Saturday, October 5, 2019

Female Dragon as Yuan Qi: Reviewing the Dragon-Tiger-Heaven-Earth alchemy dynamics

So because people read this blog, therefore I am inspired to reread my previous blogposts, so I can review and further digest my own research. So thanks to the readers!

The trigram for Heaven has the White Tiger as the yin inside it, also as the Metal. So this secretly causes the Wood to sink when the Yang Shen of Heaven is reverted with the eyes closed in meditation.

Circulate the Metal found within the Water in the northern direction [DOWN], in order to control the Wood found within the Fire in the southern direction [UP]. This is called "using the black to see the red."
p. 25, Foundations of Internal Alchemy

So the wood causes the metal as water to rise up the back as sublimation while the metal causes the wood to sink down the front. That is the alchemical process!

The trigram for Earth then has the Red Dragon (therefore also called Red Lead) as the yin lines outside it, causes Wood to rise, thereby causing the Yin Jing of Earth to be reverted through sublimation (Quick Fire breathing).
 “the male of kan [water] is the sun and the female of li [fire] is the moon."
source: Triplex Unity

And so the Red Dragon then has to come back down the front of the body as the Green Dragon or Female Dragon as Earth being returned back to the Lower Tantien - as Yuan Qi energy. So this is also Yang Qi combined with the Red Dragon as it is with "substance" - overflowing cerebrospinal fluid that flows out of the sinus cavity - and it swallowed. The qi is absorbed back into the small instestines. Burton-Rose, 2001, Ph.D.:

The cloud [hun soul] is wind, the wind is wood [liver]. The white is qi, the qi is metal [lungs]. Wind disperses so is light and pure. Being light and pure, the whitesoul follows the ascent of the cloudsoul. Metal-wind is solid so it is heavy and turbid. Being heavy and turbid, the cloudsoul descends and the whitesoul follows. Therefore sages uses the cloudsoul to move the whitesoul.

Tai Chi Chüan: Harmonizing Taoist Belief and Practice - Jeaneane D. Fowler, Shifu Keith Ewers
This is it!! O.K. now to get the quote...
The triagram Li is fire and predominantly yang, but the important middle line is yin, and so the Dragon is female. It is the yin essence in the yang, water in fire, the female in the male, the moon in the sun. It is referred to as Green Dragon....It is water that rises, being heated, and is therefore fiery but yielding, rising to Heaven.
The triagram K'an/Kan is Water and predominantly yin and female. But the middle line is yang and alchemically it is the yang in the yin, the White Tiger, ....its function is to descend to Earth when fire reacts with it. It is the fire in the water.
So that is the copulation of the White Tiger (the cerebrospinal fluid) and the Green Dragon - via both purification (meditation as slow fire breathing) and sublimation (quick fire breathing).

So then the Yuan Shen is the Silver that is from the Mercury of the cinnabar (red dragon) - so that Mercury has blue in it once it is purified and sublimated as Green dragon with the White Tiger.

The Gold is then the Yang Shen being returned back down as combined with the Yuan Qi but it still has yin qi blockages in it (red dragon).

So then the Female Dragon is the Green Dragon as the Yuan Qi - as the alchemists switch what the One is as the Female, instead of the One being male. So that the Yuan Shen is female as yin shen but it has Yang Qi so it is now the Male Tiger.

And so my contention is that these alchemical dynamics are really only understood in Western science by quantum biology with relativity thrown in - truly the most advanced science available that is all still experimental.

I was promoting qigong and quantum biology back in 2006 on the "top" science blog, by Minnesota biology professor PZ Myers - at the time he could not accept quantum biology and obviously not qigong. So he banned me for promoting woo-woo but also his readers could not tell if I was being satirical (which I was as well - since the Dao can not be spoken off).

So I have used music theory as the secret medium of mirroring qigong and relativistic quantum biology! In one sense music theory can be as simple as 2, 3, infinity (as Alain Connes sums it up) - but this simplicity is also very radical. So even most scientists do not understand the secret of "noncommutative phase."

I thought I was all alone in my "discovery" but since I am self-taught then I figured SOMEONE must have also discovered this. Sure enough Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center also made this same discovery about how noncommutative phase explains Daoist Neigong alchemy science!

Pretty awesome. So I discovered Eddie Oshins - AFTER I made my Conspirachi blogbook - which was my first attempt to digest and summarize all this research based on the noncommutative phase secret.

So on the one hand I have been digging deeper into time - to realize the original human culture, the San Bushmen, really did have these secrets down - based on music theory and complementary opposites. Then I reverse-engineered how these secrets got covered up by the "Liar of the Lyre" via Philolaus, Plato and Archytas - launching the Greek Miracle of symmetric-based math logic of science.

So on the other hand I've had to keep studying the amazing paradoxes of Daoist alchemy. For example recently I solved the paradox of why the Hun Soul is Yin and yet it is also described as Yang in the alchemical texts. The Hun Soul is Yang due to the alchemical inversion from meditation - so that the Yang Shen is from the eyes looking downward with the eyes closed - as the fire.

So it's not just that the eyes use two-thirds of our brain's power, as I have referenced, but more importantly when we close the eyes and listen, then our listening becomes right-brain dominant. So we are able to sublimate and purify via a cross-modulation of Listening as a quantum phase coherence that is FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty!!

Luckily physicist Manfred Euler understands this paradox - via studying Louis de Broglie as well - just as I also have used the Law of Phase Harmony as the simplest yet most radical explanation of this paradox of music theory as listening meditation.

So now we have most people learning the WRONG music theory and I have now proved this via the mathematics of Pythagorean analysis! So I have now strong mathematical evidence that backs up my model of reality. And, of course, Alain Connes corroborates my claim as he is very explicit that the noncommutative phase logic of music theory is the "formal language" for a unified relativistic quantum model of reality.

I'm not interesting is pursuing science - I simply was using science to explain my meditation experiences! And so reverse-engineering science back to its origins of music theory and then reverse-engineering music theory back to the nonwestern alchemical science of meditation.

What the Daoists did is use the noncommutative phase logic of the Trigrams to then explain the fascinating and complex process of meditation as an energy transformation of jing, qi, shen and Emptiness. So then in my ConspiraChi research I had summarized this as a model of de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. So that Qi is to Momentum as Emptiness is to Time and Jing is to Wavelength as Shen is to Frequency.

So far in the past few years - this model STILL holds up as a reliable transfer from Daoist alchemy to relativistic quantum biology. So I consider that another "discovery" of my research.

I have written several mini-books, of the past four years. None of them clearly and succinctly, in plain prose, summarizes all these angles: partly because I've still been learning from and digesting this research, clarifying my own understanding! On the other hand due to the inherent paradoxes of the logic and of the profound reality being revealed - it is pretty much required that any writing on this topic is going to be paradoxical and not very clear nor succinct.

For example what would I even "call" or "name" this subject of inquiry? My take on analysis is that I can not be held back by names, but rather concepts are based on what Gregory Bateson called "a difference that makes a difference." So Bateson struggled with these same paradoxes and he did not solve them. I read and studied his book - with great focus and struggling - my first year of college.

The paranormal philosopher or "Jazz Philosopher" Stephen Braude has a good critique of Rupert Sheldrake's "morphogenic fields" or whatever. So these concepts tend to become "sound bytes" kind of like the multiverse promoted by mainstream science now. We can say that science "works" based on a structural inversion of Daoist alchemy - so no one can deny the "power" of science as our great religion of our times! Yet science, relying on math as its language, is based on ritual geometry that has some spooky occult aspects. Conspiracy research rarely takes on science on its own terms - I guess Charles Fort tried to do this and in the end he has to rely on absurdity and humor. That is my own take as well - the Divine Fool model of St. Francis Assisi.

In the end I remain in awe of Daoist Neidan "science" - and how it is corroborated ONLY by the most cutting edge of Western science. Even though the two topics are opposites - I would say there is a realm of "pure" science that is seeking the truth (and hence it can not be replicated by off the shelf mass produced technology).

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