Friday, July 16, 2021

Music Improv as Flow Meditation Karen Chan Barrett, Ph.D.: study in an fMRI: Music Improv DEACTIVATES Self-monitoring and Pre-Judgement of Self in the brain


 very fascinating indeed - vid lecture


 And so EVEN with UNtrained children - there is brain DEACTIVATION from improvising music.

Very fascinating indeed!!

 The combination, the Deactivation of the lateral prefrontal cortex and the activation of the medial prefrontal cortex, that entry flow - that flow state is both for arts and meditation.
Post-doctoral Scholar Karen Chan Barrett

 Hi Post-Doc Chan Barrett: Thank you for the excellent presentation on music improv and neuroscience. I would like to share or comment on your mention of the parallel of meditation and music improv as both being in "the flow." I also started classical piano at age 5 and I was accepted into a music composition degree but I also had a "polymath" or interdisciplinary research tract to finish a Master's Degree in Liberal Studies. 

So I grew up in Minneapolis and I studied music privately, including private lessons in composition, and orchestration and ear training, with a former University music professor. I had this personal "insight" that to me was a "music concept" that led me to realize that nonwestern meditation was explained by orthodox Pythagorean music tuning. It took me another 15 years of study on my own to realize the concept was called "noncommutative phase."

Have you seen Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes' lectures (on youtube) on music theory and relativistic quantum noncommutative phase? There is another mathematics professor that cites Connes and then gives this quote:

"However, even in this case there is a highly non-commutative world of higher order collectivity algebras B(n). This can be used to capture the geometry of rotations, like those appearing in the classical Pythagorean octave versus perfect fifth considerations."
Music of Quantum Circles
    October 2017
    In book: The Musical-Mathematical Mind (pp.99-110)
Professor Micho Đurđevich

So that quote confirmed what I had realized on my own when I was in high school. And so then in 1996 I had discovered the book on "Biosonics" by Dr. John Beaulieu - wherein he argues that the Perfect Fifth is yang and the Perfect Fourth is yin and the Emptiness is then the octave that is actually infinite resonance. Alain Connes calls this term for his noncommutative philosophy as (2, 3, infinity).
So then I realized that the meditation practice called the "small universe" in Daoist qigong - is actually the 12 notes of the music scale but as infinite noncommutative phase.

Have you studied Dr. Stuart Hameroff's work with Roger Penrose? Hameroff argues that music explains his neuroscience model of consciousness but actually it is nonwestern music - as "anharmonicity." This again is due to noncommutative phase. 

So to finish my Master's Degree in 2000 then I tested my hypothesis by doing intensive self-directed research through the African Studies Department with a Chinese qigong master, Chunyi Lin of 

This proved to me that indeed this philosophy enabled a completely new perception of reality and I had a permanent transformation of my brain. This is difficult to believe but ever since my "enlightenment experience" I can now "flex" my pineal gland at will! 

I encourage you to read Eddie Oshins who worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and he coined the phrase "quantum psychology." He also taught Wing Chun and he argued the secret of Neigong (internal alchemy) was from noncommutative phase logic. 

So then I overused my energy doing free psychic healing while in full lotus - with energy going out of my pineal gland. And I don't meditate as much as I did previously - since I moved to a new location that is not as conducive for meditation. I still consider meditation to be my music practice!

I have a free book called "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" and also a training manual for males - as I am male - called "Idiot's Guide to Daoist yoga qigong neidan, neigong, for males " - something like that. haha.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

p.s. I know for a fact that ghosts are real - due to my qigong training! If you want further confirmation from a science perspective then I encourage you to read Olivier Costa de Beauregard. He was a protege of Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie. I took quantum mechanics at my first year of college from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein at Hampshire College in 1990.

All the best,
drew hempel
















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