Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Be Like Water, My Friend: The book on Bruce Lee's philosophy, by his daughter: Always Be Flexible through Padmasana Full Lotus meditation

 I got this book as a xmas present and was speed reading it. So recently - awhile back - months ago - I was watching a top martial arts fighter who stars in movies and he has a youtube channel. When asked if he could have beat Bruce Lee - he said it was just a matter of size difference and due to his huge muscle size compared to Bruce then yet he would have won. But then when he was asked what he thought was the most important principle or factor in fighting - he said: SPEED.

That made sense to me at the time but Bruce Lee emphasized flexibility as the most important factor in fighting. This is fascinating to me. I had two close female friends in high school - we traveled to Alaska together - they invited me by appearing at my job. I immediately gave notice and two weeks later we were in Alaska. So before that we had traveled together during the summer for a camping trip - to visit one of the females working at a national park. So we formed the "Bean Commune" at that point.

I'm really not sure how the Bean Commune formed - it was a kind of alliance of our friendship and a way to entertain my friend's parents who were visiting us as we camped. So in our commune we each expressed our personal principle to create the commune. My principle was


So that was at age 17 or so. And I still more or less live by that principle as per my full lotus practice. The Solstice energy has been very strong recently so I had the pleasure of being woken up by the Solstice Energy - via my pineal gland - at 3 am. And since the pineal gland energy was so strong with magnetic bliss then I bathed in the silence for a nice meditation for an hour.

So Bruce Lee clearly understood philosophy as he trained from an early age from an Internal Martial Arts master of Wing Chun who taught the principles of the Emptiness and yin-yang energy dynamics.

So Bruce Lee in his philosophical breakthrough was told by his teacher to STOP PRACTICING for a week! This was of course the LAST thing that Bruce wanted to hear - and so he kept practicing on his own in secret. But eventually he found himself rowing out into Hong Kong bay alone in the water and pondering this paradox of being told to STOP PRACTICING.

So this is similar to what the assistant of qigong master Chunyi Lin also told me. When  

visited my home and he stayed with my family and he did healing on my family and me - he also said that that my mom would need me to spend time with her, that she would appreciate that more rather than me meditating.

So this was a choice in the path of my training. I was also given the opposite choice of leaving my family to try to do intensive training - as was offered - to go live with a friend and fellow student of the assistant to

So when I chose to stay with my family and later I got my first in person healing from Chunyi then he complimented me by saying my mind was very strong from years of meditation. But he also said that I should just focus my mind on my lower tan tien and to just focus on healing myself.

So as Master Nan, Huai-chin or Nan, Huaijin emphasized MOST trainers in Qi energy will get fast results and obtain some spiritual powers but then "fall back into worldliness." As Chunyi said - for advanced level training it is required to go into retreat or solitude training in Nature.

So when Bruce Lee was told to STOP PRACTICING in effect he was being taught the more advanced level of actually to have eternal constant practicing even when he was not practicing. And Bruce Lee realized this when he was on the boat and he, in anger, attacked the water, only to realize the water was not hurt and could not be hurt.

So the qigong master, "Embodies the Emptiness." What this means is that there is truly a post-death physicality that with each thought and breath the mind empties out via the spirit to beyond the heart, beyond death.

So that means that Karma during this life is constantly being Emptied out - and so the assistant of the qigong master also achieved this state of eternal liberation - by going on sabbatical - for constant meditation for months. As he told me, you could be a qigong master with the third eye fully open but that is not the same as having the heart fully open.

So then he gave me a taste of this heart opening experience that is beyond death - to stop my mind and to return my mind to its source. He said he just wanted to see from where I was talking from - if I was talking from my heart and that I was.

So he said that right after I felt a strong electromagnetic shock on the right side of my heart - deep in my body - beyond death - and I immediately stopped ranting at him, as I was driving the car and he was in the passenger seat. In my silence and in continuation of his silence - he then had responded with those words: I had just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were.

So similarly when I told him how when I saw my dad's dead blue body - I immediately felt this strong heart love from my dad and I knew my dad was experiencing that strong heart love energy at the same time. And so this is the Emptiness that is described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead - that occurs right after death. Our spirit by going through the heart at the moment of death - immediately experiences the Absolute Void which is the brightest light and the emptiness of the mind. The assistant to the qigong master said - yes it is rare that I would be able to know that is what is being experienced at death - as my dad was experiencing it.

But unless we have trained in that experience of no experience then our mind as a spirit or ghost then gets scared due to lower frequency blockages in our spirit. The qi energy has lower frequency light blockages that still need to be cleared out. So then eternal liberation is rejected and the spirit roams around in an astral dream until it is sucked back into some physical embodiment again.

So our soul as the Yuan Shen connection is able to manifest our ideal physical embodiment potential energy from its eternal form at the moment it is conceived from the Absolute Void of the formless. The assistant to the qigong master - he calls this the "Point of Origination." So when the light is turned around - as I described to him, I saw the original qigong master in full lotus meditation with spirits forming out of the top of his head. Each spirit would take the shape of a human, then break off from the top of his head and then would float out to a person to heal that person. He said, this is a very rare ability since each spirit was Individualized for each person being healed.

In other words the Absolute Void as Soul energy or Yuan Qi then accesses our Yuan Shen and manifests the Yuan Shen to restore our Yuan Jing of our body. It's an integrated harmony of body-mind-spirit through the Emptiness as alchemy. The qigong master experiences this all happening at the SAME time since he embodies the Emptiness.

So it is the Emptiness doing the healing but the qigong master has the light turned around such that time appears to no longer exist and what remains is an eternal listening to the formless or infinite frequency energy. This is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi in yoga.

On this level of healing the qigong master is healing spirits that are not in a body - as much as bodies that have a spirit in them. The soul healing is this universal infinite potential energy healing of both body AND spirit (as mind) via the Emptiness. I also saw GHOSTS from outside - floating into the room and HOVERING around the qigong master as he meditated in full lotus. I did not tell anyone yet he said, "since someone saw this then I will explain what it was." And he corroborated what I saw and said he regularly heals ghosts. He later shared that often it takes him several times to heal a room of ghosts - or to clear out the ghosts.

So this is the true meaning of Flexibility as the Water of the Universe. The Female energy is infinitely flexible and always a MISS-story. The Emptiness does the healing - even for a qigong master - and NOT the spiritual ego, despite the spiritual ego being the necessary tool for more powerful means of going deeper into the Emptiness.

This is why I say "Voidisyinyang" because as Master Nan, Huaijin points out - there are different levels of emptiness just as there are different levels of spirit-consciousness that go into the emptiness.

So for Bruce Lee, as his daughter emphasizes, he really was a philosopher as much as a martial artist and innovator of martial arts training. Bruce Lee was determined to promote Chinese yin-yang-Emptiness philosophy via his martial arts training that was flexible enough to incorporate Western culture as well.

As the book points out, because Bruce Lee's mom was one-quarter European then Bruce Lee was kicked out of his traditional internal martial arts school. We found a similar restrictive attitude about John Chang's internal martial arts meditation energy Neidan school.

By taking an extreme External Path of training then Bruce Lee took a great risk upon himself - not only did he not preclude people from training but he constantly was expanding the extent of his training style. So as someone noted online - he believes Bruce Lee actually died from Over-training. His daughter instead says to not try to solve the cause of Bruce Lee's death but instead to focus on his life's legacy and continued achievements.

So we can see that Bruce Lee's philosophy of flexibility was actually a true Heroic path as he continued to do extreme training despite having injured himself. Just as Master Nan, Huaichin stated - after a student has spiritual experiences and abilities then they have Heroic Over-Exuberance and then Fall back into Worldliness.

So for me personally I had a few extreme spiritual experiences - and the hardest part of advanced training is to "control" the Qi energy. So instead of trying to "control" the energy I simply over-used my energy. As the original qigong master later explained - then this tantric approach caused too much low frequency energy to be taken into the body and it takes too much work to convert it to high frequency energy.

So then his assistant had to do a special healing on me. I was driving the car and the assistant to the qigong master was sitting next to me. He had asked for some special food and I had just got back after walking across - or jogging actually - into a big box store - and returning. And then suddenly I felt strong electromagnetic shock energy in my reproductive area. This energy did not stop and I didn't say anything as I realized it was healing me and I needed to respect what was happening.

So as I kept driving then this strong electromagnetic energy kept moving along my reproductive organ - and the assistant qigong master was quiet except at one point he surprised me by saying, "Interesting." So then after quite a long time then it finally stopped. He had previously had said he wish he had known about how I had overused my energy from tantra - as I had explained it to him. I had not seen him in ten years! 

So months later - I asked him about that healing he had done and when he had said, "interesting." I had said - after he healed me - he asked how I felt and I said, " I feel lighter." He gave a Qi-talk after that and shared how someone he healed said they felt LIGHTER after being healed. So we do not realize that our Spirit actually carries "weight" in terms of low frequency blockages - and the Yuan Qi is a kind of anti-gravity energy that creates life itself - as a reverse time energy.

So he said when he had healed me he had seen what I had gone through from the tantra. So when I felt lighter - he had exorcised me of all the low frequency energy I had taken in that had attached to my SOUL - from the tantra.

So this is also how ghosts are healed after death. So I had ghost pollution while in the body. So that is how the qigong healing works when we meditate as well.

Water happens to be the most common molecule in the whole Universe. As Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff have emphasized - along with Dr. Jack Tuszinski and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Professor Emilio del Giudice - there is a secret to water as macroquantum coherence. This fourth state of water INSIDE bodies is based on quantum coherence due to the PRESSURE of water combining into ultrasound piezoelectric collagen - the most common protein of the body. CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich also figured out this secret to water.

This pressure "splits" the water into proton-proton nonlocal energy as Yuan Qi energy via the backwards time "spin" with the electron (yin qi) energy. The Yuan Shen then is the virtual photon energy that is absorbed. But the Yuan Qi as proton-proton energy is also how Memory is stored in time-frequency itself as SOUL information.

So most humans are attached to the "lower" emotions based on organ blockages as yin qi energy of electrons. The Yang qi energy as protons needs to be activated. This Yang Qi energy then has the power to clear out the yin qi blockages. This is the Tummo vagus nerve kundalini activation as Wim Hof teaches - using the fourth state of Water as the secret gateway. This fourth state of quantum coherent water is when water is the most DENSE right before freezing or right after melting. The virtual photon signals then meditate this exchange - as the Yuan Shen energy of the Yuan Qi - the nonlocal spin energy itself.

As modern Westernized people we value the conceptual realm - the "information" realm is considered to be the most advanced. But as technology admits there is the limitation of noncommtuative time-frequency energy. So time-frequency is a linear operator but LISTENING as meditation is nonlinear and also noncommutative and therefore is the HIGHEST technology of all technologies.

This means despite the amazing creations and destructions of human "civilization" - it all originates from the Mystic Mystery Music realm of meditation as logical inference or eternal listening energy - the 5th dimension that can never be seen.

The Macro-Quantum form of Water in its utmost flexibility is Water in its Tetrahedral form. This is the form of Negentropy energy - the Form of the Formless - just as with padmasana Full Lotus Pyramid Power energy. This is the "three in one unity" such that John Chang requires four hours of full lotus meditation a day - and Master Wang, Liping states that ONLY full lotus is able to open up the lower back channels deep enough so that the yang qi energy flows up well enough - and Master Nan, Huai-chin emphasizes that the Japanese Zen lost the strict full lotus practice while real Ch'an meditation requires at least one week of non-stop full lotus meditation just to achieve the proper foundation.

So people like to dismiss the Full Lotus Pyramid Power as being some particular peculiarity that is not-required for the proper training yet as Bruce Lee emphasized, "Be like Water." At its deepest level the Full lotus EMBODIES the EMPTINESS beyond death and enables the Yuan Qi energy to manifest through the body itself creating the utmost in flexibility for healing others as healing the self as well.



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