Thursday, March 26, 2020

Recent Minnesota sightings of top-secret anti-gravity equilateral military aircraft

In summer of 1997 I personally saw an anti-gravity craft - so close I could have hit it with a rock. It was slow and just above the tree line - and not a blimp - and no fuselage. So that was an equilateral triangle craft. The military has been promoting the ET-alien invasion thing so much that it's our new religion on Earth now. People desperately want the Heavens to save us when in fact science is based on the Solar Calendar against the lunar calendar. The moon governs life on Earth via water. So anyway these military secret aircraft are not going to save us. On person saw an insignia on the bottom of the equilateral craft - and described it online. Someone else said it fit precisely the "Space Innovation Center." Those craft have been seen in near orbit also - so they go into space as well. So people are being convinced that they are ET alien craft - why? Because there's no evidence to disprove it and lots of disinformation to promote it! haha. Still this craft is seen on a regular basis - just check out the National UFO Reporting Center and check the "triangle" sightings. It goes low and slow but then sometimes it shoots off so fast that it basically disappears. Supposedly it has some superconducting energy that cancels out gravity. yep seen REGULARLY

 Father and daughter saw a triangle shaped object with three lights, one in each corner. Lights were red, white and green. It flew over the car toward going south away from the Mall of America. The was no sound and it moved really fast. Flew off and could see it until lost sight of it.
 I saw pulsating or revolving red lights at the top of a sort of triangle. The red lights seemed to revolve but the bright lights seemed to radiate down the triangle from the red lights.
 While out in our yard we saw what was to be a black Triangle with three orange-red circles glowing from underneath. The sighting lasted about four seconds and then it vanished from our sight. It was a clear night with no planes or helicopters in the area. It didn't not make any noise, it was only one that we saw. Our dog started to whine at the time, which I have no idea if one t hing had to do with another but as soon as it vanished our dog settled down a few minutes later .
  I looked up just in time to see a triangular shaped craft with three lights fly silently and quickly over our heads and across the sky before flying off into the distance, heading South-West.

There were no trees, so we both got a clear view of the craft. Neither of us were certain how large or how high the object was, but it appeared perhaps around 250 feet in the air and around 20 feet long. It flew fast enough that we were only able to watch it for around 5 seconds. We were both confident the object was some sort of UFO.
  I seen a object in the distance in the middle the highway about seven miles from me. The object had two bright orb style lights that were very large. As I approached the object the top of it started changing colors kind of like a jellyfish.

I then started to get very close to the object and realized the light did not make any reflection so iridescent. Then preceded to drive under the object at about 30 mph. As I passed under it I could see the outline of mass of the craft. This was a very large ufo that did not make any noise which was very strange too me. After i passed it on the highway it disappeared. The next few day was extremely ill and could not hold any food down. These resulted in me loosing 12 pounds.
Same incident? Same month, same town, same orbs
 The tips of the wings were about to the far sides of the ditches with orbs being roughly the size of the lanes on the roads. If I had to guess how think it was I would say 12-15 feet across the orbs. The object was about 300-400 hundred feet above the road. At this point I was freaking out and grabbed a weapon (unsure what effect it might have had) from my back seat. Now less then a mile away and having to drive under It not though it, it started to pulse a very light pink color just on the iner sides of the orbs. Now I was about to go under i looked up a saw no real “parts” just a black void behind the white orbs and bar. I was able the see it had a triangle shape to it.

A couple of observations I made were that it didn’t reflect light off the ground or my truck and it didn’t seem to make any noise as I was gong under it. Now under it I opened my sunroof and the object was gone! After that I went home had a beer n went to bed.

The next morning I woke up feeling a bit sick so drove into work early. On my way to work I received a text from my wife. This is extra weird. She was apologizing for the rough sleep due to her dreams. No kidding. Her message was along the lines of “ I was dreaming we were in a camper driving and aliens were fighting in the sky around us! I had to pull over and read the message again. Now not wanting to put any ideas in her head about what I saw I told her I seen something weird last night. At work I made it a half hour and was sicker the shit so had to leave. Once my wife came home from work I asked her to describe what she saw in her dream. What she described was two triangle shaped crafts the had dislodged their orbs to fight each other. ((obscenity removed))
 3 extremely large [TRIANGLE] craft with large lights under them moving south! The silent, and would not been seen except for the lightning highlighting them! They were followed by 2 helicopters! Radios were not full of static and did not work as well as cell phones! We notice our compass needle pointed straight south not north as they moved by our grain bins! We have one photo from a old non digital camera! Dogs and cow did not like it!
 we noticed a triangular object with 6 lights in the sky above the field with 2 drones watching it.
 It was triangle shape with no lights or sound but still visible to the naked eye. I seen only one.

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