy to finally have some corroboration! Did you know that Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes has given a lecture on music theory explaining his unified field theory of reality as noncommutative quantum algebra? He calls it, "two three infinity" and it is the same Pythagorean noncommutative ratios you have modeled from quantum physics. I had this same insight when I was in high school as a teenager, privately studying music. So then I discovered that nonwestern meditation is based on this same secret! So I finished my Master's Degree by doing intensive meditation with a Chinese Daoist meditation spiritual healer who trained at Shaolin. Sure enough the secret of paranormal powers and spiritual healing is from this truth of reality as 2, 3, infinity! Also the secret of the "three gunas" of India is also from this same noncommutative phase of 2, 3, infinity.

Most Western scientists feel obligated to "convert" the math back into symmetric logarithmic math but I'm glad to see you have not done so. At least so far as much as I've read. I will continue reading.
My research is on "" under my name "drew hempel" as Pythagorean quantum research.
I have a free book also called "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" as a docdroid.
OK I saw your earlier powerpoint presentation online

Mathematical Methods of Algebraic Biology

- but you didn't mention the "two, three, infinity" secret in that powerpoint - so I didn't contact you! You did mention the connection to Daoism though. Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching is all about the two, three infinity secret but Westerners don't get the secret since they don't understand the noncommutative phase.
Essentially 2/3 is C to F undertone while 3/2 is C to G overtone and this was taken OUT of Western science ever since Plato.
Can you send me a copy of your article?

Algebraic harmony and probabilities in genomes. Long-range coherence in quantum code biology

Here is my "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" book.
And here is my site
Thank you for your excellent research and I look forward to reading more details,
Drew Hempel, MA

Symmetry: Culture and Science
2021 | journal-article


Sergey Petoukhov (author)
Elena Petukhova (author)
Vitaly Svirin (author)
Vladimir Verevkin (author)



Last modified


Biophysicist, bioinformatist (b. Moscow, Russia, 1946).
Address: Laboratory of Biomechanical Systems, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian
Academy of Sciences; Malyi Kharitonievskiy pereulok, 4, Moscow, 101990, Russia. E-mail:
Fields of interest: genetics, bioinformatics, biosymmetries, multidimensional numbers, musical harmony,
mathematical crystallography (also history of sciences, oriental medicine).

Algebraic harmony and probabilities in genomes. Long-range coherence in quantum code biology


















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