Published: 22 February 2012
Turning point: Christopher Wilson
Virginia Gewin
Nature volume 482, page 559 (2012)Cite this article
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After finding virtual particles, a physicist turns to proteomics.
They can even travel faster than light or backwards in time. This isn't because their magic. It's because they are not physical. Virtual particles are our mathematical representation of the quantum mechanical behavior of fields. And that behavior is weird.
"Around 2007, we realized that the work could allow us to measure the virtual photons inside a vacuum. These virtual photons are generated and annihilated in pairs. About 40 years ago, it was suggested that a mirror moving near the speed of light could capture some of these photons. The effect had never been observed, because it is very hard to move a massive object that fast. We made an electronic 'mirror' that we could effectively move at one-quarter of the speed of light using magnetic fields. This allowed us to separate the pairs, stopping them from annihilating and turning them into real photons that we could observe (C. M. Wilson et al. Nature 479, 376–379; 2011)." Christopher Wilson, a physicist at Chalmers University of Technology
oops - this PBS "science" vid just got debunked.
Professor Jean Bricmont debunks quantum field theory: "All our intuitive notion of causality collapses, because this notion is based on the idea that causes precede effects in an absolute sense that does not depend on the reference frame. ...What about QFT or relativistic quantum mechanics ? In standard textbooks, the reduction or collapse of the quantum state is never discussed in relativistic terms−→the question raised by EPR and Bell is not even raised."
"Scientists at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded in creating light from vacuum – observing an effect first predicted over 40 years ago.Since their existence is so fleeting, they are usually referred to as virtual particles. Chalmers scientist, Christopher Wilson and his co-workers have succeeded in getting photons to leave their virtual state and become real photons, i.e. measurable light. ...“Relatively little energy is therefore required in order to excite them out of their virtual state. In principle, one could also create other particles from vacuum, such as electrons or protons, but that would require a lot more energy.”
oops - this vid was debunked in 2011. I guess he just isn't up to date on the proof that virtual particles actually exist!
When one embeds molecules into a sufficiently high quality
electromagnetic resonator, the molecular electrons can strongly
couple to quantum mechanically fluctuating, virtual photons
within the resonator’s shaped photonic density of states. When
strong coupling occurs within such a resonator, cavity
polaritons form, and their energies separate by a gap
proportional to the coupling strength known as the vacuum
Rabi splitting energy, ℏΩ.4 Despite being first demonstrated
more than 20 years ago,5 the effects of cavity polariton
formation on the ultrafast relaxation processes of complex
molecules central to their potency in photocatalytic and
optoelectronic applications remain unclear.
Quantum Control of Ultrafast Internal Conversion Using Nanoconfined Virtual Photons
- Aleksandr G. Avramenko
and - Aaron S. Rury*
Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 3
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