Monday, July 13, 2020

Subharmonic of the Future: new upload to

My Response to Professor Shahn Majid's Reply to Me about 2 + 1 quantum gravity noncommutative phase logic

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 10:57 AM Shahn Majid <> wrote:
Sorry too much philosophy for me. I would not take Connes noncommutative music theory too seriously its a lot to draw from one example of a dirac operator which happens to be noncommutative and where the eigenvalues are arranged in geometric progression rather than linear, he was having fun and not a serious basis for anything as far as I am concerned but refer you to Connes. S

Thank you again for the kind response Professor Majid. By geometric progression you mean as a matrix? So what about Kauffman's work?
 Math professor Louis Kauffman:   
"A first mathematical direction is to see how i, the square root of negative unity, is related to the simplest time series: ..., -1,+1,-1,+1,... and making the above analysis of time series more algebraic leads to the following....If η is the order two permutation of two elements, then [a, b]η= [b, a]. We can define i= [1,−1]η and then i2 [squared]= [1,−1]η[1,−1]η= [1,−1][1,−1]ηη2= [1,−1][−1,1] = [−1,−1] = −1. In this way the complex numbers arise naturally from iterants. One can interpret [1,−1] as an oscillation between +1 and −1and η as denoting a temporal shift operator. The i= [1,−1]η is a time sensitive element and its self-interaction has square minus one. In this way iterants can be interpreted as a formalization of elementary discrete processes. A more general approach to discrete processes [18] includes this interpretation of iterants and the square root of negative unity. The more general approach is worth reprising in this context. Given a sequence of discrete algebraic elements Xt(t= 0,1,···) (we take them to be associative but not necessarily commutative for this discussion), we define an invertible shift operator J"...We see that, with temporal shifts, the algebra of observations is non-commutative....The square root of minus one is not really living in a commutative world. It's living in a non-commutative world....It just happens to be commutative for you when you're doing complex analysis because you only looked at the combination.... 

"The "Quaternion Handshake" illustrates the fundamental orientation-entanglement relation that interlocks the structure of the quaternions with the geometry and topology of an object connected to a background in three dimensional space. In this case the objects are human hands, the background is the body and the connection is the arm that links hand to body. ...   "
Starring:  Martial Arts By: Louis Kauffman John Hart Eddie Oshins ...

Kauffman: "All of this points out how the complex numbers, as we have previously examined them, live naturally in the context of the non-commutative algebras of iterants and matrices.... A natural non-commutative algebra arises directly from articulation of discrete process and can be regarded as essential information in a Fermion. It is natural to compare this algebra structure with algebra of creation and annihilation operators that  occur in quantum field theory. ..."In the notion of time there is an inherent clock and an inherent shift of phase that enables a synchrony, a precise dynamic beneath the apparent dynamic of the observed process....By starting with a discrete time series of positions, one has immediately a non-commutativity of observations, since the measurement of velocity involves the tick of the clock and the measurement of position does not demand the tick of the clock....In this sense, i [square root of negative one] is identical in concept to a primordial time."

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