Saturday, December 19, 2020

Alison McDowell and Richard Grossman: Mom activist against the Data Commodification of Reality aka the Actual Matrix Plan: The Internet is a Militarized corporate-state Space

 Alison McDowell - interview - on concentrated wealth and Technocracy

 An excellent early book on this is "America By Design" by former MIT History professor David F. Noble. It exposes how science is controlled by elite private foundations. He got fired from MIT and the American History Association backed him up in a lawsuit that the firing was political. His follow up books, "The Religion of Technology" 1996 - and his final book, "Myth of the Promised Land" are classics. He even refused to use email. He wrote a book called Digital Diplomas or something - I didn't read that one.

Part Two - vid 

 "Housing" is already governed by International Building Code. So to NOT be "Homeless" means to have "facilities" up to "code" - to be considered a PERMANENT RESIDENCE. You can get by with a "primary residence" without a HOUSE up to CODE but technically you'll still be homeless and thus easily subjected to harassment by the corporate-state. For example a composting toilet does not create discharge as sewage so it does NOT need a sewage permit. Yet if the composting toilet is in a STRUCTURE then it's a Privy and a Privy DOES need a Sewage Permit. Whereas a Tent changes from a Shelter to a Structure if the tent is up for more than six months. So a composting toilet in a tent does not need a permit. Any structure "SET UP" as a DWELLING - no matter the size - requires a land use permit as a Residence. And to get a Dwelling Land Use permit you FIRST have to get a SEWAGE permit. So in some places you can live in a Tent or RV for more than six months a year which then qualifies you as a Primary Residence as per the IRS (more than six months) but again the RV or Tent becomes a STRUCTURE and not a shelter - if set up for more than six months at a time. So that means a person can just MOVE the RV or Tent to maintain it as a Primary Residence but NOT a structure requiring a land use dwelling permit. So that requires being able to camp at different locations during the year whereas the location as a Primary residence for more than six months could then have a mailbox. SOME locations expressly forbid this loophole by stating a PRIMITIVE structure can NOT have a mailbox or be used as a mailing address for bills, etc. So again a TENT is NOT a "structure" but rather a shelter. Hence again a person can own land and have a Primary Residence yet have to still be Homeless and move around to not live on the land for more than seven months a year (assuming you can find a place that allows seasonal camping for more than six months a year). A Permit to get a street address without a dwelling can be obtained as a Garage permit. This is a loophole since a Garage is an accessory or ancillary structure yet since a garage is considered to be part of a larger dwelling site then a garage is permitted as a Primary structure on otherwise Undeveloped Residential land. So the garage enables a street address without actually needing a Dwelling Permit (that first requires a Sewage permit).

Part 3 

 Part 4

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

There's a brain cancer epidemic from cell phones. Microwaves cook the water in the brain. My cousin was the same age as me. He built up a 2 $billion real estate business and then died from cell phone brain cancer. I'd rather use a dumb phone as little as possible and stay alive personally.
the word "Ecosystem" is the most abused word on Earth. We are undergoing "biological annihilation" and Silicon Valley is the most concentrated site of toxic waste in the U.S. Computer systems are the OPPOSITE of ecosystems and yet the word "ecosystem" is now more readily used to apply to computer systems. tragic.

 part 5 

part 6 

part 7 

Richard Grossman "Defining the Corporation, Defining Ourselves" 

 In this talk by Richard Grossman (1943-2011) talks about redefining the role of the corporation to better align with humanity's values. It was recorded at the University of Colorado in Boulder on February 13, 1997. Richard Lee Grossman (August 10, 1943 -- November 22, 2011) was the former co-director of the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD). He was co-author of Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation. He lectured widely on issues of corporate power, law and democracy. He was also one of the teachers for the Daniel Pennock Democracy School, which tries to help people understand how and why corporations have more rights than human beings.

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Awesome - i walked the streets of Chicago with Richard - after he gave a talk at our 1996 activist convention against Corporate Rule. He was very nice to me - thanks for this talk

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