Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Propagation of Light as noncommutative "out of phase" mathematics: Lori Gardi, The OM Particle, and the Measurement Problem of quantum mechanics

So this computer scientist is a "follower" of Eric Dollard and his followers (Ken Wheeler).

So she is still stuck in the symmetric classical math paradigm and tries to critique relativity and quantum mechanics from the perspective of Steinmetz - who was limited to just complex numbers.

So Lori Gardi is emphasizing that the above model is wrong.

In fact the truth of the math is noncommutative phase logic.

But her above paper is interesting in that she is inspired by Juliana Brooks - whom I've discussed before.


I left a comment for her to check out Patrick Edwin Moran but also Luigi Borzacchini since she is trying to understand the root of incommensurability as a logical concept. (vid) It's from music theory and she is very close to understanding the noncommutative phase music theory secret.

 I was gonna say your Plancks Constant article was based on Juliana Brooks but then I see you referenced her. Another good source on this is Professor Patrick Edwin Moran. See his wiki entry. is my blog post citing

 Incommensurability, Music and Continuum: A Cognitive Approach Luigi Borzacchini Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (3):273-302 (2007)

Complex numbers arise from noncommutative phase logic. Study Math Professor Louis Kauffman. Noncommutative phase logic arises from music theory. Study Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes. Fractals don't exist in Nature - Fractals are based on commutative algebraic geometry - as Connes points out - Fractals are NOT the truth of reality - as math professor Steve Strogatz points out. good luck.

But if someone is brainwashed by training in classical science FIRST then they are Hard-wired to see the world in the Western wrong way - like a Freemason.

So I'm not trying to "convert" people - I'm just saying it's fascinating to see this person struggling with the paradoxes that she has discovered in science.

I never was a scientist - although I was a lab assistant in a genetic engineering lab as a part-time job for about a year - when I was an undergraduate at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

I try to avoid doing any "calculations" - consciousness is not a calculating device. This is called the "measurement problem" in quantum mechanics. In noncommutative phase math is means that the operations of calculation - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, are in fact the noncommutative phase propagators in real time. So the time is factored into the equation as a fundamental truth of reality. This means there is no "Pure" math external to reality. When you do math you are actually CHANGING the spacetime that you exist within and therefore spacetime "emerges" from the noncommutative OPERATION of the math. So the noncommutative phase math is thus a "vanishing mediator" to the truth of reality itself as an eternal noncommutative or complementary opposites logical inference (that can never be measured externally).

Music and listening to music are right brain dominant - which goes against our left-brain "vocal communication" dominance from going back to even FROGS - 170 million years ago!! haha.

So of course modern humans with left-brain dominance are hard-wired to not understand the truth of reality. The left brain dominance created the religion of symmetric math - i.e. FRACTALS and so Lori Gardi is still stuck in this. I've seen other scientists make the same claim - that fractals "arise" out of the noncommutative incommensurability (and thus fractals are a "natural" consequence). No the fractals only exist once the boundary conditions are considered to be frozen as a symmetric geometry. In fact the boundary conditions are not frozen but themselves are changing with time. So fractals CREATE entropy whereas noncommutative phase builds up negentropy as resonance that can be "captured" internally. We can never see the fifth dimension yet we can LISTEN to it and logically infer it and even "capture" it internally and also project it back out externally - and this process happens naturally on its own (or can be reversed by our turning of the light around using various training techniques of alchemy).

 So also the physics professor that was physically attacked by the fascist goons - I cite him in my Louis de Broglie paper - let's see -

Well really all of these scientists have discovered this paradox... about music theory. Without really realizing it's from music theory. Pretty funny.

 Thanks for your response. I have personally corresponded with math professor Steve Strogatz about fractals and I've quoted his comments about them already. You can look them up if you're interested in learning. He works with supercomputers at Los Alamos. Again I urge you to learn about noncommutative math. I've personally corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley on the subject as well as math professor Louis Kauffman. I took quantum mechanics from Herbert J. Bernstein as my FIRST (and final) physics course. As Bernstein emphasizes, unless you take quantum mechanics FIRST, since it's the foundation of modern science, then you have the wrong foundation of science hard-wired into your brain from learning the wrong symmetric math and classical physics in high school. I tested at 98% for the biology exam for the ACT in high school since I secretly was against the Pythagorean Theorem. Noncommutative math disproves the Pythagorean Theorem. So good luck with that. If you think a Fields Medal math professor is wrong then - well I figured out what he was teaching on my own since I trained in music from a young age. As for Bernstein maybe you don't know about his research. "SuperDense quantum teleportation—posed by Hampshire College physics professor Herbert Bernstein will be tested on the International Space Station." His research was classified by the military as top secret - without him knowing about it. haha. And yes by SuperDense he means noncommutative phase logic.

 Anyone that thinks that fractals don't exist in nature, don't really understand the nature of fractals and/or have never written a computer program to generate a fractal themselves. Many people think that fractals involve infinite recursion, but this is not the case. Although fractals are theoretically infinite, in practice, aka. when modelled using a computer, there are definite (FINITE) limits. For example, the Mandelbrot Set is an example of fractal geometry. Theoretically, I can zoom in forever on the boundary of M-Set and never hit a limit. But in reality (in the computer) there is a limit. This is the limit to the digits of precision of the computer. On my computer (on all computers), there is a limit. In a similar manner, in nature (let's say a tree for example), fractal geometry has a limit. This limit is based on the "digits of precision" of biology, aka. the cell. Cells are not infinitely small. In a similar manner, pixels on my computer screen are not infinitely small. Regarding complex numbers, complex numbers are merely 2-dimensional numbers. Nothing special. Real numbers are 1-dimensional and complex numbers are 2-dimension. Here is a paper I wrote on that subject:

 Oh and since I like your paper on Planck's Constant - I'll help you out by explaining what Alain Connes explains - even though you have chosen to self-censor yourself from learning about his noncommutative phase math. Noncommutative phase is discrete yet nonlocal and MORE DENSE than real numbers. So it exists in the 5th dimension.

 As for complex numbers - I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman several times about them. For example there is a paper claiming that complex numbers do not necessarily NEED to be noncommutative. Kauffman disproves that since time is fundamental. So the issue here is what Kauffman calls "primordial time" - contrary to classical physics assuming time is an outside parameter that does not exist until it's "measured" by the scientist. haha. Any good musician would know this truth as well. As math professor Borzacchini emphasizes (and yes I've corresponded with him as well) - there is a "cognitive bias" against studying the music origins of math due to the hard-wired brainwashing by Platonic symmetric classical math physics training from a young age. 


" and we have arrived at Heisenberg’s fundamental relationship between position and momentum. This mode of arrival is predicated on the recognition that iΔt represents an interactive interval of time. In the notion of time, there is an inherent clock and an inherent shift of phase that enables a synchrony, a precise dynamic beneath the apparent dynamic of the observed process. Once this substitution is made, once the imaginary value is placed in the temporal circuit, the patterns of quantum mechanics appear. In this way, quantum mechanics can be seen to emerge from the discrete....
By starting with a discrete time series of positions, one has immediately a non-commutativity of observations, since the measurement of velocity involves the tick of the clock and the measurement of position does not demand the tick of the clock."
"In this sense, i is identical in concept to a primordial time."

Have fun studying a Math Professor - Louis Kauffman

 "All of this points out how the complex numbers, as we have previously examined them, live naturally in the context of the non-commutative algebras of iterants and matrices....This way thinking about the square root of minus one as an iterant is explained below. More generally, by starting with a discrete time series of positions, one has immediately a non-commutativity of observations and this non-commutativity can be encapsulated in an iterant algebra as defined in Section 2 of the present paper. " 

Math professor Louis Kauffman 

Have fun with your "time."

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