'Ghost' human ancestor discovered in West Africa - BBC News
Researchers suggest DNA from this group makes up between 2% and 19% of modern West Africans' genetic ancestry. They believe the interbreeding occurred...
If he knew that West Africans are extra-tall because of the Neanderthal gene - that I detailed recently - that might even wig him out extra. haha. West Africans are up to 19% Neanderthal. So we all got some ancient hominid in us.
the super-archaics were in the first wave of hominids who left Africa,” Rogers says. ... genomes of 405 people from four subpopulations in West Africa that ...
"Neanderthals are hominids in the genus Homo, humans, and generally classified as a distinct species, H. neanderthalensis, though sometimes as a subspecies of modern human as H. sapiens neanderthalensis"West Africans are 6% Neanderthal on average - more so than any other ethnicity. So actually it's not "Neanderthal" but the origin of both Neanderthal and Denisovan.
"although a pair of researchers recently reported in PLOS Genetics that humans in Africa interbred with another ancient hominin group both before and after the ancestors of European and Asian populations split off and migrated away. By the scientists’ estimates, DNA from that unknown group now makes up somewhere between 4% and 8% of modern human ancestry."
Yeah it's a 6% average but in once case it was 19%!!
I had a "snail mail" correspondence with the maverick psychologist Stan Gooch. He started out as a typical government style researcher and then he discovered he had paranormal abilities once - happenstance - I think it was some experimental seance situation. I had read Gooch's book "Total Man" - after I discovered it in the basement of my favorite used bookstore. https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/forces-of-the-unconscious-mind-exploring-the-work-of-stan-gooch
One evening at gymnastics class, while he was in the changing room, a member of the advanced class, named Peter, struck up a conversation with him. “He eventually told me that his ‘spirit guide’ had instructed him to do so,” explains Gooch. Peter, a spiritualist and medium, invited Gooch to a séance at his parent’s house.
The séance comprised eight to ten people, seated on hardback chairs, facing the medium. Soon after it commenced, Gooch had an experience that was to change the direction of his life. At first he felt light-headed. “And then,” he explains in his book The Paranormal, “it seemed to me that a great wind was rushing through the room. In my ears was the deafening sound of roaring waters. Together these elements seized me and carried me irresistibly forward. As I felt myself swept away I became unconscious.”Little did I know that a publisher I had been trying to contact (or at least they merged with that same publisher) - Inner Traditions - was now publishing or reissuing Stan Gooch's more experimental books wherein he hypothesizes about Neanderthal Culture being both paranormal and also being the formative subconscious source for our current political quagmires.
During one particularly memorable séance, a cave-man materialised in the corner of the room. “It stood half in shadow, watching us, breathing heavily as if nervous,” says Gooch. He later came to suspect that this figure “which so very much impressed and haunted me both then and afterwards” was a Neanderthal. Years later, in 1971, Gooch formulated the hybrid-origin theory, which basically posits that we – Homo sapiens – are a hybrid cross between the two early species of man, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. His Total Man trilogy is an exploration of this hypothesis.So after reading his books then I was able to receive several replies from Stan Gooch - or at least two of them. I did not save them as we were both writing informally. I suppose somebody saved the scrawled scribbles I sent to him living alone in his caravan. At the time I was trying to convince Gooch to consider the San Bushmen original human culture as the source of our paranormal spiritual abilities. Gooch did not seem that interested as he was fixated on the Neanderthals.
But the recent research has now corroborated Gooch's claim - as my recent blog post on the significant "Ghost" species (or sub-species) - that was the origin of both Neanderthals and Denisovans - and also mated with humans - to a very significant degree.
So as I had blogged before - the gene for extra tall height is from this ancient sub-species - and is now concentrated in the West African population but after it had originated from mixing with East Africans. As the above quote then corroborates - the DNA studies then say there is a "later" ghost species mating with West Africans such that they have a concentration of up to 19% of this ancient ghost species - but on average up to 6%.
I had previously thought that Europeans had the most Neanderthal genes in us - but turns out that East Asians have even more than Europeans - more Neanderthal and also Denisovan - but not as much as West Africans.
So this all smacks of some linear racist view of human evolution but Gooch argued on the contrary that the Neanderthal culture must have been very spiritual and was based on the lunar calendar. He also considered the Middle East or West Asian source to be at the time the highest concentration of Neanderthal mixing with humans. So he even argued - most controversially - that him being half-Jewish - explained his own paranormal abilities as from having more Neanderthal genetic origins.
So I wanted to dismiss Gooch at this point of being too genetically deterministic - because it is the EXPRESSION of genes that depends on other factors - the mRNA activation - or inhibition for that matter - not just the genetic make up. But when we are talking of 6% on average being from this older source of both Neanderthals and Denisovans - then we can not ignore such a high percentage. And even know certain genetic predispositions are being tied to the Neanderthal genome - whether it's solid science is debatable. But something like a gene for height is less ambiguous then a gene that supposedly causes a disease that is also caused by environmental diet (like diabetes). So similarly height is "expressed" by a diet high in calcium, for example. I think Gooch discusses this paradox, as I recall.
So Gooch died alone in his caravan with simply my cranky scrawl to accompany him (and whatever else fan mail he was receiving). He had a small following - as a few websites indicate. His tome "Total Man" was still based on solid psychological analysis - and emphasized the cerebellum. But as he veered into the paranormal Neanderthal realm then he was only published by a New Age outlet, not afraid of flaky subjects, with little to no evidence.
Gooch proposes that the cerebellum – or “little brain” – is the physical seat of the unconscious mind. He points out, for instance, that strong evidence exists to suggest that the cerebellum is directly responsible for the function of dreaming. He also points out that it is the headquarters of the autonomic nervous system, while the cerebrum – the conscious mind – is the headquarters of the central nervous system (CNS). Women, he says, who are generally more psychic than men, have larger cerebella than men, as confirmed by brain imaging techniques.https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/culture-obituaries/books-obituaries/8110857/Stan-Gooch.html
Apr 26, 2018 - As the cerebellar hemispheres are structured as a large array of uniform neural modules, a larger cerebellum may possess a larger capacity for ...https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201812/why-is-the-human-cerebellum-making-headline-news
that modern humans who carry two Neanderthal DNA fragments (UBR4 and PHLPP1) have slightly less-rounded heads than Homo sapiens who don’t carry these Neanderthal genes.
Simon Fisher, a co-author of the new study at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands, speculated that modern humans evolved more sophisticated powers of language. They may have also become better at making tools. “Things like tool use and speech articulation are hugely dependent on motor circuitry,” said Dr. Fisher.
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Neanderthal on Left, Human on right |
The researchers suspect that the neural expression of these two genes in modern humans is linked to neurogenesis (birth of new neurons) in the putamen region of the basal ganglia and more robust myelination in the cerebellum. "Both brain regions receive direct input from the motor cortex and are involved in the preparation, learning, and sensorimotor coordination of movements. The basal ganglia also contribute to diverse cognitive functions, in memory, attention, planning, skill learning, and potentially speech and language evolution," Philipp Gunz said in a statement.http://www.perolsen.net/litteratur/pop/pop/pop21/pep_pop21/gooch/gooch_pages/gooch_three_1.htm
I don't think I've seen this page.
"... each of the despised, persecuted, denied, repressed, hated and lost elements of human cultures world-wide (menstruation, the labyrinth, the moon, thirteen, the spider, the feminine, witchcraft, matriarchy, the occult, and so on) might somehow all belong together"I'm not saying I AGREE with Stan Gooch but I just find his speculations to be fascinating and not to be dismissed. And now with this new discovery about the increasingly important contribution to our genetic make up - then we can confirm that Gooch was indeed more correct than he realized. When the evidence emerged that Neanderthals HAD successfully mated with humans - then Gooch did feel verified - but this more recently evidence is up to an even stronger degree.
So radical anthropologist Professor Chris Knight makes a similar Red Ochre claim about the origins of human culture - with the red of menstruation tied to the use of red pigment. I wonder if Knight had read Stan Gooch?
"The important new evidence presented here concerns red ochre (red oxide of iron), also known as haematite, a term derived from the Greek work of blood. Chemically it is Fe2O3, and is frequently a product of the weathering of magnetite, Fe3O4. In other words, when magnetite is exposed to atmosphere at the surface, it turns into haematite. ...And maybe Tony Wright also read Stan Gooch?
".... young apes look more like us because we have managed to play one of nature's oldest tricks - that of preserving child-like characteristics into adult life. This process is called netony ... The process of neotony is central to any understanding of man's evolution, and in particular to my own views."http://www.brentlogan.net/sg/stan_gooch.htm
Oh that was an early version of Brent Logan's tribute site - I had not seen that earlier version...
So Gooch was a year older than my dad and Gooch died a year later than my dad. So he died at around 79 years old....
the summation of Stan Gooch's lifelong work, Cities of Dreams, sold only 800 copies in hardback. Century Hutchinson broke their contract to publish a paperback edition--and the Society of Authors overlooked this travesty. The Aulis large-format softcover has marketed some 1,500 copies, and currently retails four or five a week on the Internet.I don't know if it's a "summation" as his early tome, "Total Man" had much detail just not covered in his later work.
For as he often remarks, 50 percent of human history--and half our psychology--is missing.yes this is what Gooch had written to me. I thought he had said 90% of psychologists were wrong though - I thought that's how he put it. Something like that....
that Neanderthal was red-haired has been confirmed in 2001 by the Institute of Molecular Biology in Oxford; however, Gooch's prime proposition was mentioned only in one article that year, albeit the London Times. Similarly, his 1980 debunking of Sperry's split-brain theory, a notion finally discarded by researchers in 2000, received merely a few sentences of acknowledgement the next year, in the New Scientist.Yes "Total Man" was the debunking of Sperry.
Thus Gooch's claim that Neanderthal was predominantly left-handed has now been dramatically supported by the Siberian finding of a population where 66 percent are so (contrasted with the 10 percent norm in Europe); scientists believe this to be an adaptation to extremes of cold--and Neanderthals lived through several Ice Ages.hmm... the left-handed Ice Age Neanderthal claim does not hold up....
Ice Age Neanderthals - Page 53 - Google Books Result
http://www.brentlogan.net/sg/book_descpt.htmFrom the direction of the marks left on the teeth by these slicing motions, we know that the tool was held in the right hand. The Boxgrove teeth came from ...
Rebecca Stefoff - 2009 - Juvenile NonfictionThe popular image of the Ice Age is a period of unremitting freezing conditions. ... He could tell that this Neanderthal was right-handed and that that the areas of ...
Total Man, which contains what may be the best defense of the I Ching as a way of knowledge since Carl JungI don't even remember that part. I read the book around 2005 or 6? So 15 years ago....
Right - so that's the proof of Neanderthals interbreeding with humans - wow only 7 years old as science?
If the I Ching is indeed a Neanderthal relic as Stan Gooch says,Wow - I forgot he made that claim. Fascinating.
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