- you had your humans as death spiel - and you kept going on about "big balls" - not sure if you were reading something. The whole "big balls" fixation is part of the Chimpanzee Culture. Gorillas in contrast have SMALL balls!! Why? Gorillas have big muscles and so do not need to worry about their sperm having to compete with other males in the females. This is amazingly true primatology science. haha. So human males bragging about having Big Balls are still stuck on Chimpanzee culture - since the Chimpanzee males are always trying to compete for the females. So the Gorillas sublimate their testosterone into building muscle and hence have small balls. This is also the SAME reason that Siberian reindeer herders will take a male reindeer and BITE into the BALLS into the reindeer - thereby forcing the reindeer's hormones to go into building muscle into of ejakulating (spelled wrong in case that word is on youtube's censor list). haha. Oh I think maybe you censored a few of my comments in response to that systems theory Ph.D. dude you have on. Maybe you thought I was being mean or something? haha. Nope - just delving into some of my own academic research along similar lines. thanks
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