Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Enharmonic Equivalence Noncommutative Unity: Distance is no longer a geometric wavelength, but now it is noncommutative time or period aka "inverse-frequency": My response to my yogi friend in India and to the Osteopath in the UK

Yes qigong master Chunyi Lin says playing piano or typing is good acupressure treatment for the meridian channels. I'm glad to hear you had a good experience with Sai Baba although I have also watched the documentaries about him being a predator on young males. Also I have read Ananda Bosman but my view on time-frequency is noncommutative like the "three gunas" - not the symmetric Western frequency. So we can use Western science as it is our current religion on Earth as the Matrix - as I discovered this UN theosophist Matrix Plan after my master's thesis on music theory. Yes Jose Arguelles promoting 2012 was also part of this Matrix plan based on the "music logarithmic spiral." So Bosman is relying on Dr. Andrija Puharich but maybe Bosman just has not studied the science enough. In order to breakthrough to the other side of the Matrix then we have to study the problem enough to get to what I call its "rotten root" - from the Power Set Axiom (satan) or square root of two from the wrong music theory.

So these are all just conceptual "play" differences. I have conceptual differences with the qigong masters also. was going on cruise ships every year as a tax deduction - taking Tibetan monks to do healing of the Earth via the water energy. Only the  cruise ships are one of the worst sources of pollution - taking one cruise ship is the same as driving a car for half your life! haha Also cruise ships just spew the humanure right into the water creating bad pollution. The virus is very much real from the Pangolin being sold in "exotic" wet markets of Asia. So due to WEsternization of the world - deforestation in Malaysia has caused the Pangolin to mingle the bats. So I have read up on the latest science - my blog has the details So now cruise ships are concentration zones for the virus.

Yes in deep enough meditation then we can change physical matter indeed! Quantum biology has proven that dna is held together via non-local 5th dimension ether-energy. So the virus is made of DNA and so we can change it with deep enough meditation. But unfortunately the frequency on Earth is too low. I'm not sure there is a need to raise the Schumann Frequency. As Dr. Puharich details - in fact the ideal Schumann frequency as I think it's 7.8 hertz? Anyway the goal is for water to be a tetrahedron macroquantum molecule so that ultrasound splits the water into proton (yang qi) and electron (yin qi) via virtual photons (yin matter or Yuan Jing). So then we access reverse time energy as Yuan Qi.

So as Poonjaji stated - there is too much pollution now on Earth for effective mind-body transformation. Yes truly Kali as time-energy is in a destructive phase. The Solar calendar-based views of India - the Brahmin Vedic view is now proven to have indeed "invaded" India via the chariots. The older "three gunas" philosophy is what I agree with - so that the lunar energy has to first be honored. Yes so I overused my solar energy by sending it into females while in full lotus - in public. So my personal energy is not strong - I have to rely on eating meat or doing intensive meditation as a hermit. So that was the sacrifice I made - I consider Nature and reality to be inherently female.

Thanks for sharing! It is an honor to hear from a Yogi in India.

all the best,

Thanks for your response about Alain Connes. I guess we have a different "reading" of Connes. I first read Connes' book "Triangles of Thought" back over 15 years ago. So it might take you some time to really engage with what he is teaching. I only took quantum mechanics as my physics class for my first year of college in 1990 - from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein. NASA is now testing his noncommutative non-local quantum signal system for non-local quantum signals between Earth and space. So you can always study Bernstein if you are looking for an application of the noncommutative quantum philosophy of science.

All the best,

pdf - "A View of Mathematics" by Alain Connes - great overview


This does NOT mean I'm advocating these "inverse frequency" CDs for vibroacoustic healing

haha. As qigong master Chunyi says - there is no specific frequency to healing - it is all the frequencies (the secret again being noncommutative phase as complementary opposites)....

pdf notes on noncommutative geometry

oops a typo! "expect" should be "except"

But these are not the only possible enharmonic notes. Any note can be flat or sharp, so you can have, for example, an E sharp. Looking at the keyboard and remembering that the definition of sharp is “one half step higher than natural”, you can see that an E sharp must sound the same as an F natural. Why would you choose to call the note E sharp instead of F natural? Even though they sound the same, E sharp and F natural, as they are actually used in music, are different notes. (They may, in some circumstances, also sound different; see below.) Not only will they look different when written on a staff, but they will have different functions within a key and different relationships with the other notes of a piece of music.

So Alain Connes uses the Enharmonic music symbol to indicate that the noncommutative phase has been converted back to a symmetric mathematics through a cyclical transformation:

So in terms of music theory - the commutative math was created by the "bait and switch" of using two different octave keys - and hiding this different of the root tonics. Alain Connes is stating then that to achieve the unity of the root tonic - of "A" is in fact empirically based on this truth of the key change of the root tonic - and therefore the enharmonic "natural" A symbol has to be used for unity.

Micho Durdevich has his "Music of the Quantum Circle" published as a chapter in this 2017 book

We illustrate the basic ideas and principles of quantum geometry, by considering mutually complementary quantum realizations of circles. It is fascinating that such a simple geometrical object as circle, provides a rich illustrative playground for an entire array of purely quantum phenomena. On the other hand, the ancient Pythagorean musical scale, naturally leads to a simple quantum circle. We explore different musical scales, their mathematical generalizations and formalizations, and their possible quantum-geometric foundations. In this conceptual framework, we outline a diagramatical-categorical formulation for a quantum theory of symmetry, and further explore interesting musical and geometrical interconnections.
By taking the inverses L to 1/1 + L and 1/infinity=0, we can identify M = {0, 1, 1/2, 1/3,...}. The geometrical picture is that we have a circular object, unifying infinitely circular 'oscillating modes.' The limiting oscillating mode is the classical mode....All other modes are purely quantum 'virtual modes,' so we can not distinguish separate fibers over the classical points labeling these modes. The entire structure is a unified and irreducible quantum circle....
The oscillating modes base space M...will be quantum (noncommutativity of the algebra V).
There is something profoundly quantum in all music. A discrete space–the skeleton hosting any musical score, morphs into a true musical form, only after being symbiotically enveloped by a geometry of sound. And this geometry is inherently quantum, as it connects the points of the discrete underlying structure, invalidating the difference between now, then, here and there; thus creating an irreducible continuum for a piece of music: continuous discreteness and discrete continuity....    

  Durdevich, Micho Institute of Mathematics, UNAM (Mexico City) “Music of Quantum Circles” 10/2015

The energy E is taken to be the relativistic energy E = γ mc 2. W avelength is Planck ’ s constant divided by momentum. For light, the speed c provided an ob vious physical relationship between frequency and wavelength, b ut for matter the frequency is non-zero even when momentum is zero, and wavelength is infinite under those conditions. If velocity increases, frequency changes only slightly as it is dominated by the large rest mass energy, but wavelength rapidly decreases. This is not intuitive and bears to relation to light wavelengths, 21) As the nonzero “hidden” mechanical momentum of a system “at rest,” such as the present example, must be balanced by an equal and opposite field momentum, we infer that the “field only” momentum (17), or the Minkowski momentum (20), is the true electromagnetic field momentum, in the sense of being the one that preserves momentum conservation for a system“at rest.” 22).

‘Leading clocks lag’ and the de Broglie wavelength

Robert Shuler

OCTOBER 24, 2013 Reed College Hosted by 'Hidden Momentum' Electromagnetic fields carry energy, momentum, and even angular momentum. The momentum density is ε0(E×B), and it accounts (among other things) for the pressure of light. But even static fields can harbor momentum, and this would appear to contradict a general theorem: if the center of energy of a closed system is at rest, then its total momentum must be zero. Evidently in such cases there lurks some other momentum, not electromagnetic in nature, which cancels the field momentum.
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But finding this “hidden momentum” can be surprisingly subtle. I’ll discuss a particularly nice example. And we get the phase entanglement! That this “hidden” momentum is of order 1/c2,19 and so is a “relativistic” effect, was beyond the scope of discussions in 1904.20 23) and Robin Bjorkquist, 'Hidden Momentum' 2009: Before turning o ff the magnetic field, the dipole and charge are both at rest, so the total momentum of the system is zero. After turning off the field, the charge is moving and the dipole is not moving, so the total momentum is non-zero. 24) and That is, with the de Broglie wavelength given as = h/p, where h is the Planck constant and p is the momentum magnitude, and noting that the Bohr radii are ones with orbit circumference of whole multiples of the de Broglie wavelength, should p consist properly of hidden as well as kinetic momentum? It seems that perhaps it should, as there is already support in the literature for the influence of hidden momentum in the Dirac equation [13].
Ben-Aryeh, And so what is this hidden momentum but the complementary opposite secret energy! It is shown that the phase of the 'hidden momentum' in Aharonov-Bohm (AB) solenoid effect is equal in magnitude to the phase of the electron but with opposite sign. 26) And so science has to explain this 'hidden momentum' as a macroquantum energy effect!
Consequently, the eigen-modes of mechanical vibration (phonons) created in the process must distribute the acquired energy and momentum throughout the material medium. But is it the suggestion of a deeper wave structure underlying the de Broglie wave that could have the larger significance for quantum theory.If the de Broglie wave is the modulation of a underlying standing wave structure, it becomes possible to speculate that this underlying wave, moving at the velocity of the particle and following a well-defined trajectory, might explain both the wave and the particulate properties of the particle.
And composed of influences evolving at the speed of light, the existence of this underlying structure would imply a deeper and more natural unity in Nature than could be guessed at if the only wave associated with a massive particle were of superluminal velocity and unknown ontology. As the particle moves, the standing wave becomes a travelling wave having two factors.
One is a carrier wave displaying the dilated frequency and contracted ellipsoidal form described by the LT, while the other (identified as the de Broglie wave) is a modulation defining the dephasing of the carrier wave (and thus the failure of simultaneity) in the direction of travel. The superluminality of the de Broglie wave is thus explained, as are several other mysterious features of the optical behaviour of matter.
As to the infinity at the core of the model, it must be supposed that any viable wave form would exhibit some asymmetry avoiding such a singularity. 28) Philosophy professor Quentin Smith has co-edited a book on consciousness, in which he says there is a ' universal pilot wave that directs the universe.' He says humans need to 'accomplish this relearning' and 'relearn to perceive a de Broglie-Bohm world that includes entangled wave-forms that consciously construct the illusion of the common-place mechanical world.' ( Consciousness, Oxford University Press, 2003). 29) Telekinesis research William Tiller. The engineer and physicist William Tiller has based his consciousness studies on the de Broglie pilot wave by arguing it requires a consciousness particle - the Deltron. His paper focused on this foundation of his model is called 30) Gerard t'Hooft et.
The shorter the wavelength.of the photons, the heavier the box.Matter is transformed to radiation but mass stays the same [frequency/speed of light squared]. Put on a balance in a box, it is impossible to know whether [it is matter or light].The confusion that sometimes arises can often be traced back to the mix-up between the words 'mass' and 'matter.'
Matter can be transformed into radiation. What is intriguing is that matter's most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply they all have some sort of intrinsic dynamics..So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box.
If really so, matter is light. Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft and M.B. Van der Mark, 2000 31) It was Olivier Costa de Beauregard who emphasized that precognition was part of de Broglie's pilot wave modeland in 1956 de Broglie said to Costa de Beauregard that there was 'an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time.' .the miraculous phenomenon - convergent final state with coherent phase - may be more or less 'simulated' by a 'conspiracy of causes' in the form of antecedent sources that are coherent in phase.Louis de Broglie thought I was completely mad.
Nevertheless I published the idea.but I believe that much significance is lost by not making use of relativistic quantum mechanics. In sum the 'new quantum mechanics' describes and experiment entirely confirms, the paradoxical correlation, or non-separability in B. D'Espagnat's phrase, either between two distance measurements.or between two distant preparations for measurement.coupled by their common past or future respectively. I assert then that relativistic quantum mechanics accounts completely for all this.the observer is also an actor, and therefore what parapsychologists call 'psychokinesis' must be logically accepted.
'Precognition' too must be logically accepted if the future exists in actuality, and if convergent waves are not to be discounted. The indirect transmission of messages to Elsewhere along Feynman lines implies 'telepathy' and 'telekinesis' - and this is what frightened Einstein, twice mentioning 'telepathy' in this connection in 1949, Schroedinger using the word 'magic' in 1935, and de Broglie, seeing in 1956, 'an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time.' 'Cosmos and Consciousness,' in Science and Consciousness: Two Views of the Universe, 1980. A high-ranked official said the subject is way too hot, it looks like physicists do not agree with each other, and it would look bad in the public and bad for fundraising.Parapsychology, well parapsychology, no one is allowed to talk about it. You may say you don't understand it, me neither, I don't but it is the TRUE reason why they would not let anyone speak about it [EPR nonlocality].
Noncommutative spacetimes lead to nonlocal quantum field theories (qft’s) where spin-statistics theorems cannot be proved. Spin-electron acoustic waves give the explanation for the high-temperature superconductivity.
This kinetic theory allows us to obtain the spectrum of the SEAWs including the effects of occupation of quantum states more accurately than the quantum hydrodynamic. Kinetic analysis for the ion- acoustic, zero sound, and Langmuir waves at the separated spin-up and spin-down electron dynamics is presented as well. Influence of the exchange interaction on the properties of the spin-electron acoustic waves at the oblique propagation of waves relatively to the external magnetic field in the magnetically ordered metals is studied. The spectra of the Langmuir wave and the Trivelpiece-Gould wave are also considered. It is well-known that there are two branches of spectrum of the spin-electron acoustic waves in this regime. Change their properties under influence of the exchange interaction is studied. The quantum Bohm potential is included either.
The exchange interaction and quantum Bohm potential gives opposite contributions, but they do not compensate each other since they have different dependence on the wave vector. This competition creates a non-monotonical behavior of the Trivelpiece-Gould wave spectrum. The concavity changes in the monotonic spectra of the Langmuir wave and the SEAWs are found. On a mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity: Spin-electron acoustic wave as a mechanism for the Cooper pair formation I.e.
Josephson Junction. However if certain conditions are fulfilled, such as an effective interaction between quasiparticles which is both short-ranged and repulsive, then there is a massless bosonic excitation in the spectrum as T [goes to] 0. Carrying zero baryon charge, it is a phonon, ie. A quantum of collective excitation called zero sound. Sound propagation occurs in any elastic medium; z ero sound happens when the elasticity originates not from collisions between individual particles, but from the force on a single particle due to its coherent interaction with all others present in the medium.phonons are characteristic of zero sound and should be considered excitations of the degenerate ground state This well-known phenomenon is variously known as Landau damping, Cerenkov radiatoin, or most appropriately in the current context, as a sonic boom. When particles go faster than the speed of light, those around them see a special glow. This is called Cherenkov Radiation.
And it's a lot prettier than a sonic boom.As it travels through different media it is refracted and interacts with the various atoms it comes into contact with. The photon is still going at light speed, but it's trip through the medium is at slightly lower than light speed. In the classical physics of very dense matter, Lorentz invariance imposes no restriction on the speed of sound or on the ratio of pressure to energy density. Indeed, the simplest and most reasonable classical many-particle theory can manifest such apparently noncausal behavior whenever the calculated self-energy of a particle exceeds its observed (renormalized) rest energy. This comes about because ordinary mass renormalization subtracts out part of a particle's self-interaction energy without altering the interaction with other particles that contributes to pressure. Two types of models are exhibited which, at low densities, show normal behavior and, at high densities, become superluminal (speed of sound greater than speed of light in vacuum) and ultrabaric (pressure greater than energy density). Nobel Laureate Chen-Ning Yang on the lost secret of Maxwell: Throughout his lifetime, Maxwell always wrote his equations with the vector potential A playing key role.
After his death, Heaviside and Hertz gleefully eliminated A. But we know with Quantum Mechanics that A has physical meaning. It cannot be eliminated (E.g., the Aharanov-Bohm experiment).
The Aharonov– Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday– Aharonov– Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (V, A), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero.If the electric charge through gauge invariance creates an electromagnetic field, wouldn't this isotopic spin also generate a field? And that is the motivation. Thank you XXXX! Yes it is very disappointing that when the New Agers try to embrace quantum physics then they just get thrown a variant of Copenhagen. I just had a breakthrough on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. I found a group of researchers - academics - who derive quantum physics just using Helmholtz harmonic analysis, to confirm de Broglie's model. Basically as Professor Jean Bricmont points out and a few other researchers - de Broglie figured out the truth of reality when he was critiquing Einstein's relativity - and he did his Ph.D.
Thesis in 1923-4. So he predicted that electrons would exhibit diffraction gradients in 1923 and he got the Nobel prize when it was confirmed. But what science has chosen to ignore is that his math is completely based on the electron wave, also having a phase wave that is superluminal and the ether. So the tricky thing is that as everyone learns de Broglie discovered that wavelength is inverse to momentum - and this is a shocker since momentum is for a particle, not for a wave (normally). But that was not his greatest discovery!
He realized his Law of Phase Harmony was his greatest discovery and people do not even learn this when they study physics. In fact de Broglie's Ph.D. Thesis was not translated in full into English until 2004!!
Anyway so the deal is that because the momentum is inverse to wavelength it means that frequency being inverse to wavelength then changes based on the mass changing near the speed of light. And so - well de Broglie realized there has to be a reverse time phase wave.
It is difficult to explain the math - the phase velocity is frequency x wavelength but it is noncommutative phase between the matter wave and the superluminal phase wave. So that frequency x wavelength does not equal wavelength x frequency. This is what I discovered from music theory as well. Anyway this also explains the quantum eraser paradox. It's not that the Holographic Universe is wrong - only that Michael Talbot and Pribram got the math wrong. Quantum biology has now proven that the foundation of reality is coherent not random or inherently unknowable. But the quantum entanglement as coherence - the ether - is noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension.
So in music theory it means if C is the 1 and the octave 2 is C then G is 3 as harmonic overtone Perfect Fifth while F is 3 as Perfect Fifth subharmonic. So this means that G=3=F even though both are the Perfect Fifth pitch, the frequency and wavelength are inverted.
So it is noncommutative phase as quantum nonlocality - being in two places at the same time, as the 5th dimension with a geometric dimension of zero. The paper argued you can just use Fourier complex number (cosine plus sin) to derive quantum physics as harmonic analysis - and so you don't need the noncommutative imaginary number. But Fourier harmonics is still based on symmetric math, not noncommutative: 'complex numbers are generally expressed as two-component vector-like quantities' - you can express them in terms of two real components, just like you can express a real number in terms of an integer and fractional component, or you can express a rational in terms of a numerator and a denominator. Which is to say that the imaginary number can still be symmetric math of complex Fourier analysis but it is the noncommutative phase of time x frequency that makes the imaginary number as 1/2 spin (720 degrees to complete a full rotation).except if one is to feed the corresponding Poisson bracket in classical mechanics from behind the scene into the quantum picture. It has been argued that the commutation stated in the fourth postulate is a consequence of the operators associated with the corresponding observables, and thus a consequence of the experiments.a connection between discrete Fourier transform and uncertainty relations used in signal processing applications has been noticed in the past.generalized form of the Poisson Bracket, that is [.]= imaginary number x Planck's Constant as h-bar [ h divided by 2π,].a comparable commutator between energy [frequency] and time.
[change in]energy x [change in]time = 1/2 h-bar [half of the quantum phase space is quantum spin]. Dirac realized that the noncommutative math could not be visualized - and that the Poisson Bracket actually was first used by Whittaker. Page 299 of A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies by Edmund Whittaker - '.as Dirac had surmised, the Poisson bracket, which first appeared over a century before in the writings of French mathematician Simeon-Denis Poisson. And so the 'Poisson Bracket' is used to convert the noncommutative position and momentum back into symmetric position and momentum in quantum physics.
But what people don't realize is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty of position and momentum is not just a technical measuring limitation but is derived from noncommutative time-frequency. So anyway quantum physicist Basil J. Hiley who collaborated with David Bohm, and I've corresponded with Hiley, he admitted yes there is noncommutative time-frequency and now he emphasizes that noncommutative phase is the nonlocal origin of reality - so he uses a noncommutative algebra that he considers to be 'pre-space' and at time zero (when he begins the calculations of the Bohmian quantum potentials) then he is actually interacting with the nonlocal reality. Next, an exact self-adjoint 4 × 4 relativistic time operator for spin-1/2 particles is found and the time eigenstates for the non-relativistic case are obtained and discussed. Results confirm the quantum mechanical speculation that particles can indeed occupy negative energy levels with vanishingly small but non-zero probablity, contrary to the general expectation from classical physics. Hence, Wolfgang Pauli's objection regarding the existence of a self-adjoint time operator is fully resolved., 2017 But the problem is that mathematics is left brain dominant while visualization of biophotons has to be right brain dominant and done with the eyes closed!
Since 2/3rds of our brain is used for external vision. In other words we can harmonically synchronize and amplify the biophotons and also we can then 'capture' virtual photon energy. This is proven with Josephson Junctions and so I emailed Brian Josephson and I've corresponded with him also - after he got the Nobel prize then he went into paranormal research and meditation. The secret of his Josephson Junction is maintain phase coherence from the quantum potential energy (the virtual photons).
So I said we can do this with meditation on our own. Both David Bohm and Brian Josephson have turned to music as the best metaphor to explain quantum nonlocal consciousness. But as Brian Josephson admitted to me, he does not understand music theory well enough to understand the noncommutative phase secret of music theory. But he did ask me what I thought of his music compositions that he posted online for people to listen to. Domash attempted to argue that the state you got into during transcendental meditation was similar to the ground state of a superconductor, which Bell thought was nonsense. So there is a funny logical paradox - the quantum physics mainstream stick to the statistics since it 'works' but only de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony described the truth since he was critiquing relativity.
But after Einstein first embraced de Broglie's Ph.D. Thesis (and that was the only reason de Broglie got it approved), then when the statistics was introduced by Max Born, and it was successful for multiple particles, the extension of relativity with the reverse time nonlocality of de Broglie had been dropped.
And since the statistics was successful based on Schroedinger - even de Broglie went against the physical existence of his nonlocal pilot wave! And then when Bohm rediscovered de Broglie's secret - Einstein dismissed it as 'too easy' of an answer!
And then Jean Bricmont proves that almost all physicists do not understand Bells Inequality Theorem - Bricmont has a new amazing article that quotes Stephen Hawking - and others - and so he proves they don't understand quantum physics! So Alain Connes states that due to the unusual infinite dimensions of Hilbert Space you then can have the continuum of infinitesimals and integers without the logical paradox of incommensurability - but only because they are noncommutative! And then Connes states this secret is from music theory. But Connes is biased toward Western music and so he also does not understand the secrets of music theory well enough. Josephson now emphasizes the foundation of reality is discovered through biology being more primary than physics but Josephson is stuck in the left brain analysis as well. He tried to give presentations to the Maharshi at T.M.
- and the yogi Maharshi tried to go along with Josephson since he was a Nobel physicist but it didn't quite mesh well. It is Gerard t'Hooft I think who is closest when he details in his paper 'light is heavy' that all matter can be derived from the relativistic mass of light. This relativistic mass is precisely the 'hidden momentum' that de Broglie discovered that is reverse time momentum as the superluminal phase wave. Sidharth explains - the relativistic mass of light is due to noncommutative spacetime. There is research being done to confirm that the noncommutative phase of quantum entanglement then is also this noncommutative spacetime - as de Broglie realized - they are just two sides of the same coin. (pdf link) from the same professor who first taught Lee Smolin - and then Domash became the science research director for Transcendental Meditation (cult). But he gets into the quantum biology - and the key factor is entropy or as Schroedinger coined the term 'negentropy.'
So symmetric math actually increases entropy as a byproduct of creating 'information.' But in real consciousness 'information' is created as negentropy from reverse time energy. So this is actually the cause of the ecological crisis and severe social injustice - the wrong math at the foundation of science. So yeah that Domash pdf - makes the same analog between the Josephson Junction and superconducting quantum phase coherence in the brain!
Science has already proven that the increased smog in China is from abrupt warming in the arctic. Science has proven that Science has already proven that global warming causes normal contrails to stay in the air longer from increased water condensation. I tried watching a Dane Wangigton or whatever and he never presented any real evidence for chemtrails. I will give you an example - I personally saw a secret military craft - equilateral, no fuselage - so close I could have hit it with a rock. And then UFO reporting Center regularly reports people seeing the same craft.
This craft is reported to go Mach 9 and can hover as well and I saw it go so slow it defied gravity. Yet you are never going to find a scientist saying yes this craft exists - because it's top secret. But on the other hand people who believe in alien E.T.s have no evidence for them - like bigfoot.
I have searched (for years) for E.T. Evidence and can not find any yet the CIA-military is proven to spread the lies of E.t.
But yet a large segment of the population believes in e.T. Aliens and why shouldn't they with CIA-cable promoting E.T. And yet if you say yes I have seen secret military craft - they will say yes they are reverse-engineered from alien craft!! And yet if you point out that there is no evidence for E.T. Aliens then it won't matter to them.
They will say but yes people have reported - from the military - that aliens are real. And you say - yeah but the military has been blatantly promoting that lie. Then they say - but that's what they want you to believe that they are lying - in order to cover up the real truth! What can you say? Same with chemtrails.
What abrupt global warming is - along with the ecological crisis in general - is a complete breakdown of left-brain dominant society. 'Fake News' is the biggest meme of corporate-state t.v. Now - and it is like Nazi Germany - with a huge prison population and ICE raids - and 75% of the population has next to no savings and in debt - and everyone is now conspiratorial.
And why shouldn't people be conspiratorial? We literally have no future - no matter how you look at it. 50% of 65 year olds have NO SAVINGS. The ecological crisis is also a socioeconomic crisis. It's been proven that people with a million dollars think they don't have enough money and yet poor people will contribute a larger share of their money for charity! It's called solidarity). So conspiratorial thinking is completely normal - even professors brown-nose up to the corporate elite since universities and colleges are controlled by the corporate-state elite and yet they, the professors, are supposed to be 'objective.'
No wonder the whole global economy crashed in 2008 - the poor have not had any real wage increases for 40 years and that is 40% of the population barely able to cover basic needs. Now they are considered criminals with police regularly just outright murdering poor people and arresting them for no real reasons except poor people doing strange things to desperately try to survive! I personally got arrested for such a reason. I have been studying quantum physics intensely the past couple months - haha. There really is an 'ether' to reality - that is 'nonlocal' as Protoconsciousness of the Universe - real scientists believe in this - and it is what people have traditionally called God. But 99% of scientists will say no - this is not real. Yet if you really dig into quantum physics - even Einstein admitted there was a 'ghost field' guiding reality - faster than light speed.
He did not like it and said that quantum physics was 'spooky action at a distance using telepathic methods.' And he is now proven correct - yes it is those things.
But even still physicists will say ah but 'entanglement' is a rare thing - it has to be created and it's fragile. No - about a dozen scientists realize otherwise - from the perspective of the particles they are being guided by the ether and we are made of particles.
Quantum biology. It's proven we are made of light - biophotons - and light has relativistic mass. In fact when you combine relativity and quantum physics - we exist within a 5th dimensional black hole and all particles - all matter is actually light happening at the same time! Even linear time is an illusion. I used to have a blog called ConspiraChi - because Qi or Chi literally means Air or Breath. Conspira also means breathing together in secret to tie or bind ourselves to the land!
That is the origin of conspiracy in the West. Christians used to kiss on the lips in a secret ritual and the church banned it and so that is what the 'hand shaking' gesture of 'giving peace' is from Church - it used to be a conspiracy of 'sharing breath' in secret through kissing on the lips. The Chinese government has officially declared it will end the smog in 3 years! But their plan is for people to rely on 'biomass' instead of 'coal' and in the meantime all the people - millions who heated their houses with coal - are freezing. And the biomass causes global warming as well, just as bad.
And so people are Quite literally freezing until they can switch to biomass. But that's how China does it since Mao - like Communist Soviets - huge 5 year plans that completely up-end society and kill millions from famine, drought, environmental pollution.
The West does the same but we 'externalize' the genocide to our 'client states.' So the Western masses keep consuming and believing in 'democracy' when it's really an empire based on genocide and ecocide. Sign up even if you can't listen 'live' - you'll get a free recording - 1 hour qi talk FREE.
Thursday February 8th with qigong master Jim Nance who can leave his body at will! He healed my mom so she could walk again - while he talked to me on the phone! Qigong Master Jim Nance worked to open my third eye long distance - several times - the center of my brain was on fire and then my heart energy qi opened up. One time I was ranting to qigong master Jim Nance about politics. He said I was on his side. I kept ranting. He got real quiet and suddenly I felt strong qi deep on the right side of my heart.
That is, according to Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality and Ramana Maharshi, the secret 'pinhole' to the formless awareness of the Universe, beyond death, the Yuan Qi on the right side of the heart. As soon as I felt that I immediately stopped talking. Then Jim said, 'I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were.' Too bad He wanted to publish my master's thesis in 2000 but he didn't understand what I meant by 'zero beats'!! I didn't realize I had rediscovered de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony based on Helmholtz harmonic analysis!! So I couldn't explain it to him and he admitted that actually it was his wife who had wanted to publish my master's thesis as a book.
So partly due to Full Moon and mostly due to needing to 'crack the nut' of de Broglie's 'greatest discovery' as he himself considered it, the Law of Phase Harmony, I kept digging and digging deeper in the math and what it means. Finally at 4 a.m. I cracked the nut when I happened upon one sentence in one book. I will now relocate that sentence. I know the book was written by de Broglie and had Heisenberg Uncertainty in the title so I search de broglie heisenberg uncertainty and I get all sorts of hits I have not read yet. I'm sure they will be interesting.
But first his book - it has not come up yet. I'm now up to page 19 and a lot of very fascinating hits but still no book by de Broglie based on Heisenberg Uncertainty! There have been half a dozen hits that I would have checked out but I can always go back. I am forcing to fixate on this. Wow I didn't even get it - ran out of pages! So now I type de Broglie google books.
Now this is what gets me! People want to study de Broglie and Heisenberg Uncertainty and yet google does not even bring up de Broglie's own book on the topic!!! So after studying this topic for so long - I figure de Broglie is the one who figured this out - but he kept getting dismissed! I was even starting to 'lose faith' in his great Law of Phase Harmony. Until yesterday or the day before I came across this quote.
I put it in the footer of the blog so I have to find it. I think maybe it was Tim Maudlin. Well I guess I didn't write that one down - but oh I remember who it was!
Roderich Tumulka, 2017 So poor de Broglie - he was correct all along. Was his Law of Phase Harmony discovery - what he considered his greatest discovery! And yet already by 1926 he was trying to 'correct' it with a statistical model based on Schroedinger - leaving out relativity!! And so his 'pilot wave' model in 1926 as a 'dumbed down' version and so got dismissed at the Solvay Conference!
This was the greatest blunder of science ever! This is why Mike Towler wrote a whole book - or was it just Antony Valentini - on the Solvay Conference and the pilot model of de Broglie. Because the point being it was discussed in detail and was the key aspect of that conference - despite history giving all the glory to Bohr and the Copenhagen Model of reality. Now - so then last night I discovered a group of scholars who do the de Broglie quantum analysis without any statistics!
By LV de Broglie - ‎ - ‎ Mar 7, 2010 - lated to English below,] and a German translation in 19271, the development of Physics progressed very rapidly in the way I foresaw, namely, in terms of a fusion of the methods of Dynamics and the theory of waves. EINSTEIN from the beginning has supported my thesis, but it was M. So now I quote de Broglie from chapter one of his Ph.D. That which makes an electron an atom of energy is not its small volume that it occupies in space, I repeat: it occupies all space, but the fact that it is indivisible, that it constitutes a unit. So now we go back to Heisenberg's Uncertainties. By Louis de Broglie. It appears this was published in 1990 but based on editing comments of his work.
When I search light has momentum - I get this: In practice it is always combined with the complementary viewpoint of 'dynamical state,' which corresponds to the undulatory aspect [frequency = Energy (mass x speed of light square)/Planck's constant and wavelength = Plank's constant/momentum]. But this second aspect obviously 'transcends' the spacetime frame ( the monochromatic plane wave corresponding to a well-defined state of motion occupies all of space and time!) And so Louis de Broglie admits he just discovered God or the Emptiness or the Ether - the Cosmic Mother!! But this is too much for science - so an editorial note states - This same remark would later lead de Broglie to deny any physically real existence to the plane wave.
Georges Lochak. It is quite mind-boggling! Here de Broglie makes the claim in his Ph.D thesis! He says 'it occupies all space'!!
He then predicts a 'matter wave' for an electron - and he is proven correct - and then later - based on the same math - he denies the existence of what he discovered - simply because he got beaten down (metaphorically) by the other scientists. So what does the math really mean! Science accepts de Broglie's 'matter waves' but denies the 'phase wave'!! The wavelength is inverse to the momentum but this means that from the perspective of the particle - it's internal mass changes proportional to the frequency, as the wavelength also changes! In other words the frequency is from the future as the phase wave - such that the phase velocity of the group wave (the matter wave) x the phase wave = speed of light squared.
Relativistic effects of motion affect both the wave and mass-energy aspects of light without paradox. And so Professor Steven M. Taylor (who was illegally assaulted by the cops and fired from his college - just because the administrators are fascists!) derives that the kinetic mass-energy exists prior to or from the future of the change in relative frequency of the light!
This is another way of saying that the Yuan Qi is a negentropic energy as superluminal quantum phase, from the future, that guides the light. (pdf link) So the momentum as inverse to the wavelength is relativistic mass as the frequency is the phase wave from the future! The relativistic mass of light is a hidden momentum phase wave from the future!! The meaning of this is just now being realized. In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energypossessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.
Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: 'Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm' And so as the particle sits 'in spacetime' at rest - at the same time it has a phase wave that is infinitely everywhere in spacetime - and therefore 'transcends' it. This is the 'noncommutative phase' as the 5th dimension!! It directly shows also the secret of Sonofusion - how wavelength, inverse to momentum, then enables a frequency from the future since wavelength x frequency = phase wave of the group matter wave but wavelength x frequency also, inversely, as momentum is inverse to frequency, equals the phase wave that 'guides' the matter wave - from the future in reverse time.
This is noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension at the same time! So we assume we have to measure things externally then we assume that since we can only measure the particle empirically therefore these phase waves from the future can not exist!
But the Quantum Delayed Choice Entanglement experiment proves they exist - from the future! And also in meditation we know that we have light inside us - we can embody the light and the light then 'at rest' has a momentum as hidden relativistic mass energy from the future! Virtual photons. These have already been 'captured' in science using the Josephson Junction that harmonizes the phase of the particle with the phase of the reverse time energy momentum.
And so when we meditate - we actually are resonating with the Ether - as alchemy sonofusion energy. De Broglie discovered the math of this - but since the particle could not be scaled up to the macro level and so statistics had to be used - therefore he denied what he had discovered as the foundation of reality!! Only now is science claiming that ER=EPR which means that quantum entanglement creates 4D spacetime and that virtual micro black holes exist everywhere in spacetime - and are quantum entangled. This is what holds matter up - and keeps the electrons from spinning into the proton and neutron. I quoted Fred Alan Wolf who describes this so well. Everyone knows the Phase of the matter wave - since the phase is the integral number x planck's constant as inverse to the momentum.
So the phase is the wavelength x the frequency x planck's constant. But that is the phase of the matter wave! It is when the matter wave emits light as a 'quantum jump' that then reveals that the matter wave is a subharmonic 'beat' of the Ether. This is what I described in my master's thesis as sound-current nondualism - as a harmonic 'beat' - but I did not know the math or physics well enough. All I knew was the music theory - and even not that well enough! Fred Alan Wolf (p.
94, Taking the Quantum Leap) The movement of the electron from one orbit to another lower energy orbit was a simple change of notes. As a violin string undergoes such a change, there is a moment when both harmonics can be heard. This results in the well-known experience of harmony, or as wave scientists call it, the phenomenon of beats. The light was a beat, a harmony, between the lower and upper harmonics of the Schroedinger-de Broglie waves. When we see atomic light, we are observing an atom singing harmony.They had no medium to wave in, and they had no recognizable form in physical space. In such a view the quantum wave function of a moving free particle becomes a “beat frequency” produced by the relative motion of the observer with respect to the particle and its oscillating charge.
Manfred Euler: 2016: de Broglie clocks as synchronization: a tangible model of how mass emerges. Matter waves are locally in phase with the particle clocks (de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony). The clock runs forever so it's self-sustaining (consciousness-energy).
It resonates with the quantum vacuum. The harmonic beats create dynamic energy.
So then you have a 'phase particle' that can be faster than the speed of light - superluminal - and a 'mass particle' that is slower than the speed of light as the 'group wave' of the 'phase wave.' The beats of the phase wave then are 'in resonance' with the quantum vacuum - and so create mass from the massless field, explaining the Higgs mechanism. Now what did I write in Below are 2 versions of my masters thesis. The first one I revised later. Let's see the difference on 'beats.' I did not quote Taoist Yoga on the 'absolute void'?
Oh yes I did only later down. But notice in the 2nd version I did not state 'inference'!! I stated instead 'thus by applying' - when in fact I was relying on logical inference of the Ether to figure this out!
Jeans writes, 'on this theory [Helmholtz theory of beats] the octave becomes the most perfect of all concords.the unpleasantness [beats] remains until the octave of reached, at which point [the beat] suddenly disappears.' The multidimensional nodal resonance derived from the zero-beats void is measured by applying Fourier's Theorem of harmonic wave analysis. New paradigm physicist Nick Herbert in his chapter 'Wave Motions: The Sound of Music' states: 'Just as sine waves are the natural vibrations of a stretched string, so spherical harmonics are the natural vibrations of an elastic sphere.Whenever a sphere vibrates, certain nodal circles appear where the sphere stands still.' As with the theory of Helmholtz, Fourier's Theorem is derived from the law of Pythagoras and determines the fundamental pulse of complex waveforms by analyzing spatial frequencies, amplitudes and phase relations. This concept of natural free multiples arising from zero wave-forms or the void has been noted by physicist Jean Charon, as Berendt states, Both the electron and the black hole [i.e.
Extremely dense matter with zero beats] are characterized by totally curved space and by curved time. This means that the time of electrons and of black holes is opposite to our 'material' time, which moves on a straight line from past to present to future. This, in turn, may imply that if entropy grows in the 'material' world, then in the world of electrons (and black holes) precisely the opposite force might grow, the force of negentropy. Woodhouse describes the harmonic power from measuring rhythmic vibrations that arises from the lack of beats, from zero in scalar electromagnetics: 'by canceling out [forces of repulsion] through appropriate (though variable) phase modulation - we literally create a field of gravitational potential.' The most successful music theorist and sympathetic vibrations physicist, John Keely, similarly put the importance of the nothingness behind the harmonic Diapason or Tai Ch'i as such: There would be no life, and therefore no action in aggregated matter, had the latent negative force [the nothingness measured by music theory] been left out.The evolution of power from the latent condition.proves the 'connection link' between celestial and terrestrial, the infinite and the finite. Keely's connecting link refers to the second very important implication of the zero beats behind harmony, which is that the difference between all orders of information can be measured.
In Taoist qi gong understanding these different levels of information is also crucial to the concept of nothingness as the source of harmonic creation. The node is the relative void, where wave displacement equals zero, and the zero of the beats, signifying pure harmony and creation, is the absolute void. The profound text Taoist Yoga states: Seeing the void as not empty is right and seeing the void as empty is wrong [as the West has done], for failure to return to the (tsu ch'iao) centre (which is not empty) prevents the light of vitality from manifesting.When spirit and vitality return to this cavity, spiritual vitality will soar up to form a circle (of light) which is not void. Voidness which does not radiate is relative but voidness which radiates is absolute. Absolute voidness is not empty like relative voidness.
By applying the universal law of harmony, the closer the natural free vibrations are to the beats of zero or the absolute void (the source of the node of the Diapason, the harmony through all) the more consonant or pleasant the energy is. Thus, based on the Helmholtz theory of harmony, at the interval (or node) of a fourth and a fifth (ratios 4:3 and 3:2), beats similar to the octave nearly disappear. These two natural free vibration intervals are, after the Diapason (the octave), the next harmonic multiples to the fundamental. Even music analyst Leonard Meyer of the University of Chicago, noted for emphasizing pluralism, states 'the octave, fifth and fourth are basic, normative intervals in the music of almost all cultures.'
As arising from the Diapason or Tai Ch'i of the Wu Chi (the void), Bealieau comments, 'the fourth and fifth work together as yin and yang.The fifth and the fourth are the basis for the 1-4-5 chordal progressions found throughout music of all cultures.' I derived the quantum ether of the phase wave from Helmholtz Harmonic analysis of beats - and above I link scientists deriving the quantum ether from Helmholtz Harmonic analysis of beats!! By inference the closer the multiple or ratio of string parts is to the beats of zero or the absolute void (the source of the harmony through all) the more consonant the interval of the scale. Thus, based on the Hemholtz law of harmony, at the interval of a fourth and a fifth (ratios 4:3 and 3:2) beats similar to the octave nearly disappear (for the octave again the beats are zero).(40) These two intervals are the next natural multiples to the fundamental: 'the fourth and fifth work together as yin and yang.The fifth, and the fourth are the basis for the 1-4-5 chordal progressions found throughout music of all cultures,' states Bealieau.(41). However if certain conditions are fulfilled, such as an effective interaction between quasiparticles which is both short-ranged and repulsive, then there is a massless bosonic excitation in the spectrum as T [goes to] 0. Carrying zero baryon charge, it is a phonon, ie. A quantum of collective excitation called zero sound.
Sound propagation occurs in any elastic medium; z ero sound happens when the elasticity originates not from collisions between individual particles, but from the force on a single particle due to its coherent interaction with all others present in the medium.phonons are characteristic of zero sound and should be considered excitations of the degenerate ground state This well-known phenomenon is variously known as Landau damping, Cerenkov radiatoin, or most appropriately in the current context, as a sonic boom. When particles go faster than the speed of light, those around them see a special glow. This is called Cherenkov Radiation. And it's a lot prettier than a sonic boom.As it travels through different media it is refracted and interacts with the various atoms it comes into contact with. The photon is still going at light speed, but it's trip through the medium is at slightly lower than light speed. In the classical physics of very dense matter, Lorentz invariance imposes no restriction on the speed of sound or on the ratio of pressure to energy density. Indeed, the simplest and most reasonable classical many-particle theory can manifest such apparently noncausal behavior whenever the calculated self-energy of a particle exceeds its observed (renormalized) rest energy.
This comes about because ordinary mass renormalization subtracts out part of a particle's self-interaction energy without altering the interaction with other particles that contributes to pressure. Two types of models are exhibited which, at low densities, show normal behavior and, at high densities, become superluminal (speed of sound greater than speed of light in vacuum) and ultrabaric (pressure greater than energy density). Throughout his lifetime, Maxwell always wrote his equations with the vector potential A playing key role.
After his death, Heaviside and Hertz gleefully eliminated A. But we know with Quantum Mechanics that A has physical meaning.
It cannot be eliminated (E.g., the Aharanov-Bohm experiment). The Aharonov– Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday– Aharonov– Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (V, A), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero. If the electric charge through gauge invariance creates an electromagnetic field, wouldn't this isotopic spin also generate a field?
And that is the motivation. A different sign of conflict came when Jung asked Freud what he made of parapsychology. Sigmund was a complete sceptic: occult phenomena were to him a 'black tide of mud'. But as they were sitting talking, Jung's diaphragm began to feel hot. Suddenly, a bookcase in the room cracked loudly and they both jumped up.
'There, that is an example of a so-called catalytic exteriorisation phenomenon,' Jung retorted – referring to his theory that the uncanny could be projections of internal strife. Freud retorted, before Jung predicted that there would be another crack, which there was. It's cuz we used the wrong music theory! Logarithms are from the first logarithm - 'arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared' = Perfect Fifth plus Perfect Fourth = Octave.
This is the wrong math from the wrong music theory! The Perfect Fifth is G=3 while C=1 but that is just the overtone harmonic while the Perfect Fifth is also F=3 while C=1 as subharmonic undertone.
Natural logarithm: 'Thus the total area inside the hyperbola and its asymptotes is infinite, consistent with divergence of the harmonic series.' All males of the original human culture were required to train in 'staying power' through trance dance - at puberty the males fast for a month while trance dancing all day - and this activates the N/om kundalini to open up the pineal gland. Modern humans are brain washed as ejaculation addiction. It drives the economy as 'commodity fetish.'
Western math is wrong due to not understanding complementary opposites of harmonics. The first logarithm was Perfect Fifth plus Perfect fourth = Octave from 'arithmetic mean x harmonic mean = geometric mean squared.' It was the wrong math since Perfect Fifth is noncommutative phase as overtone and undertone at the same time!!
First question to ask is when was the bottle half full? The answer is one minute to 12 cuz they [bacterium] double every minute. If you were a bacterium in that bottle at what time would you first realize that you were running out of space?
A standing-wave of the futu re-past [5].Nilpotent quantum mechanics is a form of relativistic quantum mechanics/quantum field theory which can be derived from the rewrite system and which minimalizes the whole quantum apparatus to a single operator acting on a universal environment, which is its mirror image. Exploring Novel Cyclic Extensions of Hamilton's Dual-Quaternion Algebra (PDF Download Available). Available from: Quantum holography has now been officially recognized as occurring in the case of “quantum holographic encoding in a two-dimensional electron gas” [], but the work of Walter Schempp has already shown that it has extensive practical application in Magnetic Resonance Imaging based on harmonic analysis on the 3D Heisenberg Lie group [].The underlying Clifford algebra suggests that analogous mathematical models are also possible, one of which is the Klein bottle structure proposed by one of us in earlier work []. Here we have forfeited symmetry. We have however discovered something else: Harmony.I don't believe that Nature is governed by symmetry but rather by Harmony and Harmony is certainly not synonymous with symmetry.In Projective Space you can go from A to B, not in one, but in two ways.the reverse one.via the plane at infinity.
Light would precisely follow this reverse path, if we were to move at speeds greater than its own, so that it would always stay 'ahead' of us.meaning we 'will capture' light coming from spaces we have not yet reached. If this electron is entangled with another particle somewhere else in the universe, then it is possible to have a quantum state in which the electron's spin is inherently unknowable in all directions simultaneously, including directions unaligned with any of these three axes.
We all originated from quantum fluctuations. Mukhanov and Chibisov also realized that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle prohibits absolute homogeneity. “There would always remain small wiggles, or small inhomogeneities, in the distribution of the matter,” Mukhanov explains.
“But normally these kinds of inhomogeneities are extremely small.” What would have happened, Mukhanov and Chibisov wondered, to the inhomogeneities that were present during the exponential expansion? In 1981, Mukhanov and Chibisov concluded that the exponentially rapid expansion would stretch tiny quantum fluctuations to an enormously large size. After that, these fluctuations would grow in amplitude and become the seeds for the galaxy formation.At that time, hydrogen atoms and photons (packets of light) decoupled, leaving a kind of “flashbulb” image that pervades the universe to this day.
Since then, numerous observations of the CMB have found an exquisite match with Mukhanov and Chibisov’s theoretical predictions, most recently in the release of data from the European Space Agency’s Planck observatory. Viatcheslav Mukhanov - Inflation is eternal to the Universe. A high energy 'false vacuum' drives inflation. Bubbles end inflation in parts of the Universe (we live in a bubble) but the space between them expands even faster (preventing the bubbles from touching). There may be some contractions but on whole the Universe is expanding on average yet had a beginning in the past. A universe can form out of nothing, a high energy vacuum.
The universe starts at a zero radius and zero energy/matter. The highest energy vacuum has the smallest radius based on quantum physics. There can be no external boundary conditions so Schroedinger wave function can not apply.
The Universe then quantum tunnels out of nothing, a hyperspace point of zero. Since quarks do not go backwards in time, then it is a semiclassical model.
Gerard t'Hooft asks if there is possibly an 'observer effect' for the Universe - so the Universe is eternal from one perspective but not eternal from another perspective (i.e. Collapsing the wave function as the boundary condition of a hypersphere). Alexander Vilenkin - Quantum Cosmology and the Beginning of the Universe. When we identify all of the C notes in the five-sided star [Coltrane's secret music model], we get the twelve-tone system of Western music. However, information is lost when we identify the five C notes as one C note in the mandala. [the Western closed circle of fifths] By information I mean the geometry, of the five-sided object embedded in the sixty cycle. If I were to try to perserve the pentagon in our twelve-note cycle, we get a very interesting scale - the pentatonic scale.guided from Coltrane's statement to Amran.'
Something that came from natural sources'. It is a fact that the pentatonic scale exists in cultures all over the world.Coltrane was search for what was universal in music.he wanted to find music that came from natural sources. Well, the pentatonic scale can be generated from five perfect fifths. 223-4, The Jazz of Physics That is the Infinite Spiral of Fifths!!
The perfect fifths from natural sources is the infinite spiral of fifths which is most closely approximated in Western tuning by the 'sixty cycle' circle of fifths. So the author is extrapolating to the secret meaning of Coltrane's connection to Einstein. For the most part, there are three tonal centers that move around, like rotating a triangle around the circle of fifths. [the 1-4-5 music intervals that are the key to my analysis!] And this harmonic rotation repeats itself in time.
So I imagined that every time the cycle of the song repeats in time, the improviser gets to play new solos, or even permutations based on what they previously soloed. So what if we mapped the notes to the values of coupling constants and the rhythmic cycles to the cyclic expansions and contractions? 211 The author is using the 'infinite spiral of fifths' as the basis for quantum cosmology - successfully!! He published based on that concept - with coauthors. The key to de Broglie's solution was to associate a particle-like property, momentum, with waves and to imagine electrons not as miniplanets orbiting a nucleus but as standing waves on a string. De Broglie hypothesized that the momentum of the electron could be associated [inversely] with the wavelength of the standing wave orbit, similar to the relationship between a photon's energy and frequency.In the above equation, p is the momentum of the electron as it moves around the center of the nucleus and [L] is the wavelength. It is amazing that this equation is a physical reality, for it states that an electron's 'orbital' wavelength, a wave-like property, is related to how fast it is going around the nucleus, its momentum.
So the key paradox that de Broglie discovered here is that for Einstein as energy goes to the speed of light the frequency is going up, higher energy, as time, the wavelength, slows down as larger wavelength and any mass increases. But for de Broglie the larger wavelength is inverse to momentum since the frequency determines the mass as energy - so de Broglie realized bigger wavelength means lower frequency which means lower energy and lighter, slower particle (as the mass gets bigger than the wavelength gets smaller). 'The truth is that we don't know what would happen when those black holes evaporating reach the Planck scale, they could very well stabilize into some kind of hybrid object. There could be some kind of balancing of the pressure as it loses mass. As a particle loses its mass it will have a quantum tendency to increase its wavelength, on the other hand it will have a gravitational tendency to increase and those two could balance each noncommutative extension of spacetime could explain this.Photons do not experience time.' The paradox de Broglie discovered was resolved as his Law of Phase Harmony - so that there are two time clocks - one that is superluminal - faster than the speed of light - which then goes backwards in time from the future!
This is how quantum entanglement harmonizes the classical realm of larger wavelength, greater mass and the quantum realm of larger wavelength, smaller mass. Instead classical science presents it as a measurement problem but in fact it is an inherent 'uncertainty' of time and frequency but in reality the uncertainty is from the noncommutative phase geometry of time and frequency.
Stephon Alexander published on superluminal speeds at the inflation of the universe because of noncommutative geometry - this is the quantum cosmology of de Broglie. As he writes. Alexander argues that Coltrane's music model uses invariance like Einstein's relativity but with Coltrane there is asymmetry inherent to the natural perfect fifths of the non-western pentatonic scale - the secret core of Coltrane's sound cosmology. Alexander argues that this noncommutative tuning also enables the structure of the universe to resonate out from inflation - as infinity from harmonics. Alexander just needs to study music theory a little bit more to realize the actual noncommutative geometry of real Pythagorean harmonics as my blogbook details. He has figured out the intuition of the music - from the natural resonance of the Perfect fifths. The wave associated to a quantum object (to be meant according to the Einstein-de Broglie- Bohm interpretation, i.e.
As a hollow – or pilot – wave) is a deformation of the Minkowskian space-time geometry. This hypothesis establishes a possible connection between the two seemingly unrelated questions of the real nature of the quantum wave in Quantum Mechanics, and of the possible breakdown of local Lorentz invariance in Special Relativity.a hollow wave is nothing but a local deformation of space-time geometry. By a metaphoric image we may picture the local deformed space-time, which is intimately bound to each photon, as the shadow of the photon. It is immaterial, like a shadow (since it carries neither energy nor momentum) and it can reach space regions far from the photon, exactly as a shadow fills space regions far from the body that casts it.This is essentially due (according to de Broglie and Andrade y Silva) to the interaction of quantum objects with all the pilot waves in a given space region, through their quantum potential.
Fabio Cardone. How some certain symmetries in your physics, when you break the symmetries, you create a resource, for example entanglement. So that is something super new that we want to do and is very interesting. If you move along a that is inertial or uniformly accelerated, you don't change the entanglement. Entanglement changes when you break that symmetry.symmetry of your spacetime. So when you break that symmetry you create a resource. And I think this is a completely new idea.there is curvature of space at a few centimeters.
That phonons can not have momentum yet it is the phonons that are the frequency energy as complementary opposite time - as the reverse phase shift of electrons and photons. However, although phonons are massless, they have momentum by virtue of their wavelength. Phonons must carry momentum because they interact with electrons and change the momentum of the latter. So again the phonons are the “hidden momentum” of charge as the precession or backwards wobble of spin - but in alchemy this resonates as a macroquantum energy. “On the other hand, the ancient Pythagorean musical scales naturally lead to a simple quantum circle.There is something profoundly quantum in all music. A discrete space–the skeleton hosting any musical score, morphs into a true musical form, only after being symbiotically enveloped by a geometry of sound. And this geometry is inherently quantum, as it connects the points of the discrete underlying structure, invalidating the difference between now, then, here and there; thus creating an irreducible continuum for a piece of music: continuous discreteness and discrete continuity.” Durdevich, Micho Institute of Mathematics, UNAM (Mexico City) “Music of Quantum Circles” 10/2015 Negative transference – that Reich emphasized – is of course the reason behind the witch genocide in Europe and the original attack against the Pythagoreans.
In fact there’s a joke because the Greeks callled them “dirty Pythgoreans” (see a new book on Essenes and Pythagoreans ) because the public baths were avoided: water is such a powerful transductor of energy that shamans do not want to bath in an area that is shared. God as GOTT, Indo-European plow-Bull wheat white skin malnutrition monoculture patriarchy Here’s a Marvin Harris essay “The evolution of human gender hierarchies” from the book Sex and Gender Hierarchies (Cambridge University Press, 1993) “These questions cannot be answered without considering the different implications of hoes and plows for the sexual division of labor as related to male and female anatomy and physiology in cultural evolutionary perspective. Where hoe agriculture prevails, women tend to be as productive as men in agricultural operations. This is what keeps their labor force in high demand and makes them independent of men. In contrast, where plow agriculture prevails, plowing constitutes a critical task (an 'energy gap’) which men perform (or operate) more efficiently than women. And this is what underlies the Eurasian pattern of female dependency and subordination.” Men are controlled by the Techno-State in monogamous family structures (i.e. Pay taxes, join the military as mass ritual sacrifice, plow the field, damn it!!) The techno-feminist angle on all this is that the Bull-God (Plow fertility GOTT – is the root word for God and means Bull) was originally HATHOR – the Female Goddess of Egypt.
But Patriarchial war-mongering expansion of plow-based rectilinear housing goes all the way back to 10,000 BC ( Birth of the Gods and the Origin of Agriculture, Cambridge U Press, 2000). Highest level of French Freemasonry is full lotus yoga pyramid power Prof. Urban: 1997 “Elitism and Esotericism: Strategies of Secrecy and Power in South Indian Tantra and French Freemasonry,” Numen 44: 1-38. “There is a distinction between malevolent witchcraft and “white magic” or “witchcraft for healing.” Nowadays, many prefer the term “traditional healer” instead of “witchdoctor,” the latter being a colonial term that may connote straightforward witchcraft rather than healing.on the one hand the practice of witchcraft is illegal, yet making accusations of witchcraft is also illegal.Today, most of Africa continues to outlaw the “practice of magic and witchcraft.”160 The Problem of Witchcraft Violence in Africa John Alan Cohan 2011.
In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space. Quantum professor Basil J.
Hiley, 2016: 'Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm' 'There we see that if one of the particles enters the field of a Stern-Gerlach magnet, it is then deflected either 'up' or 'down' depending on the positions of each particle at the time just before the particle enters the magnetic field. The particle in this field has its trajectory changed, while the other particle continues in a straight line. At the same time both spin components become well defined. This is a surprising result, but clearly shows that the individual parts cannot be thought of as isolated 'little spinning spheres,' a point that was emphasized by Weyl (1931).' Bohm's Approach and Individuality, 2016, Oxford University Press. Just as [movie] pictures can be made visible by a reflected light, and only in darkness, so also the world pictures are perceptible only by the light of the Self reflected in the darkness of avidya (ignorance).
The world can be seen neither in the utter darkness of ignorance, as in deep sleep, nor in the utter light of the Self, as in Self-realization or samadhi. (Ramana Maharshi, GR, 57.) People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The [deep] Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing.
The Self is ever the Witness. It is eternal and remains the same all along.Sages say that the state [or place] in which the thought ‘I’ [the ego] does not rise even in the least, alone is Silence [mouna] or Self [swarupa].
[That] silent Self alone is God; Self alone is the jiva; Self alone is this ancient world.Attending unceasingly and with a fully [concentrated] mind to Self, which is the non-dual perfect reality, alone is the pure supreme Silence; —Ramana Maharshi. It is pointed out that the mystery of how biological systems measure their lengths vanishes away if one premises that they have discovered a way to generate linear waves analogous to compressional sound. These can be used to detect length at either large or small scales using echo timing and fringe counting. The engineering principle is shown to be very general and functionally the same as that used by hearing organs.
An ubiquitous superfluid which fills the universe. Here we analyze light propagation through this “dark superfluid” (which also dark matter would be a hydrodynamic manifestation of) by considering a photon- phonon analogy, where photon is a quasi-particle which acoustically propagates through by M Fedi - ‎2017 pdf From the point of view of a fluid approach, the de Broglie-Bohm's pilot wave could perhaps be explained as an ether wave, a special fluid.
'The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiments, is a relativistic ether.' Noble physicist Robert Betts Laughlin the Planck constant refers to mass circulating along a closed loop in a given time.this kinetic energy adds energy to the system while the turn is performed, so we understand the meaning of [change in frequency energy x change in time aka time-frequency uncertainty].a mass circulation in a quantum vortex.a continuous hydrodynamic fluctuation.
A photon is actually a special spin-1 phonon propagating through dark energy.Light could be nothing more than 'the sound of dark energy' and c the speed of sound through dark energy. A sound that we perceive through our eyes.producing a transversal wave due to spin.Dark energy could not be dark at all but it could be perceived as the most luminous thing we know. Light itself. Marco Fedi 2016.
Endowed with an internal oscillation in phase with the ph y sical wave carrying it.the famil y of Helmho ltz-like equations directly l eads to attribute exact trajecto ries and motion laws to the particles associated with de Broglie's (objective and experimentally well established) stationary waves. Objective Reality of de Broglie's Waves (PDF Download Available). Juliana Mortenson Brooks: The mean energy of a single oscillation or wave of light [energy/number of oscillations) is numerically equal to the value of Planck's proportionality constant 'h'.The photon, as historically defined, is a time dependent packet of energy, based on the arbitrary measurement time of one second.An arbitrary one second energy increment cannot be a truly indivisible and elementary particle of nature.The variable for measurement time was relegated to an invisible existence as a hidden variable, with an implicit and fixed value of 'one second.'
.Planck thereafter adopted the methods of Wilhelm Wien to convert the experimental black-body data, from time dependent energy measurements to energy density measurements seemingly 'independent' of time.The wave and the particle of light are not simply dual, they are identical.Planck described resonant electromagnetic waves as orderly 'homogenous vibrations'.' The energy would have to be completely free to be converted into work.' This was Planck's insightful Resonance Hypothesis. Using Planck's incomplete quantum formula however, De Broglie was constrained to working with an energy variable - the product of action and frequency - rather than the fundamental energy quantum. Never-the-less, De Broglie gallantly tried to make sense of the paradox created by the fact that it was ' impossible to consider an isolated quantity of energy' and yet ' we have returned to statements on energy as fundamental and ceased to question why action plays a large role.' Sound in the head is the same form as the electromagnetic waves in the brain: The core of the experiment - done in a team with neurosurgeons and electric engineers - consists in comparing the shape of the electric waves of non-acoustic language areas (typically, Broca's area) with the shape of the corresponding sound waves.
The result was that not only the shape of the two different waves correlate but they do so also in absence of sound production, that is during inner speech activity, opening the possibility to reading linguistic expression from direct measure of the cortex and skipping the actual utterance of the sentence. For a non technical synthesis of these discoveries and a critical discussion see So the 'externalization' of language as sounds or internal thinking is first premised by electromagnetic fields that have the same shape as the sound waves - direct transduction of electromagnetic thought to sound!
Even for sleeping patients! Listens for the sound of thought by recording electrical activity in the brain. Words and sentences, he tells us, are like symphonies and constellations: they have no content of their own; they exist because we listen to them and look at them. We are part of the data.
'The Universal wave function is a self-organized pilot wave acting as the binary quantum switch, cohering and decohering any measured system and its sub-systems in temporal evolution.' 'Moreover, Couder et. (2014) corroborated that deterministic quantum fluid dynamics can experimentally validate Bohm's pilot wave theory at the millimetric scale.' 'Electric fields can affect gene expression and epigenetics implying a top-down causation effect. Thus, limb regeneration, wound healing modulation, selective tissue patterning, and tumor morphology reprogramming are possible through manipulating these bioelectromagnetic networks.' 'The fractal neurons allow quantum vibrations of MTs [microtubules] to increase from MHz [ultrasound] to GHz through the action of psychedelics (i.e.
Quantum energy (electron) resonance).' 'Hence cosmic inflation, cancer cell stem differentiation, epigenetic transitions, and hallucinatory patterns are analogous symmetry breaking systems.'
“With one thought, you can stay focused on the thought. And you can pull Universal Energy into the thought. And you feel the energy in the room. You can feel the energy coming into the room.
And as you do that, not only can you feel the energy coming into the room, but you can feel a dimensional shift in that process. Because the thought energy is very different than the physical material world.
And if you bring the two together, o.k.? If you bring the two together, a dimension shifts. It shifts, because you are no longer in the same place you were in before. You create something new with the help of the Universe, you create something new. Am I making sense here? Because what I’m saying to you is huge.
It’s huge!If your perception is there, you’re still separate from the Emptiness. It’s like when you’re not there at all, then you are in the Emptiness. Not there at all. You know, yeah. So anyway.The Unconditional Love hears you.”. The curse of physics has depended in an evident way on the mathematical techniques available. A spectacular example of this is the role played by the harmonic analysis in the quantum mechanics; to such an extent, that one never knows at all if the limits that are attributed to it as inherent are really of experimental or technical nature, being both so united aspects.
The same Planck's constant, the quantum of action, is not simply energy per second but an energy per cycle per second - the cycle is generally missing. And, naturally, it can be said the same for the Heisenberg's uncertainty limit, that it is not more than a technical limit of the spectral analysis. This way the frequency, the most purely temporal phenomenon, is emptied of any content and becomes a mere integrant part of the formulas. The Left Hand of Chaos by Miguel Martinez Iradier. Let this I face the Source and facing the Source is called inquiry, when the I is facing, there is the inquiry. As mirror, in front of the mirror, is reflecting. When you see the mirror?
See your face, a reflection. When you keep aside the mirror, where does the reflection go? Back to the face. So this I is inquiring from its own source, which was a reflection in the mind; mind to the senses; senses to the body; body to the senses; senses to the object. This universe is this thing. This is the method of maharshi. Striking at the root of the mind.
Everything else, all the methods, ways described by others, people who teach any kind of sadhana, any kind of practice, are WITH the mind, and the result will be mental or like yoga, physical, the result will be physical. This is striking at the root of the mind, instantly.
Poonjaji on the secret of turning the light around to access the formless awareness Shaktipat energy, the Yuan Qi source of Yuan Shen. A particular bond in the smelly molecule, Turin says, can resonate with the right energy to help an electron on one side of the receptor molecule leap to the other side. The electron can only make this leap through the so-called quantum tunnel if the bond is vibrating with just the right energy. When the electron leaps to the other site on the receptor, it could trigger a chain reaction that ends up sending signals to the brain that the receptor has come into contact with that particular molecule. This, Turin says, is an essential part of what gives a molecule its smell, and the process is fundamentally quantum.
“Olfaction requires a mechanism that somehow involves the actual chemical composition of the molecule,” he says. “It was that factor that found a very natural explanation in quantum tunnelling.” The strongest evidence for the theory is Turin’s discovery that two molecules with extremely different shapes can smell the same if they contain bonds with similar energies. Turin predicted that boranes – relatively rare compounds that are hard to come by – smelled very like sulphur, or rotten eggs. He’d never smelt a borane before, so the prediction was quite a gamble. He was right. Turin says that, for him, that was the clincher. “Borane chemistry is vastly different – in fact there’s zero relation – to sulphur chemistry.
So the only thing those two have in common is a vibrational frequency. They are the only two things out there in nature that smell of sulphur.” While that prediction was a great success for the theory, it’s not ultimate proof. Ideally Turin wants to catch these receptors in the act of exploiting quantum phenomena.
He says they are getting “pretty close” to nailing those experiments. “I don’t want to jinx it, but we’re working on it,” he says. “We think we have a way to do it, so we’re definitely going to have a go in the next few months. I think that nothing short of that will really move things forward.” It is perhaps this in-depth-direction that has been traveled (at least in part) by those individuals that have tried, in the ambit of so-called inner (re)search, to access more universal forms of quantumness, at the price of learning how to silence all possible forms of decohering disturbances. Think for instance of the practice of sensorial isolation known as pratyahara, the fifth element among the eight stages of Patanjalis Yoga(Ravindra, 2009). We can think of it as a gateway, created by a specific inner technology, to pass from the experience of (spatial) “external” states to (non-spatial) “internal” states, with the latter to be further stabilized and deepened by the successive practice of concentration ( dharana) and abstract meditation (dhyana). It is maybe no surprise then to observe that inner researchers frequently report of the encounter with rich and abundant life forms and cultures, in the course of their inner (in-depth-direction) journeys, some of which are also described as being more advanced than ours.
Relativistic effects of motion affect both the wave and mass-energy aspects of light without paradox. And so Steven M.
Taylor derives that the kinetic mass-energy exists prior to or from the future of the change in relative frequency of the light! This is another way of saying that the Yuan Qi is a negentropic energy as superluminal quantum phase, from the future, that guides the light. (pdf link) The fundamental idea of [my 1924 thesis] was the following: The fact that, following Einstein's introduction of photons in light waves, one knew that light contains particles which are concentrations of energy incorporated into the wave, suggests that all particles, like the electron, must be transported by a wave into which it is incorporated.
My essential idea was to extend to all particles the coexistence of waves and particles discovered by Einstein in 1905 in the case of light and photons.' Louis de Broglie.
.I would myself insist on attributing some measure of physical reality to the [quantum] wavefunction. Yet, this 'reality' has to acquire some kind of non-locality, as this simple example demonstrates.
Genuine curved-space geometry might be incorporated into the twistor formalism..we see a new kind of non-locality arising in the twistor picture. Since these twistor quantum algebras are non-commutative, we are led into the kind of picture provided by the ideas of non-commutative geometry. Towards an Objective Physics of Bell Non-locality: Palatial Twistor Theory Sir Roger Penrose. Cornell applied physicists have demonstrated an unprecedented method of control over electron spins using extremely high-frequency A research team led by Greg Fuchs, assistant professor of applied and engineering physics, previously had demonstrated electron spin control using a mechanical oscillator, which creates gigahertz-frequency sound waves (audible in the kilohertz range). They not only created spin transitions with sound, but they also used sound to coherently control the quantum state of the spin. 'We're coherently interacting this quantum thing, this spin, with something that's big and mechanical, a thing you can see with your naked eye, and that actually vibrates,' Fuchs said. Circuit quantum acoustodynamics with surface acoustic waves.
R Manenti, AF Kockum, A Patterson, T Behrle, J Rahamim, G Tancredi, F Nori, PJ Leek The experimental investigation of quantum devices incorporating mechanical resonators has opened up new frontiers in the study of quantum mechanics at a macroscopic level. It has recently been shown that surface acoustic waves (SAWs) can be piezoelectrically coupled to superconducting qubits, This macroscopic quantum behavior is crucially dependent on the spin of the considered entity. However, the spin is not a property that can be fit well into the wave-particle explanation, it is neither a wave nor a particle, ), but independently of these ideas, when we define quantum by means of the characteristic of its behavior, these quasiparticles are quantum. And, if we go a step further and define quantum by means of the nature of the mathematical structure involved in the modeling of the phenomenon, they are quantum too, because they are defined by the mathematical formalism of quantum theory itself. An electron flow crossing a sufficiently small aperture would exhibit diffraction phenomena.
This is the direction which we should perhaps look for an experimental confirmation of our ideas. Louis de Broglie, 1923. In a double-slit experiment, if one of the two slits is closed, the quantum potential changes, and this information arrives instantaneously to the particle, which behaves as a consequence.It is a merit of the pilot wave show, in such direct way, the non-locality that, according to Bohm, '.is the newest and most fundamental ontological characteristic implied by quantum theory.' .the quantum force can remove the Big Bang singularity, because it can behave as a repulsive force. The quantum force may be present on large scales, because the quantum effects of the quantum potential are independent of the scale.
Fiscaletti, 2012. In a study (Hu & Wu, 2004), it was proposed that networks of nuclear spins in neural membranes are associated with strongly fluctuating magnetic fields that are modulated by the indirect dipole-to-dipole coupling in action potentials.
Interactions between two nuclear spins result indirectly from the interactions of electrons around the nuclei. Hu and Wu found that these couplings had frequencies of 5-25 Hz, which are within the EEG range of activity. They predicted that magnetic fields associated with spin-related coupling across the cell membrane would have an energy value equivalent to photon emission. Here is how physics Ph.D. Teacher Robert Reiland describes this mystery: 'In fact there is also zero space from the frame of a photon. In its direction of motion, it's as if the universe is moving by it at the speed of light, and that makes the length of the universe exactly zero in this frame.' And from The Great Design by Yale physics professor Robert K.
Adair (1987): “If the potentials change at a place and time, the phase [wave-form] of the de Broglie wave will change at that point and time. Indeed, because the potentialscan have nonzero valuesthe phase of the de Broglie wave can be affected by a change in the potentials even though the electric and magnetic fields are zero at that point (the Bohm-Aharanov Effect).
Although the phase of the de Broglie wave is changed at every point and at every time by an amount [of wave-length].the sum of the changes elsewhere conspires to give exactly the same diffraction pattern.” (p. 330) This is the secret of how energy masters can do long distance healing - because as pure light they experience no space - their light can go anywhere in space, holographically, just by focusing on that space. Qigong master Zhang Hongbao, a former Communist Party 'Red Guard' worker had his key insight that moved him beyond Marxist philosophy, to create the mass qigong master training business Zhonggong: According to Zhang, Marx and Engels failed to appreciate that 'thought and matter have a dialectical, not a master-slave, relationship,' with thought and spirit actually existing as ' yin' matter, a realm governed by motion that occurs beyond the speed of light. Zhang's own breakthrough discovery ( tupo kuo) that 'the power of thought' ( yinianli) has a measurable material existence in the yin realm became the 'golden key' ( jin yaoshi) that unlocked for him the mysteries of the universe.
Animal Communication from quantum nonlocal awareness How Anna Breytenbach explains animal communication - “it’s actually a matter of the heart.People have to go quiet and still to hear again.” To fine tune these skills simply requires becoming quiet enough from the mental chatter. A quiet enough inner state to be able to hear and listen very deeply beyond the five senses.
When the mind can fall really quiet and I’m just in a state of shared awareness, seeing, it’s a mutual a much more full way than linear time can even account for. And in three seconds of shared being with another, we can know each other fully: past, present and future. You may think that the Uncertainty Principle has nothing to do with music. But the formula can be transformed into the relation between time and frequency of waves.Now we have found out the fact that it is impossible for us to know the exact frequencies in our sound wave at an exact moment in time. In other words, theoretically we cannot get the perfect fifth tone with a frequency f from a root tone with a frequency f 0 by calculating f = f 0 × 3/2. The Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev also discovered the secret of this superluminal ether as a scalar wave - 'Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in Linear Approximation' N.A. Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matter where it functions as a transformer of time-form energy into heat-energy.
It is concluded that the transformation involves several electrodynamical processes, but, generally, any closed mechanical system can produce energy also if it is an asymmetrical system. The asymmetry for mechanics by Kozyrev is cause-effect asymmetry and if the mechanical system includes the non-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the energy from time-flow. By my opinion, this is the theoretical basis for any kind of perpetual motion system. Farrell argues for an ancient global high civilization based on alchemy and then he includes a section called: B. Music, the Alchemical Medium, and Astronomy: The Vedic tradition is full of allusions to the 'luminous nature of sound'. Indeed, the word for light (svar) is similar to the word for sound (svara). What happens to these oscillations, or phonons as physicists call them, when the base pairs are stacked in a double helix.Phonons are quantum objects, meaning they can exist in a superposition of states and become entangled, just like other quantum objects.To start with, Rieper and co imagine the helix without any effect from outside heat.
“Clearly the chain of coupled harmonic oscillators is entangled at zero temperature,” they say. They then go on to show that the entanglement can also exist at room temperature.
That’s possible because phonons have a wavelength which is similar in size to a DNA helix and this allows standing waves to form, a phenomenon known as phonon trapping. When this happens, the phonons cannot easily escape.Quantum biologist Elisabeth Rieper discovered 'in a standard analysis, there's not enough energy to hold DNA together, but their quantum theory makes it work.' Quasiparticles such as electrons and holes in solid-state crystals, mass spring systems5 or collective excitations such as Bose Einstein condensates in lattices6,7 may exhibit a dispersion relation with regions of inverted curvature where the effective mass is negative.a nonlinear phase shift on each pulse.action reaction symmetry breaking. Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures Journal-ref: 2015 Thus quantum and classical states alternate, in various frequency scales, which interact, not unlike music. Virtually all biomolecules and organelles have non-polar interiors friendly to quantum coherence (the 'quantum underground'). Higher levels of consciousness would involve larger E (more tubulins, more neurons and a higher portion of the brain), and shorter t, thus higher frequencies.
Stuart Hameroff Metabolic pumping will excite macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids as well as cellular membranes (which typically have an enormous electric field of some 10 7V/m across them). The excited molecules/membranes will vibrate at various characteristic frequencies resulting from the coupling of electrical displacements to mechanical deformations. This eventually builds up into collective modes (coherent excitations) of both electromechanical oscillations (phonons, or sound waves in solid medium) and electromagnetic radiations (photons) that extend over macroscopic distances within the organism and perhaps also outside the organism. On more than one occasion, my teacher told us an experience he had with Wang Li Ping in China. He asked about enlightenment and how one really can know if they're enlightened. Sherfu Wang was silent. Suddenly he stood up and left the room, locking door behind him.
A moment later he walked back in the room, passing right through the wall as if it didn't even exist. My teacher's jaw dropped as. A particle of rest mass is associated with an oscillation of frequency = m x speed of light squared/Planck's constant which takes the form of a standing wave of constant phase at all spacetime points for a particle at rest. The oscillation's transformed properties when viewed from a moving frame.are then taken to be dictated by the a priori structure of spacetime. But it is claimed here that this depiction of the wave as propagating 'in spacetime' is an artifact of our imposition of the spacetime construct on the underlying dynamical object(s), and that the latter should be considered the ontological supports of the construct, rather than the other way around. A particle with a definite momentum.does not have a definite position.from the particle's point of view it is 'everywhere at once.'
Taking this ontology seriously implies that spacetime, and the attendant notion of 'location of a particle' is not fundamental. Thus spacetime should not be thought of as a substance, but only a way of describing observable effects arising from the existence of finite mass. Century revivalist preacher Charles G.
Finney, call it the Holy Spirit. Finney describes his experience of being spiritually cooked: “the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through melike a wave of electricity Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God.” quoted by Dr. Bradford Kinney The Bible represents the Spirit as giving to the mind both light and heat.
It both illumines and impresses; both reveals the truth, and makes it seem real, and hence makes it effective as truth, upon the mind. Hence the fitness of the figure which on the day of Pentecost, presented the descending Spirit under the symbol of “cloven tongues like as of fire.” Hence also the figure implied in our text–“Quench not”–as if it were a candle flame,–a fire, which might be extinguished.
It is the office-work of the Spirit to enlighten the intellect, and at the same time to warm the sensibilities. This is indeed a most remarkable fact, that when the Spirit of God reveals light, it is done in a manner which always warms the sensibility. Many seem not to realize the nature of the Spirit’s operations, the possibility always of resisting, and the great danger of quenching that light of God in the soul.
Again there is, so to speak, a sort of heat, a warmth and vitality attending the truth when enforced by the Spirit. Thus we say if one has the Spirit of God his soul is warm; if he has not the Spirit, his heart is cold. This vital heat produced by the divine Spirit may be quenched. Let a man resist the Spirit, and he will certainly quench this vital energy which it exerts upon the heart. By ionizing the collagen through piezoelectric resonance, the water splits harmonically to create a superconducting proton-proton charge.
Each CD [coherent domain] of water is a resonating cavity produced by the electromagnetic field that ends up trapping the field because water is much denser than air, so the frequency of the CD electromagnetic field becomes much smaller than the frequency of the free field with the same wavelength. And therefore contains close to a million almost free electrons. At the same time, positively charged protons are extruded outside the domain, which is what happens also in the exclusion zones discovered by Pollack [10]. Because of quantum relativity as “imaginary mass” of the trapped biophoton light - Dr. Mae Wan Ho has details based on Emilio Del Guidice and Gerald Pollack and Shui-yin Lo and George Reiter - carbon nanotubes and water charge research - pdf “protons are coherently delocalized in two momentum states.” “the frequency of the CD [coherent domain] electromagnetic field becomes much smaller than the frequency of the free field with the same wavelength.” De Broglie Law of Phase Harmony.
“The phase, distinct from the energy, can travel faster than light.” Emilio Del Guidice A coherent system is in fact able to concentrate its energy from the whole of its degrees of freedom [infinite frequency] to a small number of them. We can finally put forward the hypothesis that Wilhelm Reich’s orgone is the form assumed by the energy of the organism in a condition of coherence [complementary opposite noncommutative phase-space]. In this case, the disappearance of the orgone becomes the consequence of the loss of coherence of the organism, with a subsequent loss of self-movement and a tendency towards the state of inert matter. Skeptics Debunked about External Qigong for Chronic Pain healing research On a kungfu forum in 2012 someone dares to post the Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota gold-standard (randomized controlled) external qi results. The next person responds: At least read the abstract to the study BEFORE you post it man. At week 8, these differences in overall decreased pain intensity persisted but were not statistically significant. (I won’t assume you know what that means - it means by 8 weeks the people with the Qigong treatment didn’t even PERCEIVE their treatment as really being any more effective than the people without it.
Just because the qigong company cherry-picks quotes doesn’t mean the Mayo Clinic actually got the results they hoped for. So the person who posted the results feels like they’ve been “put in their place” but have they? The skeptic may have read the “abstract” and felt proud about that but the skeptic did not read the actual study!! So sorry, better luck next time. That’s the “final” word of the skeptic. And the person who posted the research responds as if they learned their lesson: Thanks for explaining this in more detail, I understand better now what you were stating.
But the pdf link clearly explains what the skeptic misunderstood from the abstract. The external qigong treatments were only for 4 weeks!
After each treatment, the treated people felt significantly improved of chronic pain or to quote the study: immediate reductions in pain intensity in persons with chronic pain, after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th EQT sessions. This finding is especially impressive given the long duration of pain (>5 years), in most of the participants. (my emphasis) So then to clarify the control group got “delayed treatment” with no follow up on their pain reduction. So the first 4 weeks the group receiving external qi was tested for pain reduction, then 4 weeks later the “delayed treatment” was received for the control group that was not tested for pain reduction. Then at 8 weeks the first group had not been receiving any qigong healing for 4 weeks and after 4 weeks of no healing they reported no difference any more. What the study clearly showed is that as long as they got the external qi healing then the pain reduction they experienced was much better than what Western medicine had been able to provide. Ann Vincent, Jamia Hill, Kelly M.
Kruk and Brent A. Bauer then finish the report saying that length of treatment and frequency of treatment would then better optimize the results in the future.
Ultrasonically-controlled stable and inertial microbubble oscillations (acoustic cavitation) exert forces that can, among others, activate cell’s mechanoreceptors[1], disrupt cellular and vascular membranes[2]–[4], accelerate the dissolution of blood clots[5], enhance thermal ablation[6], [7] and induce localized tissue erosion[8]. Harnessing these abilities holds great promise for therapy and diagnosis of central nervous system diseases and disorders[9], [10]. This measurement was found to correlate well with the level of blood-brain barrier permeabilization in experiments in non-human primates (NHP)[21]. In a separate study, we showed that the location of cavitation activity identified by the passive acoustic maps (PAMs) agreed with the location of the resulting MRI-evident blood-brain barrier permeabilization[31].
Military PDF - biological effects of acoustic cavitation 'When the eardrum is 'tightened' higher frequencies are absorbed and transmitted to the inner ear.' (Porges) 'Body cells are burned by ultrasound above 180 W/cm squared. By John Beaulieu 'The 'demusicalization' of the theory of proportions by Plato is shocking.' (Borzacchini, p. 281 of his academic article on the topic, ' Incommensurability, Music and Continuum: A Cognitive Approach').
'.this 'removal' seems really astonishing!' Then Borzacchini pulls out his trump card: 'However, I think I can prove that in the Platonic Academy there was a trace of this earlier approach, with a tight connection between music, numerical means and similarity, and without any reference to geometric figures, such as square or pentagon.' Borzacchini, again, is revealing a cover-up: 'Why these silences? And why this sudden and radical change?' (hiding the secret musical origins of western science!). 'Why this sharp change? I think the first reason was that the musical proof was only negative, whereas the geometrical approach allowed the effective construction of incommensurable magnitudes.'
The Big Wow theory is the colloquial name for a paper by Italian theoretical physicist entitled “Emergent Consciousness; From the Early Universe to Our Mind” which proposes the possibility that the early comprised a giant with a complexity comparable to that of the. Specifically; she states that the universe reached a level of quantum computational complexity, during the period of, to undergo what and have called Orchestrated Objective Reduction, or, allowing the of. Zizzi’s paper builds on the work of,, and others, as well as Penrose and Hameroff, but it is fundamentally a theory of which derives some of its power from the. It suggests that the universe’s conscious moment, or ‘occasion of experience’ came at the end of the inflationary period in, and was the event that allowed the universe’s quantum to reduce, thus selecting the conditions for our specific universe, out of a superposed multitude of possibilities.
There always arises a spontaneous sound ( dhvani) which is termed the supreme, the Heart. That self-consciousness in the Heart in which the entire universe without remainder is dissolved, present at the beginning and at the end of preception of objects, is called in the authoritative texts the vibration ( spanda), and more precisely, the universal vibration (samanya-spanda), and its nature is an overflowing in the Self. For that vibration, which is a slight motion of a special kind, a unique vibration light, is the wave of the ocean of consciousness, without which there is no consciousness at all.
The Triadic Heart of Siva pdf Heart of the Spears healer Soon someone in the group so fills with n|om that she “wakes up” (!aia) and begins to shake (thara). The one who shakes moves through several “stations” of n|om: first she feels power; then she feels a big love for all present that manifests both as an ability to see the suffering of others and as a desire to respond, touch, and “pull out sickness.” A rare few progress to a third station in which they feel a love so all encompassing that they are able to shoot n|om into others, awakening their hearts to more love. Such a person is a Heart of the Spears.
As the!Kunta Boo tells: “There is something acting on everything to change. We call this force of change n!o’an-ka|’ae. This is the most important Bushman word. It is the force that is making everything move the secret of creation and transformation” (53). For the Bushmen, these arrows and needles are compressed n|om, potent bundles of life force. When our nails are clean and strong, we feel a vibrant buzzing and hear an uplifting tonal hum inside of us. There is always music in our heart and head” (12).
Kimerer LaMothe, Psychology Today review Presbyterian preacher of 1850s the 19 th Century revivalist preacher Charles G. Finney, call it the Holy Spirit. Finney describes his experience of being spiritually cooked: “the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through melike a wave of electricity Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God.” quoted by Dr. Bradford Kinney The Bible represents the Spirit as giving to the mind both light and heat. It both illumines and impresses; both reveals the truth, and makes it seem real, and hence makes it effective as truth, upon the mind. Hence the fitness of the figure which on the day of Pentecost, presented the descending Spirit under the symbol of “cloven tongues like as of fire.” Hence also the figure implied in our text–“Quench not”–as if it were a candle flame,–a fire, which might be extinguished.
It is the office-work of the Spirit to enlighten the intellect, and at the same time to warm the sensibilities. This is indeed a most remarkable fact, that when the Spirit of God reveals light, it is done in a manner which always warms the sensibility. Many seem not to realize the nature of the Spirit’s operations, the possibility always of resisting, and the great danger of quenching that light of God in the soul.
Again there is, so to speak, a sort of heat, a warmth and vitality attending the truth when enforced by the Spirit. Thus we say if one has the Spirit of God his soul is warm; if he has not the Spirit, his heart is cold. This vital heat produced by the divine Spirit may be quenched. Let a man resist the Spirit, and he will certainly quench this vital energy which it exerts upon the heart.
The shorter the wavelength.of the photons, the heavier the box.Matter is transformed to radiation but mass stays the same [frequency/speed of light squared]. Put on a balance in a box, it is impossible to know whether [it is matter or light].The confusion that sometimes arises can often be traced back to the mix-up between the words 'mass' and 'matter.' Matter can be transformed into radiation.
What is intriguing is that matter's most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply they all have some sort of intrinsic dynamics. So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box. If really so, matter is light.Nobel physicist Gerard t'Hooft and M.B.
Van der Mark, 2000. If you did not have normal matter then you do not have it after inflation, unless you know how to produce it. Usually you produce equal numbers of particles and antiparticles.
But you need just a little more of particles and they form the basis of our life. This process of the creation of matter is impossible without quantum mechanics. You know that there exists the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and one of its formulation is delta E [change of frequency] multiplied by delta T [change of time] is comparable with the Planck's Constant. So if you violate energy conservation law, but do it quickly, then nobody can catch your hand and say you violated the energy conservation. What if feels like to be a worm? Secret of Kundalini: Neuroscience on consciousness.
Parsimony suggests that the sudden onslaught of positively-charged ions (cations) into the alkaline cytoplasm—the very definition of membrane excitability—is the key phenomenon involved in a cell’s “awareness” of its environment (“sentience”). In other words, what makes cells with excitable membranes so unusual is their response to electrostatic disturbances of homeostasis (slight acidification of the normally alkaline cellular interior) following external stimulation.
In order to produce the higher-level “awareness” of animal organisms, the activity of these numerous excitable cells to achieve a kind of sentience must be synchronized (in ways yet to be determined) for coherent organism-level behavior. This positively charged electrostatic “shock” signals the detection of potential danger (most critically, rupture of the plasma membrane and the influx of slightly acidic “seawater”) that occurs in milliseconds.
We therefore suggest that the higher-level awareness of animal organisms is, in essence, a consequence of the coordinated “irritability” of billions of excitable cells. So it can’t just be that cations flowing into the cell are what matters, but the overall causal effect the inflow of charged ions has on the system.
I do share with the letter writers a hunch that it may well be that “it feels like something to be a worm”. Scientific American By Oliver Sacks Antonio Damasio Gil B. Carvalho Norman D. Cook Harry T. Hunt Christof Koch on June 17, 2015 Nature journal 2014 - microsound phase wavelength with ultrasound frequency is natural sweet spot for quantum healing at distance. In this more advanced practice, both agonist and antagonist contract simultaneously - the first isotonically in shortening, and the latter eccentrically in lengthening, in effect they work against each other and create a dynamic tension between the paired muscles.
Internal oppositional more than anything a mental shift in awareness.such omni-directional mutually cancelling efforts engage the connective tissue web continually, they increase the elastic strength of the frame even while an external observer discerns no apparent movement. Citing the book Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts. By Jan Dipersloot Vol. From my University of Minnesota 2000, master’s thesis, Epicenters of Justice: Sound-current nondualism, music theory and radical ecology. “The first four divine number ratios (1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:4), equivalent to the vital energy of Taoist qi gong, are considered the “seed of fire,” the “creative essence,” and “logos,” by Pythagoreans.” citing Grandy, David. The Musical Roots of Western Mathematics, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies V (½): 3-24. Jan Irvin incorrectly cited Freemason Albert Pike’s book Morals and Dogma: page 861 [does not] proclaims the Royal Secret of the Sublime Prince is found in the understanding of the Pythagorean 5-4-3 right-angled triangle.
Jan Irvin states: Another curious artifact is found as the conclusion to Albert Pike’s magnum opus, Morals and Dogma, where on page 861 he proclaims that the Royal Secret of the Sublime Prince is found in the understanding of the Pythagorean 5-3-4 right-angle triangle: The 5 representing the 5 senses, the 3 representing the Trivium (Grammar Logic Rhetoric), and the 4 representing the Quadrivium (Mathematics, Geometry, Music, Astronomy). It is in observing with our 5-senses,that we process this input using the Trivium, and quantify our reality using number in its many forms via the Quadrivium, as a measure of understanding. The book is 861 pages long and that supposed proclamation does not exist. “The number 5 designated the universal quintessence, and Symbolized, by its form the vital essence, the animating spirit which flows [serpentat] through all nature.” p. 377 Morals and Dogma. I can’t find any mention of the number 5 as the five senses nor the 5:3:4 correlated with the Trivium and Quadrivium.
Jan gave me this quote as a response: “In his lectures, Pythagoras taught the mathematics, as a medium whereby to prove the existence of God from observation and by means of reason; grammar, rhetoric, and logic, to cultivate and improve that reason, arithmetic, because he conceived that the ultimate benefit of man consisted in the science of numbers, and geometry, music, and astronomy, because he conceived that man is indebted to them for a knowledge of what is really good and useful. He taught the true method of obtaining a knowledge of the Divine laws of purifying the soul from its imperfections, of searching for truth, and of practicing virtue; thus imitating the perfections of God..”p.
243 But that quote does not refer to the Pythagorean triangle and it’s not on page 861. Instead it’s in a different, revised edition of fewer pages, 574. That same revised edition does give a reference to the Pythagorean triangle near the end of the Albert Pike book which states: The base, measured by the number 3, represents the Diety and the Divine; the perpendicular measured by the number 4 represents the Earth, the Material, and the Human; the hypothenuse, measured by 5, represents that nature which is produced by the union of the Divine and Human, the Soul and the body;” p.
573 and then p. 574 the final page of that edition states: As in each Triangle of Perfection.such is the true Royal Secret. But again Albert Pike no where says that 5 is the 5 senses, etc. So Jan Irvin has incorrectly referenced Albert Pike. But Jan does get a reference to the 5-4-3 triangle with the royal secret as the final page of that edition! So that must be his original source - only misrepresented by Jan Irvin. So my point is that actually the secret esoteric meaning of that is from music theory with the meaning of the Logos as the Tetrad or Tetraktys (τετρακτύς) 1:2:3:4 and it was extended by Archytas to 1:2:3:4:5.
This was a lie spread by Plato and then spread through Europe by John Scotus Erigena and later by Marsilio Ficino and then the Freemasons. “Any who doubt that the musical ratios are all of greater inequality, i.e., that the antecedent or first term in each is greater than the consequent or second term, should consult Archytas DK 47 B 2. This Fragment requires that the ratios be of this form if the assertions about the three means [arithmetic, harmonic and geometric] are to be true. Accordingly, the ratios assigned to the octave, fifth, fourth and minor sixth, must be 2:1, 3:2, 4:3 and 8:5, and not 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 and 5:8, respectively, as Mosshammer and others would have them.” Alan C. Bowen, 'The Minor Sixth (8:5) in Early Greek Harmonic Science,' The American Journal of Philology, 1978. As math professor Luigi Borzacchini states: We can suppose that the Quadrivium in its earlier Pythagorean version did not know any discrete/continuous opposition.
Finally, the importance of harmonics in tone perception is supported by auditory neurobiology. Electrophysiological experiments in monkeys show that some neurons in primary auditory cortex are driven not only by tones with fundamentals at the frequency to which an auditory neuron is most sensitive, but also by integer multiples and ratios of that frequency (). Furthermore, when tested with two tones, many auditory neurons show stronger facilitation or inhibition when the tones are harmonically related. Finally, in regions bordering primary auditory cortex, neurons are found that respond to both isolated fundamental frequencies and their associated harmonic series, even when the latter is presented without the fundamental (). These experiments led Wang to propose that sensitivity to harmonic stimuli is an organizational principle of the auditory cortex in primates, with the connections of at least some auditory neurons determined by the harmonics of the frequency they respond to best (). To propel rockets using mass particles such as ions, atoms and molecules (aka fuel), momentum exchange is the basic concept behind thrust.
So why do massless photons create thrust? Honestly, we don’t know because we don’t know how to falsify what we currently know. We have this for photon momentum, p = h/λ where h is Planck’s constant and λ is the photon’s wavelength. And the that causes the EMDrive thrust, can be traced back to this empirical formula. That quantum vacuum fluctuations (virtual particles) could be the dynamic medium that guides real particles in pilot-wave quantum physics theories. In fact, the researchers start the theory section of the paper by describing their theoretical model as “a nonlocal hidden-variable theory, or pilot-wave theory for short.”.Bell went on to say in the preface of his 1987 book that the pilot wave eliminated the shifty boundary between wavy quantum states on the one hand and Bohr's classical terms on the other: said simply there was a real quantum dynamics underlying the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
Measurement of Impulsive Thrust From a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum - Harold White, Paul March, et. The de Broglie wavelength is the wavelength, λ, associated with a massive particle and is related to its momentum, p, through the Planck constant, h: This wave seems puzzling. Its tied to momentum, so for an observers travelling with different velocities will measure different de Broglie wavelengths. This is often taken as an indication of the non – reality of these waves. But there is a simple explanation for this – and its based on special relativity. 'de Broglie made a second, less well known conjecture. If you combine the E=mc 2 and the E=hf equations (where f is frequency), you arrive at the Compton frequency.
De Broglie's conjecture was that the Compton frequency reflected, in the case of the electron (quarks were not yet discovered), some kind of fundamental intrinsic oscillation or circulation of charge associated with the electron. However it is now known that this presumed oscillation can also be interpreted instead as being externally driven by the zero-point fluctuations of the quantum vacuum (see chap. 12 of the monograph 'The Quantum Dice' by de la Pena and Cetto). Now comes a very intriguing result. One can easily show that if the electron really does oscillate at the Compton frequency in its own rest frame, when you view the electron from a moving frame a beat frequency becomes superimposed on this oscillation due to a Doppler shift. It turns out that this beat frequency proves to be exactly the de Broglie wavelength of a moving electron.'
The energy E is taken to be the relativistic energy E = γ mc 2. W avelength is Planck ’ s constant divided by momentum. For light, the speed c provided an ob vious physical relationship between frequency and wavelength, b ut for matter the frequency is non-zero even when momentum is zero, and wavelength is infinite under those conditions. If velocity increases, frequency changes only slightly as it is dominated by the large rest mass energy, but wavelength rapidly decreases.
This is not intuitive and bears to relation to light wavelengths. Correlation between Pineal Activation and Religious Meditation Observed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Chien-Hui Liou, Chang-Wei Hsieh, Chao-Hsien Hsieh, Si -Chen Lee, Jyh-Horng Chen, & Chi-Hong Wang Interdisciplinary MRI/MRS Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106, ROC.
Anthro-Celestial Research Institute, The Tienti Teachings, No. 41, Wenjeng Lane, Jungming Tsuen, Yuchr Shiang, Nantou, Taiwan 555, ROC.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC. Department of Neurology, Cardinal Tien Hospital Yung Ho Branch, No. 80, Chunghsing Street, Yungho City, Taipei, Taiwan 234, ROC. Nature Precedings: hdl:10101/npre.2007.1328.1: Posted 15 Nov 2007 pineal body exhibit significant activation during meditation process, supporting the long lasting speculation that pineal plays an important role in the intrinsic awareness which might concern spirit or soul..
In this study, we chose Chinese Original Quiet Sitting, one style of meditation, to explore this long lasting speculation by functional magnetic resonance imaging technique. Our results demonstrate a correlation between pineal activation and religious meditation which might have profound implications in physiological understanding of the intrinsic awareness. Pineal body was activated during the IPQ period. [Invitation of Primordial or Yuan Qi]. Keeney has written several amazing Bushmen healing books and Keeney emphasizes the key secret of the legs shaking at 7 beats per second from the trance dancing to induce the N/om energy along with listening to the high pitch female syncopated singing with the N/om energy strongest during the Full Moon.
So the oldest spiritual trance dance healing ceremony of humanity, the Eland Bull ritual at first menstruation, is based on this tantric secret: '.a 'new maiden' to be the source of n/um (or /k'ode), the healing potency associated with male trance healers' p. 175 Guenther, Mathias, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushman Religion and Society.
Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1999 'The resurrection of Osiris through the assembly of his vertebrae by Isis.The raising of the djed column commemorates this.Christ's resurrection.king of the afterlife.' 350, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection by D.M. Murdock “ The American anthropologist Lorna Marshall who, together with her family, worked with!Kung Bushmen in the early 1950s, likened this potency to electricity: it is a power that can be harnessed for the good of humankind, but intense concentration, if allowed to get out of control, can kill people. Supernatural power -and the dance that activates it - lies behind the rock paintings and engraving, for which the Bushmen are justly famous.” Dr. David Lewis-Williams, 1991 pdf BUSHMEN, a changing way of life.
“You see spirits killing people. You smell burning, rotten flesh. Then you heal, you pull sickness out. You heal, heal, heal.
Then you live.” Healing Makes the Heart Happy. The Demon and the Quantum: From the Pythagorean Mystics to Maxwell's Demon and Quantum Mystery. The seemingly spiritual nature of information, and even, perhaps, new insights into the existence of Mind! The common denominator of all this is the fact that information is a real physical quantity. Information is more than something just in our mind, it is the essence of, and in many ways more general than the concept of entropy.
And Marlan O. Scully, published by Wiley, 2010, 2nd edition.

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