Tuesday, December 22, 2020

mRNA Gene Therapy is not just for the Pandemic but rather a revolution in Big Pharma digital biology medicine aka UnNatural Selection

 RNA-based Drugs Including Delivery of Antibodies and Vaccines Using mRNA - Drew Weissman Scientific Symposium from the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy's 22nd Annual Meeting

the technology of mRNA therapy - science lecture vid

 The spoils of that investment, and the potential success of a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, will long outlive this pandemic, says Hotez. “It provides a glidepath for using mRNA technology for other vaccines, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and other infectious diseases, as well as vehicles for genetic therapies. It really does help accelerate the whole biomedical field.”


 I just watched - or "speed watched" the new Netflix Doc - well last year - on Gene Therapy as UnNatural Selection.


So the gene therapy shows success in treating a genetic eye disease that causes blindness - along with other diseases being lined up for treatment.

Also the approval of genetically engineered mice to stop Lyme's Disease has now taken place.

And to stop malaria as well - genetically engineered mosquitoes.

The ecological implications of releasing GE mice to stop Lyme's 

Essentially the ecologist states we do not know the repercussions to the ecosystem or environment.

The idea of the genetic therapy scientists is that Westernized humans have created an Unsustainable Environment and therefore we have to push forward with ground-breaking technology to try to fix our past errors.

As Einstein emphasized doing the same thing over and over is a sign of insanity - but if such a technique has a nonlinear inherently unpredictable result then the result is beyond insanity but rather total chaotic evil.

Slavoj Zizek emphasizes this new category of evil - radical or chaotic evil - like in Dungeons and Dragons, the virtual reality board game. So someone could be Chaotic Good but it could overlap with Chaotic Evil.


  At a meeting with Maori elders, Esvelt is attacked for taking funding from Darpa, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. “We've heard lots and lots of nice words from the colonizers over the millennia that have proven to be hollow,” said one man. “You're a little bit like the missionary who comes along with a good story, but behind you are a whole lot of men with rifles."

So ecologists and conservation biologists have already proven that modern Westernized science has created a fast rate of "biological annihilation" on Earth. Scientists have tried to assimilate this crisis into the philosophy of Postmodernism such that "Nature" never existed since it's always in a state of chaotic change. Harmony never existed in the real world - so we can only move "forward" with progress. But as Noam Chomsky emphasizes - along with conservation biologists - our current rate of biological annihilation is much worse than any previous mass extinction of life on Earth - of the past five or six of them.

So instead, because science is our religion of modern terms, the debate is wrongly framed as who gets access to USE the technology of science? Only the well-funded scientists or can anyone in a garage or shed also use this technology? The UnNatural Selection documentary tries to cover both sides of that debate.

But the larger context of just how UnSustainable the modern world is never crops up. Considering Abrupt Global Warming puts our survival of ALL life on Earth as directly threatened within decades if not much sooner - say one decade for ALL life on Earth - then the "revolutionary" technology of "gene therapy" is actually not that very revolutionary at all.

So we shall probably never definitively prove whether the Pandemic itself was created or engineered in a lab as a mistake of trying to preemptively prevent a new Coronavirus from evolving in the wild - or whether it was a deliberate Bioweapon released - or whether it was the byproduct of ecological destruction directly from the Pangolin, endangered in the wild, being farmed and comingled with species it normally would not interact with much - bats - in confined locations, etc.

All we know is that modern diseases are mainly due to concentrated animal domestication or encroachment of humans into wild animal reserves based on ecological habitat destruction. So for example genetically engineered farm crops were actually to extend the Patent profits of the Herbicide use - and not so much to "feed the world." So similarly Big Pharma is now ready to charge exorbitant rates of profit based on genetic engineered basic research technology funded by tax payer grants.

And so genetic engineering is just part of a mix of apocalyptic technologies deemed necessary to SAVE the WORLD through PROGRESS - as PRofessor David F. Noble so well exposed in his book, "The Religion of Technology." Such progress is actually predictable with its predictable results from the structural mathematical analysis that these technologies are based on.

I actually worked in a genetic engineering lab - sterile lab - and I was the mouse cage cleaner. I had to "cull" mice that "popped out" of the cage. At a certain age they are like POPCORN!! Then I was promoted to slicing mouse brains down to 10 microns. My boss, a medical researcher, deemed me worthy of the job and asked me to continue on to the next semester or funding hiring cycle. I told him NO.

I actually felt bad for him as it must be hard to find people who can handle the job - as the lady who trained me in explained - not many could handle the job. But on the other hand as Dr. Bruce Lipton explains - it is the EXPRESSION of genes that is actually more important than the genes themselves. And so it would appear that preventative medicine is much more powerful and natural.

For example the science proves that Ginger Inhibits the activation of the ACE-2 receptor. Without the Pandemic activating ACE-2 then the virus can not spread. In fact this is precisely what the mRNA gene therapy vaccine does - it causes the S protein to be created in the body. The S-protein is what activates the ACE-2 Receptor. 

The entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells is mediated by the efficient binding of the spike (S) viral protein, a 1273 amino acid long protein which belongs to the viral envelope and protrudes outwards with a ‘corona’ like appearance, to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors. ,


So the main vaccines now produced for the Pandemic all MIMIC the  S or Spike Protein to activate the ACE2 receptor.


for details.

As I have documented - the science already proves that GINGER also efficiently binds to ACE2 Receptor!

So the ecological answer to the Pandemic would have been mass production of Ginger through AgroEcology promotion of farming as sustainable jobs.

Farming is or should be labor intensive as sustainable AgroEcology.

The problem is that Ginger can not be PATENTED and thus is not a DRUG.

So the larger context of the Solution is just to escalate the destruction of ecology on Earth with Big Pharma expensive profits.

“A study by Alu’datt et al. in the bid to evaluate the anti-hypertensive activity of ginger, demonstrated that its methanolic extract has excellent inhibitory activity on ACE 2 at an extraction temperature and time of 400C and six hours respectively. To further corroborate our hypothesis, 3-3’-digallate, a phenolic compound present in ginger was found to interact with ACE2 receptor in recent computational modelling studies. Taken together, we suggest that the intake of ginger might be beneficial for both prevention and treatment of the pandemic COVID-19. Ginger is able to inhibit ACE-2, thereby preventing the binding of the corona virus to the protein.”  


It is also interesting that theaflavin 3,3'-digallate, a phenolic compound present in ginger, was found to interact both with ACE2 receptor...with considerable biding affinities. Our present finding of theaflavin 3,3'-digallate and previous results regarding to phenolics as hits (8) prompted us to consider their effects against SARS-CoV-2 might be also associated with their antioxidant potency. With this rationale, we tentatively suggest that marketed antioxidants such as edaravone and intake of ginger with high content of phenolics might be beneficial for SARS-CoV-2 patients.
Unfortunately, this hypothesis and therapeutic approach has been largely ignored during SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Discovery of anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents from commercially available flavor via docking screening Jiao-Jiao Zhang1,†, Xin Shen2,†, Yong-Ming Yan1, Yan Wang2,*, Yong-Xian Cheng1,* 1 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shenzhen University Health Science Center, Shenzhen 518060, P.R. China 2 Center for Translation Medicine Research and Development, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, P.R. China


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