More or Less Cracked, a film exploring the search by Oliver Lodge for his son raymond following raymond's death in the first world war. His research into paranormal phenomenon through his relationship with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard, and the Spirit guide
yes DMT is a serotonin receptor activator. So yes I changed my environment so it is not conducive to meditation - unfortunately. I do tend to wake up early when it is quiet so I can meditate - as the qigong master gets up around 3:30 am or so... yes seeing light is just a matter of more meditation to store up energy. Instead I do not store up the energy but rather send out the "yin qi" as psychic healing - this also off-gasses any impurities out of my skull. haha. So I don't fit into civilization as I smell like money all the time - unless I use antiseptics. If I make eye contact with someone who is tired then I immediately get an internal tingling sensation from the biophotons going out of my eyes along with the yin qi as part of the Yuan Qi. So the Yuan Qi emanates out of the pineal gland but then separates into the yin qi and yang qi.
So as Master Nan, Huai-chin states the spiritual and the mundane do not mix. We live in a fascist culture that attacks spiritual meditation - because spiritual meditation causes a spacetime exorcism of the low frequency spirit blockages. So I could definitely try to meditate more but I would have to go to my hermitage - and I already have responsibilities in my new environment. All my yin qi energy goes into the people around me as I live in a senior housing development. So I do not see much light anymore but I still do yin qi healing. Also I have to use antiseptics all the time as my diet is not pure and also the yin qi energy is a tantric psychic healing that is weak and not the real spiritual yuan qi healing.
So yes the dark room meditation with full lotus and strong plant-based DMT - creates a strong conversion of yang qi as jing to yin qi and yin shen - there is a loud OM sound from the heart as the shen astral realm is activated. All matter is made of light and so we are made aware that our external perceptions are a reflection of our internal light that is from the future as the Yuan Qi is from the future as precognition.
So yes the science is just as "intellectual self-defense" as the Penrose and Hameroff research mirrors the Andrija Puharich research - and so Hameroff does consider psychedelics to resonate the proto-consciousness directly of the Universe. The noncommutative math as (2, 3, infinity) has to be the Pythagorean orthodox natural numbers as Micho Durdevich acknowledges - so he cites Connes but Connes yes is trying to convert the noncommutative math to the symmetric math. Eddie Oshins realizes the noncommutative phase math scales up to the macrolevel as the Neigong training - and so my discovery of Oshins in 2015 then corroborated my own claim. Penrose then emphasizes that the entropy of matter is actually the negentropy of gravity.
So all this goes to explain why the symmetric math of standard science has created the abrupt global warming ecological crisis on Earth and how the noncommutative phase math as nonwestern music is the secret of the alchemy meditation from our original human culture - the San Bushmen Pygmy culture based on peace and spiritual healing.
So even Poonjaji pointed out that our modern times today are too polluted so that the yogic body can not be purified enough for the high level of spiritual healing.
The natural number nonlinear resonance is thus called the Devil's Staircase in western science as engineers know that such natural resonance will break apart matter. And so then the spacetime vortex as the Yuan Qi Emptiness is the formless awareness that we are left with but it also guides the creation of new Yuan Shen as new harmonious matter or Yuan Jing.
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