Are you really seriously interested in the science of global warming? I wouldn't rely on the IPCC report as that has to be screened politically - so the science is very conservative. Yes I use Sci-Hub to read academic papers normally behind paywalls requiring an academic database. I have a Master's Degree. I regularly read "googlescholar" papers and researchgate and arxiv.
As far as "tipping points" and feedback loops - there was a mainstream peer-reviewed science paper recently on that topic in global warming. So the article states:
This is known as “hysteresis”. It occurs when a system undergoes a “bifurcation” – which means to divide or fork into two branches – and it is subsequently difficult, if not impossible, for the system to revert to its previous state.
From the science journal NATURE:
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) introduced the idea of tipping points two decades ago. At that time, these ‘large-scale discontinuities’ in the climate system were considered likely only if global warming exceeded 5 °C above pre-industrial levels. Information summarized in the two most recent IPCC Special Reports (published in 2018 and in September this year)2,3 suggests that tipping points could be exceeded even between 1 and 2 °C of warming (see ‘Too close for comfort’)."
Yeah that's the article I was thinking of.
So you may have heard of the conservation biologist Professor emeritus Guy McPherson - he compiled a list of positive feedback "tipping points" - and he claims if just ONE of those tipping points is triggered then we are doomed. And he's also claimed that more than one has already been triggered - he's also got a youtube channel called "Nature Bats Last" that has a few vids on the tipping points that have been triggered.
I recently had someone challenge me on the East Siberian ARctic Shelf Methane Bomb - the person claimed to be a "scientist" who "religiously reads" global warming science. But at first they claimed that the Methane Bomb was not a bomb at all but would be a "gradual" release of methane. So I just began posting the science directly and he was forced to admit that the latest science does prove that indeed there is a Methane Bomb and that the methane levels are already detected to be accelerating out of the ESAS.
This is quite ironic because his first comment that I was responding to was that we all need to FIGHT for the next DECADES against global warming. And his last comment to me was that more studies need to be done o the methane bomb before we take any action. Hilarious!!
Now about mathematics being based on the real world - I would have to disagree. First of all - check out Roger Penrose' on his definition of consciousness from Godel's Incompleteness theorem - which proves that either math is inherently inconsistent or not proven. Also math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out that the continuum was never proven - for the same reason - from Godel.
So as I mentioned - I follow Alain Connes, the Fields Medal math professor - and he has several youtube lectures on the "Music of the Quantum Sphere." He calls this model - summarizes it as (2, 3, infinity) from music theory. This was the SAME insight I had about music theory from my own private studies in music during high school - only I called it "complementary opposites." haha.
So Penrose also relies on noncommutative geometry or quantum algebra math to describe reality via consciousness from positive and negative frequencies combined together. The irony of noncommutative geometry is that it requires Redoing all the Western math so far as since Plato math has been based on commutative symmetric logic from the wrong music theory! This is what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls a "shocking" and "really astonishing" cover up as the "secret of the sect" of the music origins of the Greek Miracle of irrational magnitude number - as the "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evoltive" principle of Western science.
Another way to think of this is - again if you study Olivier Costa de Beauregard - who was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton - is that negentropy is the "universal cascade" that is the basis of life as consciousness via relativistic quantum biology while civilization is the entropy against Mother Nature. So he says that in fact Nature is intersubjective consciousness more like Eastern philosophy.
And if you want to understand the quantum mechanics explanation of abrupt global warming then I recommend Physics Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert - he was formerly at University of Chicago and now at Oxford. He had an excellent article in Scientific American.
"The public face of the spat played out in The Wall Street Journal. In September 2014, Koonin wrote an editorial where he acknowledged human-caused climate change was happening but wrote that the "impact today of human activity appears to be comparable to the intrinsic, natural variability of the climate system itself."
His article contained some inaccuracies, Raymond Pierrehumbert, a geophysicist at the University of Chicago, said on a phone call from Sweden, where he is on a guest professorship. He said that human influences are not just "comparable" to natural variability as Koonin wrote. Rather, humans have dominated warming since the 1950s."
So the other issue is the "aerosol masking effect" - someone recently tried to debate me on this but when I cited Daniel Rosenfeld 2019 - the person responded by dismissing Rosenfeld's paper from 2005 or something. The fact is that if we reduce sulfur pollution by 40% there will be a 1 degree Celsius global average increase of heating Earth - due to the "aerosol masking effect."
So also Jennifer McKinnon recently returned from a SCRIPPS research study of the Arctic ice - and she said due to the "heat bombs" from the Pacific warm water - going into the Arctic - she thinks the Arctic could be "ice free" for the first time in 3 million years - NEXT year. And also a recent study on the permafrost methane releases in the Arctic - stated that it was 70 years AHEAD of schedule. Similarly the scientists regarding the flooding in Europe said they were stunning and that according to their models - this should NOT be happening. haha.
So the problem is that the supercomputers doing chaos math iterations do not care about the future of life on Earth and those supercomputer chaos models can not even model the complexity of the ecology of the rainforest - much less global warming complexity. Yet as Math professor Steve STrogatz warned - math is now inherently "authoritarian" due to our dependence on unpredictable iterations of supercomputers.
If you study number theory though the chaos math is inherent to irrational magnitude math itself!! It's just the moving of the decimal numbers to the right as a new origin point of the math.
So contrary to the claims of the math propaganda - that the Truth is Beautiful due to Math following some Platonic Ideal - the Western symmetric-based logic as math is from the WRONG music theory as a deep disharmony. Louis de Broglie rediscovered this with his Law of Phase Harmony.
yes I should have clarified that I meant negentropy in terms of noncommutative phase math. Noncommutative phase is not limited to the quantum microlevel. So read Eddie Oshins, a physicist who worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and he collaborated with math professor Louis Kauffman. Oshins also taught neigong and he realized the secret of nonwestern meditation as internal alchemy energy training is due to noncommutative phase as negentropy.
Lawrence Domash also writes on this - the noncommutative phase resonance of quantum consciousness - as does Professor Basil J. Hiley - calling it a "new causative force." Or Nobel PHysicist - who discovered the weak force - I think his name is Chang - he says that the spin force can be harnessed.
Olivier Costa de Beauregard referred to Henri Bergson mentioning a kind of amplification internally. If you read the book, "Life on the Edge" about quantum biology - they are citing Pascaul Jordan on self-amplification of quantum nonlocality - I'm referring to Professor JohnJoe McFadden as co-author. I was promoting his work back in 2006 on PZ Myer's "top science" blog and Myer's is a Dawkins follower - and so he tried to dismiss JohnJoe McFaddens as woo woo science.
Yet quantum biology made the cover story of SciAm in 2011. Most physicists and biologists still freak out about "quantum biology" despite it being now well-documented. Dr. Jack Tuszinski is another great source on quantum biology. Emilio del Giudice also did great work on quantum biology. Also read MKULTRA CIA military scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich - he figured out a lot of this stuff and he was followed up by Professor Michael Persinger.
Thanks - that's very strange because I didn't read the thread again and I had just responded on a global warming thread to someone else's comment - including negentropic math. So I had assumed you were replying that my comment there. yes in terms of Indian philosophy - the "three in one unity" that Ramana Maharshi refers to based on the "three gunas of no guna" is actually from noncommutative phase music theory. The Perfect Fifth is rajas and Perfect Fourth is tamas and the Octave is Sattva - and this is also the basis for traditional Chinese medicine from music theory.
So what happened was - I trained in music privately from age 5 and took private theory from a former University professor - during my high school years (the husband of my piano teacher). So then - I realized this logically error of why did the Perfect Fifth have to be 3/2 as C to G overtone when it is also C to F as 2/3 Perfect Fifth (as undertone). Then I read Sir James Jeans book, "Science and Music" and he explains that the empirical truth of music is an infinite spiral of fifths and states,
"all simplicity disappears."
So then my University professor teacher showed me how if you silently hold down a piano key that is a close overtone - then strike a root tonic - then the overtone will ring out magically in resonance. And suddenly I realized that the Pythagorean truth is based on the Perfect Fifth as both C to F and C to G at the same time so that F=3=G at the same time. I called this "complementary opposites" later on.
So then my first year of college I took quantum mechanics from Herbert J. Bernstein and when he taught entanglement - he literally called me out by name and laughed at my shocked look. I had realized that entanglement was the same as this concept I had realized mathematically from music theory. So then I discovered and experienced qigong master Effie P. Chow in 1995 - and she blew the fuse in the room behind her at St. Mary's University in Minneapolis. So I went to SF to visit a friend but I could not visit Effie P. Chow as I didn't have any extra money.
But in Portland's big bookstore I discovered Dr. John Bealieau's book on Biosonics wherein he states that Yang is the PErfect Fifth and Yin is the Perfect Fourth. This corroborated my view of how Pythagorean music theory explained free energy resonance. So I wrote a manifesto on this and used it to get into graduate school. Then I wrote a Master's Thesis on it but I was still confused as I found a logistic math equation claiming to model the Taiji.
So then I TESTED my hypothesis by doing intensive meditation - through the African studies department - with a Chinese daoist spiritual yoga master healer - Chunyi Lin. So then I experienced that ghosts are real - I saw ghosts - and also experienced precognition and telepathy and long distance healing and I had a permanent psychophysiological transformation so that I could feel my pineal gland, etc.
So now realizing that my model of reality was true - then I had to finish translating it back into science and I began reading one scholarly book a day - for ten years. I had read math professor Alain Connes but I thought maybe he used music as a metaphor - until I discovered his youtube lecture called "Quantum Music of the Sphere" or "Music of the Quantum Sphere" - he has several versions on youtube.
Then math professor Micho Durdevich wrote a follow up article where he explicitly states that the Pythagorean Fifth and Octave is Noncommutative phase - and that was the final clincher to corroborate the insight I had when I was in high school. I have free research books on this - on the academia site or docdroid - look up "ancient advanced acoustic alchemy" - and my training manual link is my first upload on my channel. thanks
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