Tuesday, September 28, 2021

GEE McFearSun castigates Derrick Jensen but what is the real problem? Lack of Tshoma training

  We modern humans lost our connection with the truth of our physiology. For examnple there is no homosexuality in our original human culture - they did not even know what homosexuality was so how could they be homophobic? 

That "conservation" as "conversation" is not allowed by modern Western science because the males are not able to control their lower bodies. haha. Camille Paglia argues in her tome, "Sexual Personae" that Western civilization is inherently homosexual - yes this is the "Missile Envy" dynamic as what is also called the "Edifice Complex." 

 So the billionaires compete to ejaculate higher into space - because the truth is defined by what I call the ejaculation-anger-fear cycle of reality - a lower frequency spirit blockage. Derrick Jensen was first promoted by John Zerzan. Noam Chomsky responded to me with an email about how John Zerzan misrepresented the research of Chomsky and when Chomsky asked for any references - then Zerzan refused to give any. 

John Zerzan is a hack who misrepresents our Original Human Culture - why? He is too mind controlled by Western reality. So the fact that John Zerzan is the basis for Derrick Jensen being promoted explains the problem of Derrick Jensen as well. I remember when my local radical bookstore asked me what I thought of Derrick Jensen - I paged through his verbose tomes and immediately say they were vapid. 

What organizing had he done? What practical problem solving? No he was subsumed by the abuse he suffered that had become hard-wired into his mind-body and he embodies the problem - a growing problem of today of males on Earth. For example the Bonobo culture is even misrepresented by Western science. Bonobo males only ejaculate with females - for reproduction but that is not how they are represented in Western culture. Kind of funny actually. 

The Aztecs, for example, spread pederasty as a "culture" into the Mayans. An anthropologist has protested the "promotion" of Aztec culture by biased anthropologists who have an ejaculation addiction bias. Evil is real. So that is why central america is the most violent culture on Earth.

 the problem of the corporation as a legal person is actually a deeper problem of Western science and mathematical logic that is from Plato. Plato defined each person as the music major 2nd interval of 9/8 that had to be "compromised" for the good of the state as 9/8 cubed equaling the square root of two. So our political democracy is a scam of logarithmic math with the hidden inverse growth as the exponential function used by the elite for technology and wealth. The math is wrong because the music theory is wrong. The truth is noncommutative phase logic - but most people don't even realize that our Western math is from the wrong music theory. So our corporation corruption is a deeper corruption of the wrong basis of logic and how science is driven as a religion of technology. Former MIT history professor David F. Noble has a great book on this, "The Religion of Technology" - written in 1996.

 please don't dis "navel gazing" based on the wrong assumption that it is "your own" - this belies the philosophy of nondualism at the foundation of Western civilization, as per Dr. Peter Kingsley, who did his Ph.D. on PreSocratic philosophy. Or you could study Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose and his collaborator Professor Emeritus Stuart Hameroff. If you all want to be revolutionary radical activists then try to understand that globalization goes two ways. Thanks

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