Wednesday, March 3, 2021

I get sent anti-Covid-19 vaccine propaganda and here is my censored response

 I posted my comment at the end of the article and it got CENSORED. hilarious.

thanks for this critique of the vaccine. The first part dismissing the PCR testing is fine but as I pointed out the science is not limited to PCR. So why the author chooses to ignore the real science is beyond me - willful ignorance is quite common on the interwebs. haha. Then we run into this stat:

   Vaccine - 8/18,198 (0.04% developed infection); Serious Side Effects: 0.6%

                                Placebo – 162/18,325 (0.88% developed infection); Serious Side Effects 0.5%

The author then states:

Therefore, the absolute risk reduction for Primary Efficacy Endpoint is 0.84%. (ie. 0.88-0.04)

No that claim is not accurate because a double-blind placebo is random. So whether someone gets the disease obviously depends on various factors that are not random - wearing a mask or washing hands or exposure rate, etc. Also people are contagious with up to 25% having no symptoms - at minimum.
So we can't just assume the placebo is an accurate rate of checking the disease - rather it's supposed to be a random background average of not getting the disease.
The efficacy of the vaccines are based on preventing deaths and serious symptoms. So this also depends on whether a person is more susceptible and each case is different. There could be hidden underlying factors and obviously age is the best determination as the strength of the immune system - also pre-existing conditions.

So then the author argues that since the test population for the vaccine did not show severe symptoms of COVD therefore the vaccine did not prove efficacy AGAINST severe symptoms. This is not proper logic as it assumes "proving a negative."

As far as the "nanolipids" potentially not breaking down - that also is just not accurate. "Nano" just means the SIZE - so that since it has a smaller size per molecule therefore it has a LARGER surface area and therefore takes longer to break down. Still it is a fat or lipid and so will break down.
the same Antibodies developed by the body to fight against the Covid spike protein (homologous with Syncythin 1 protein from human placenta) , could very well attack own cells for example placenta, causing either pregnancy or fetal problems or, infertility – when the autoimmunity prevents placenta from developing in the first place.

The retroviral SU/TM complex is half the size of that in Coronaviruses. Usually in evolution, smaller is later and more efficient. So the S1/S2 complex may be far more ancient than retroviruses, perhaps back beyond the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary at the great extinction event that occurred 65 million years ago. The viral attachment/fusion machine may have originated in some Jurassic Virological Park, and conserved in form and function ever since (Shi et al. 2018; Wertheim et al. 2013). The point being that its principal functional parts are extremely well preserved over time in each virus that uses the complex for attachment and entry. What one learns about one frequently applies to all of the others, albeit with some protein sequence variation.

So they are similar but not the same - we haven't seen problems with child birth from what I know - when pregnant moms get Covid-19.

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is made up nearly 10,000 amino acids, of which around 1,300 are found in the spike protein. Syncytin-1 is made up of around 540 amino acids. Given that there are only 20 different types of amino acid, it isn’t surprising that many, many proteins share similarities.

To make a protein these long strings of amino acids are folded to form a 3D structure. For antibodies to mistakenly recognise syncytin-1 as SARS-CoV-2, there would have to be sufficient similarity of amino acids in these strings (which there isn’t) and the critical amino acids would need to be clustered together in the 3D molecule in a sufficiently similar and accessible way (which they aren’t).

The issue of inflammation again is treated by ginger and cayenne and garlic - common herbs that people should take anyway for chronic inflammation diseases.

I'm not telling you to take the vaccine. haha.
 Someone else comments:

The article inappropriately suggests (without adequate literature support) that there was a PCR-related two-month surge (both for April/May and Dec/Jan) in cancer deaths. This does not make any sense. The decline in May/June period was not related to any change in diagnostic testing criteria (i.e. PCR)…and cancer death rates do not follow these specific patterns (even though there is some seasonal variation for some cancers).

Influenza has been notably lower in the USA and other countries , so this is not likely a contributor to the pattern of COVID peaks that you suggest are caused by PCR excessive reports


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