Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Cyberfriend has a birthday: Absorption is the Way the Universe Observes Itself: Ruth E. Kastner latest

 I had my most beautiful mushroom get eaten over night - first time a whole shroom disappeared but it got quite a bit below freezing. Probably a deer - they like to pick out the best food to eat. haha. I'm sure you know this as a landscape gardener. Thanks for the nice comment and happy B-day. 

My Moroccan friend said muslims don't celebrate birthdays but he was also against music. haha. Yes Nick Redfern is a big promoter of Big Foot being some paranormal tulpa that appears and disappears. I don't really ascribe to this. I think rather that Westerners originally thought big Native indians were Big Foot - just like the early archaeology digs claiming 8 foot tall or taller human skeletons. Anyway so then as Westerners lost touch with the wilderness more and more then we project our fears easily. Yeah the ability to create a "yang Shen" or Tulpa is real. 

A lady lived in Tibet and wrote a book mentioning her creation of a Tulpa. David-Neel - Alexandra David-Neel, "Mysteries and Magic in Tibet." She trained as a nun. I don't know if she projected a tulpa as a psychological wish. 

My qigong master friend claimed the chipmunk was living inside the house and went through the stone wall - that went way down the hill. That was when he lived at our cabin. But instead we had tons of mice - I had not been up there at all in a long time. He could not smell the dead mouse stench - it was really bad - but his nose adjusted and then he would just leave his body during meditation. haha. 

So even spirits are not considered the real truth of reality - as Ramana Maharshi points out. Light originates from spacetime itself as the Emptiness that we can never see - that's why it's female and got covered up by Patriarchy. So even spiritual masters sometimes get stuck in the "spiritual ego." Well - that's all for my rant. I'm happy you are enjoying life in Nature. I have shrooms drying now so tomorrow I can enjoy Umami goodness.

  yeah the Multiverse is misunderstood from its originator. It's originator - as I quote on my previous blog - All the Multiverse means is that before the quantum wavefunction "collapses" then there is a faster than time-frequency uncertainty at the Planck scale - creation of energy. So Western science can not measure this "faster than" Planck's Constant energy because the time-frequency uncertainty in science is based on a linear operator - going in just one direction. So each time there is a measurement then there's a different result. There was one experiment set up - probably a few now - where they "capture" virtual photons in the lab and create real photons from the virtual photons. This is done a special way - using mirrors.
So the "eternal return of the same" - there was a good book on this - Carr I think was the author. Yeah "The Eternal Return" by Donald E. Carr "If one may, in Mr. Carr's own terms, put a finger on the fundamental logical flaw in this ""theory of the universe,"" it is that the author is not fully aware of the logical implications of his ""expanded universe"" of infinite alternatives, for he never considers the only real alternatives: first, that the universe, not being a Table of Atomic Weights, may not be susceptible to a priori deductive construction; second, that the human mind, being finite by definition, may be essentially incapable of making sense of an infinite universe." 
So the idea is that due to time-frequency uncertainty there never is really repetition in reality. Everything is Ever New and Ever Fresh. How is this possible? Because our perceptions are not the same as awareness.

So eternal time is awareness itself but it creates new matter by reversing time from the future. So the 5th dimension is what connects black holes to white holes - and so in the 5th dimension everything is happening at the SAME time: the future already exists and overlaps with the past. But since all matter is actually made of light then because our brains rely on matter to perceive things - it is only when we reverse our electrochemical thoughts back into light (by visualizing light internally) are we then able to resonate back with the spacetime source of light (thereby also reversing spacetime as well). So light has a direction based on space but time is more fundamental due to time-frequency. So we can fundamentally not see the source of the light but we can listen to it as logical inference or we can deduce it from certain experiments. So essentially when the light is "turned around" this is at ZERO time. Yet because there is a "hidden momentum" of light that is superluminal and nonlocal as the 5th dimension - this is the hidden mass or relativistic mass of light from the future. So for our spirit as light we experience ZERO time yet the Cosmic Mother creates NEW matter from the future - and enables use to have precognitive visions and to reverse the past, etc.

 "If you did not have normal matter then you do not have it after inflation, unless you know how to produce it. Usually you produce equal numbers of particles and antiparticles. But you need just a little more of particles and they form the basis of our life. This process of the creation of matter is impossible without quantum mechanics. You know that there exists the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and one of its formulation is delta E multiplied by delta T is comparable with the Planck's Constant. So if you violate energy conservation law, but do it quickly, then nobody can catch your hand and say you violated the energy conservation." This is the dude who created the concept of the Multiverse: Andre Linde

 So Dr. Ruth E. Kastner is good on this - 

"absorption is the way the universe “observes itself” and makes things happen. This identification is possible because under TI [tranasactional interpretation], absorption plays an equal role with emission in the dynamics of an event. In contrast, traditional interpretations take emission as the entire dynamical story and then cannot account for why observations seem to have such a special role in the theory. As Feynman tells us, we should sum the amplitudes over ‘unobserved’ intermediate stages of an event to get a total amplitude for a final ‘observed’ event, and then take the square of that. Why should we square that amplitude, and why should Nature care whether we ‘observe’ or not in this algorithm? The only way that Nature could know or care would be because something physical really happens in such ‘observations,’ and the only possible physical process accompanying an ‘observation’ is absorption. Under traditional interpretations which neglect absorption, the above apparently inexplicable procedure leads us into an impenetrable thicket of anthropomorphic considerations of the supposed affect of a mental substance -- “consciousness” --- on a physical substance, namely a quantum system. In Feynman’s words: “Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possible avoid it, "But how can it be like that?" because you will get 'down the drain', into a blind alley from which nobody has escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that.”[2] I suggest that an escape route from the ‘blind alley’ is indeed available; the price (or dividend, depending on one’s point of view) is taking absorption into account as a real dynamical process and embracing the implications for our world view, which are explored in this and the next chapter." 

I haven't read her book yet. I'll try get a copy.

 new Dr. Ruth E. Kastner interview

 Are Dark Energy and Dark Matter Different Aspects of the Same Physical Process?


Decoherence and the Transactional Interpretation 

The ‘Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser’ Neither Erases Nor Delays 

 Demystifying weak measurements

 Interesting about the squirrels and worms. It could have been a squirrel eating the Shiitake since one of the disappeared shrooms had already been munched on. The "munching" I figured was the squirrel but they never had made the whole thing just vanish. haha. Still it got cold so who knows... yeah it's also called "bilocation" aka Tulpa. In Daoism it's the "yang shen." So the church argues it is actually "multiple locations" manifested via God/holy spirit. So for the qigong master since their Light or spirit is "turned around" then everything - the healing - is happening at the SAME time. 

But for people in external linear reality - we see different spacetimes. So a saint could have their body manifest elsewhere but not be consciously aware it is happening. This is described by H.W.L. Poonjaji in his memoir, "Nothing Ever Happens" - when it was his birthday his manifested in some six different houses at the same "time." Well they are slightly different spacetimes. haha. He didn't KNOW he did this. 

So in Mayahana Buddhism the philosophy argues that the saint needs to be consciously aware of what is happening. This is called Prajna - so then this is with the third eye opening. But due to quantum physics - there is always a slight delay based on time-frequency uncertainty. So matter as momentum then manifests in the past as conceptual knowledge but it originates in the future as virtual anti-matter (virtual particles). And since light has no rest mass then light is the "gateway" to converting matter from the future and vice versa - creating NEW matter from the future. 

So the "Yuan Shen" is our soul when our physical vitality is at peak health - around 16 years old. So the body can self-heal back to that time via the optimal spacetime from our coherent biophoton laser light. So when we turn the light around - this is our "soul" energy that is accessed - and manifests via the stem cells. So just as an octopus can regrow a leg, etc. - or YOUNG people can regrow a finger - this is true for adults as well if we meditate enough. And then even more so - the creation of other physical bodies, etc. 

And the final stage is that our physical body is pulverized and then whenever the Emptiness "wants" to have our immortal "golden body" manifest - then the Emptiness manifests the immortal body. So obviously there's debate about this since the Emptiness called the Absolute Void is always "radiating light" as the future - but that's the internal vision of the person meditating. Whereas the "external" vision is to see these different multiple locations, etc. 

So it's only through LISTENING or logical inference that the process of eternal time-frequency energy is harmonized.

 I get precognitive flashes a lot and if I meditate a lot then the precognition gets very strong. A good book on this is "Transcendent Dreaming" by Christina Donnell. Yeah she practiced Tai Chi on international level and then she studied shamanic meditation in the Andes. She's a psychology Ph.D. So precognition freaks me out so I try to ignore it. haha. Still it only makes sense if the Emptiness is true. So... repetition is actually respected in other cultures because they understand the nonlinear resonance. So each repetition is slightly different. Westerners tend to get mad - I get people telling me, "You already said that!" haha. Oh well. Because they didn't "get it" yet. Words need to have more energy behind them. So then like these students of Chunyi - he said they were in the back of the room in Sedona AZ - and were consciously taking his energy. So he let them keep doing it and he just kept recharging his Energy from the Emptiness. So then finally they energy was so filled up that they finally realized that energy is not a dualistic thing - so it was not from them to try to take it from him. So they apologized to him. haha. But Chunyi's at a very deep level of Emptiness. Effie P. Chow is like that also. She's originally from toronto I think. But I think she went back to China to study qigong. 

 So the Yuan Qi is also called the Yin Body - I blogged on this in more detail recently.

 So then the Female Dragon is the Green Dragon as the Yuan Qi - as the alchemists switch what the One is as the Female, instead of the One being male. So that the Yuan Shen is female as yin shen but it has Yang Qi so it is now the Male Tiger.

 Someone asked me about it.  So when the heart opens up - this then is the limit of physical difference. Beyond that then the female can not be seen. Or as the saying goes, "The Cosmic Mother will never be Unveiled." So that is the Yin Body. It is through the "central channel" of our body - so the small intestines stores the Yuan Qi and it emanates out of the pineal gland and it originates from the right side of the heart. So Robert Peng is good on this. 

So he is famous for "shocking" people - there's vids of it. I think he had the same teacher as Chunyi - Master Yao at Shaolin. So for someone at that level then other people can not sense their energy because their energy is beyond frequency. The Frequency sensation is based on the spirit as the chakras - so the lower chakras are lower frequency. Even the golden yang shen is from the frequency as matter. 

So the Yuan Qi as the Yin Body then is beyond frequency and so it can't be sensed directly but only logically inferred or listened it. That's why they say it's the source of the I-thought because our I-thought does not refer to anything. The "I" has no object nor subject since all our thoughts originate from the I-thought. So then the source of light also is from the Yuan Qi or Yin Body. 

So at that level only someone else of the same level can know - this is called "eternal liberation" in Jnana Yoga - it means the spirit light to the heart as the ego is permanently "cut" - the energy "knot" to the Eternal Awareness is "cut." So with each breath then the spiritual ego "empties out" to beyond death - via the right side of the heart (the right side vagus nerve). 

So the spiritual light as biophoton is creating new matter all the time out of the right side of the heart - as the unification of electrochemical energy and spirit light energy. So in China there is a story of a lady showing up at the gathering of the Qigong Masters and she was the highest most advanced level. And then she just disappeared again. I think it's in Effie P. Chow's book "Miracle Healing in China" - she says for most qigong masters the females tend to get pushed aside or even out of China. But in reality the original healers of humans are the females since Nature is mainly female and the truth of reality is female. I call this the "female formless awareness."

Anyway so yes the electrochemical energy or emotional or jing energy is carried by the light as frequency. So the question is not so much the frequency but which direction the light is going. So for females they sublimate the light naturally whereas males need to train to do this because males are "yin internally" while females are "yang internally." So then the yin and yang qi have to recombine via the yin shen and yang shen. This is why rotating the eyes is key while during meditation - if you get the "small universe" CD - the half hour level 1 c.d. from that has the instructions and an image. So you just follow along. ONly when he says visualize the light in the lower tan tien - that's when you rotate your eyes in a clockwise direction. After a while you feel the lower tan tien being activated by rotating the eyes. At an advanced level like Chunyi then he always sees light in his lower tan tien (the small intestines) when he closes his eyes. 

So then he uses that Yuan Qi energy to guide what he does. So when we have "external" interactions with our eyes open then the frequency of light is interacting with the frequency of light around us. So then most males don't do this training because there are secrets to it - that's why I made that training manual for males. Anyway yes I've had lots of wild interactions - because the hardest part in training is how to "control" the qi. I've never been good at "controlling" the qi - which means to keep it from separating back into the yang qi and yin qi again - from the Yuan Qi. haha. So yes it is difficult for even Western monks to realize that the Universal Love is not an emotion but actually a Harmonizing Action - from the future. Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie discovered this as the "Law of Phase Harmony" and called it his greatest discovery (but it's rarely discussed in science).

So anyway Love from the Heart then combines with Courage from the Lungs and this creates Compassion as the Yuan Qi energy. So people manifest compassion just through hard work also. So yes to get back to your comment on mushrooms and how life communicates - and if Earth is alive and able to create "Yang Shen" - so then we can say, as Gurdjieff taught, that UNLESS the dominant life form on Earth is helping the MOON to spiritual "evolve" then the Moon will destroy life on Earth, to start over the cycle. So our emotional energy is actually from the power of the Moon that governs life on Earth but most modern people can not feel the Moon via the pineal gland. So the Moon works through the central channel of the body and when we learn to sublimate the moon energy and build it up then we see the Blue Light. This blue light is from the Serotonin activated. Dr. Dennis McKenna used to live in our town - maybe I scared him off after I talked to him. haha. At his book reading at our local library. 
I'm such a freak that I will scare people away - since I overused my psychic emotional energy. haha. Anyway Dennis McKenna thinks that serotonin is some ancient chemical that is the means by which all life form communicates - because serotonin is found in plants and fungi and animals, etc. Or maybe he just meant tryptamines. blue light increases the serotonin levels - as with blue light from computers keeping people awake. But the problem is people don't know how to convert the serotonin into oxytocin via the right side vagus nerve as kundalini. This is what qigong does also - or trance dancing or standing active exercises.

So there is a new movie out that I have not seen yet called "Sacred Cow" - my qigong friend here saw it - the regenerative agriculture friends. So the Blue Cow is Hathor in Egypt but the Cow jumping over the Blue Moon is from Zoroastrian culture and Krishna is Blue. And so the Blue light of Buddha is also the light of the Soul manifesting. And so when we absorb the virtual photons from the future this actually creates blue light - and absorbing the blue light then builds up the Yuan Qi energy from the future. Gold as an element is from blue light being absorbed. But due to relativistic quantum "spin" that is the non-local 5th dimension - that blue light is actually originating from non-local virtual photons. 

The relativistic spin with the quantum resonance that enables the virtual photons to be absorbed or captured as blue light from the future. This is heard as a subharmonic in the Heart or loud OM sound emanating from the heart. But not just the physical heart but the HEART beat of the Universe. So a qigong master can hear this OM sound emanating from the EARTH as the Schumann resonance but in reality this OM sound is the sound of the Future as the Cosmic Mother. It's also called the OM of light.

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