Thursday, May 6, 2021

Lee Smolin's parents were students of Gurdjieff

 Hi Lee: I just listened to your zoom talk on youtube, mentioning your parents training via Gurdjieff. When I took Professor Herbert J. Bernstein's QM class as my first (and last) physics class in 1990-91 - my secret goal was relying on music theory as philosophy of science. So then I discovered Alain Connes talking about music theory and saw his numerous talks on youtube - "Music of the Spheres." Another professor cites Connes - tying it to Pythagorean music theory. Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center coined the study of "quantum psychology" which he realized that noncommutative phase explained nonwestern meditation as "Neigong" or alchemy. So in other words the noncommutative phase logic explains the body movements as the alchemical training. This is the secret of Gurdjieff also. This was the same secret I had realized from my own music training in high school.

So I finished my master's degree by doing intensive meditation as nonwestern philosophy via a Chinese spiritual yoga master healer - to test out my music theory model. I had realized that Pythagorean music theory is the same as Daoist music theory and so this is also the secret of what Gurdjieff taught. I wrote a couple articles about this around 15 years ago - after my Master's degree - only I used the phrase "complementary opposites" instead of noncommutative phase. For example I know that ghosts are real - and I've had other experiences that confirm the claims of Olivier Costa de Beauregard.

So also the ecological crisis as biological annihilation is due to the fact that science considers negentropy to not be observable by biological sentience. This is a left-brain bias of science in contrast to the right-brain dominance of music theory with its deeper logic of noncommutative phase. Of course noncommutative geometry would require essentially redoing science with noncommutative calculus, etc. 

You mentioned speaking at York University - did you ever read York University Professor David F. Noble? He wrote, "the Religion of Technology" for example.
All the best,
drew hempel
 The Taiji of reality - at cosmic scale - is also at smallest scale.

She also promotes "symplectic geometry" aka noncommutative phase.

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