Thursday, September 10, 2020

My 2003 blog post after my GNN blog (first blog for me)

There is one person who has read my research since the below blog post as I mention my final blog post on GNN - was before this below blog post. He has read my research since my GNN blog. I didn't realize it was in 2003. thanks p.s. I've had probably six blogs. I've deleted whole blogs before - I did that when Archarya S. got mad at my blog post critique of her. haha. She said I didn't need to delete my whole blog. I just wanted to prove to her that I was not attached to words. She then died in 2015.

Monday, September 29, 2003
  Hi: Drew Hempel, M.A. here. Thanks to Blogs, I can finally publish an informal summary of my research. For the past year I've done intensive university academic research and dialog in the conspiracy forum at (available by name search at the forum) The virtual discussion and fiery debate inspired me to continue digging and when the year was up I was done searching. My masters thesis, "Epicenters of Justice" is published on-line as well as a description of my paranormal training thus far, "The Rotten Root" and a summary of my conspiracy research, "The Actual Matrix Plan." Also many activist documents that I researched and wrote are on-line, for example an in-depth expose of the corporate control of the University of Minnesota, "Goldie X-Po$er" and an overview of the corruption behind the Iraq War. Also descriptions of my previous activism and music can be found on-line as well.

I ended my research with a post in the conspiracy forum at GNN called, "Secrets of the All-Seeing-I."

This blog is simply a restatement of those Secrets.

The simplest technique is the most powerful and after studying metaphysics in-depth what is left over, no matter what experience a person has, is the sense of the "I."

This is the basis of the Vedic teachings and all the Indo-European dictum, "Know Thyself" that is rooted in the Matriarchal Muses at the oracle Delphi.

There is an end to this enquiry, "Who Am I?" that means knowing the whole universe, literally. That is my most important point and this end is described by

Buddhist Zen Master Nan, Huai-Chin as "Supreme Complete Enlightenment"

In Pantanjali's Yoga Sutra this end is called "The Cloud of Virtue."

Sri Aurobindo calls it "The Supermind."

Taoist Alchemy calls it "the celestial shen."

Advaita Vedanta Avatar Ramana Maharshi simply states when the mind is destroyed, finally, then the end is achieved.

Master Nan, Huai-chin states this is after the body is completely turned into energy and when that is done the Universe is known as well. More specifically the first five levels of consciousness (the body) are joined with the 8th level of consciousness -- the universe.

This fits with Pantanjali's Yoga Sutra as well since it states that AFTER liberation is achieved, then not until the "cloud of virtue" is achieved will there be an end to the influence of karma. At this end there will be omniscience and omnipotence and the person will be liberated from the universe.

Currently most teachings have a serious problem since they state that 1) there is no end to enlightenment so don't think about it or 2) just practice mind yoga meditation -- transforming the body is not important.

Ramana Maharshi's top student, H.W.L. Poonja in his biography, "Nothing Ever Happened" states that enlightenment goes on forever but Ramana Maharshi, his teacher, was very clear that enlightenment is an absolute.

How is this resolved?

Master Nan, Huai-Chin states similarly that once Supreme Complete Enlightenment is achieved then the Buddha can go on forever helping others achieve enlightenment.

But what is the End that allows something to go on forever? Let me explain:

The Astral Planes are linked with the Chakras of the Body -- this is the ancient Astro-Theological teaching.

Ramana Maharshi achieved liberation when he was very young but did not PHYSICALLY DIE (or transform his body) until many years later. I brought up this point on the Ramana Maharshi listserve but, as per problem #2 mentioned above, none of the listserve members registered the difference. All claimed that Ramana Maharshi had achieved absolute enlightenment during his first experience at a young age.

Ramana Maharshi states very clearly that first off all should achieve liberation then continue on. The technique he teaches is Mind Yoga -- self-enquiry to seek the root of the I thought. (specifically repeat "I" in your mind) But Ramana Maharshi is very clear that this practice will only be psychological until the Shakti is raised and until the body is transformed. This is difficult for students to face but it is the truth.

Master Nan, Huai-Chin emphasizes this point very clearly. In Buddhism, achieving "liberation" means emptying out (or resolving) the sixth (conceptual) and the seventh (ego) level of consciousness. But liberation, known as sahaja samadhi by Ramana Maharshi, is still dependent on the body. Thus when the body becomes ill at death, the person will not be able to maintain the focus on the Self and will fall back into the ego in death. (An example is Nisargadatta who, unlike Ramana Maharshi and Poonjaji, never had any body transformation powers).

Master Nan states that such a liberated mind yoga person will be reborn as a bodhissatva. (But that is not Supreme Complete Enlightenment) Master Nan gives many examples of Zen Masters who achieved liberation but had not yet transformed the body.

Ramana Maharshi clearly states that the person MUST continue rooting out the thought of the I until the mind is DESTROYED -- this means a physical transformation. Poonjaji, Ramana Maharshi's top student, had practiced intensive full-lotus yoga in his previous life, and Poonjaji had all the powers of the universe available to him. Poonjaji's main concern was being attached to the powers or the body.

Ramana Maharshi gives note to other practicioners who may be able to sit in full-lotus for several months straight but become attached to the body and the powers. So clearly what Ramana Maharshi is teaching is the same as what Master Nan, Huai-Chin is also teaching.

Master Nan, Huai-Chin states that achieving liberation is "easy" compared to resolving the Body and the Universe.

This same point is also detailed in Pantanjali's Yoga Sutra as clearly described in Chris Isherwood's translation, "How to Know God."

So this cross-comparision confirms a definition of enlightenment that is widely ignored by the White Male Guru scene (i.e. the magazine, "What is Enlightenment?") because such importance to the body is not part of the western tradition.

Why specifically does the body need to be transformed?

Because the chakras equate with the planetary bodies (planets and large moons, etc.) and the

Source of the All-Seeing-I equates with the Soul or Sol or the Center of Mass of the Sun.

The next closest Sun is 300,000 times further than our Sun is to the Earth.

Our Solar System is dramatically isolated.

The whole solar planetary system fits into 1% of the Sun.

The magnetic and quantum relativity consciousness of the Sun is clearly the basis for enlightenment. Once a person can travel to the Center of the Mass of the Sun (which sometimes is outside the Sun itself) than that person is at a consciousness level equated with the consciousess of the Universe -- like a wormhole or black hole in physics.

Currently the state of World Karma has been described, predicted and meditated by Avatar Sri Aurobindo Ghose.

The elite scientists and policy makers have paid close attention to the teachings of Aurobindo. I have detailed the correlations in the conspiracy forum and in the on-line summary, "The Actual Matrix Plan."

Both Sri Aurobindo and Sri Yukteswar emphasized that science -- the "external path" as Swami Vivekananda called it -- can NEVER achieve Supreme Complete Enlightenment or the All-Seeing-I.

Why is this? Because only Consciousness Itself can collapse the ego and destroy the mind so that the Atman equals Brahman.

There can be no technology but only yoga based on the question, "Who Am I?"

But in the transistion from the Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga, western science needs to continue to Harmonize itself, as described in my masters thesis, "Epicenters of Justice." Even still western science is a tool of the Kali Yuga.

Increasingly alchemy is becoming acknowledged in western science (see the conspiracy forum at GNN)

The best harmonizing a person can do is the yoga -- an example of beginner training is given in my "The Rotten Root."

drew hempel, M.A.

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