Saturday, January 25, 2020

Rick Beato on why adults can't develop perfect pitch - and my take on it

I was asked to respond to this vid

This is a fascinating vid to be sure. At first his son's perfect pitch ability appears to match completely the ability of savants or what is called autistic savants. In other words his son is having an "instantaneous" or automatic response without thinking - to give his answers as absolute perfect pitch.

But then Rick Beato argues that in actuality he knew to expose his baby son to complex "high information" music (classical and jazz) (vid) since the "unexpected" would force his son's brain to do a statistical prediction of what the pitch was - thereby "marking" the pitch relative to the other pitches heard. And therefore the absolute pitch is analyzed in reference to the set of 12 relative pitches (and their octave equivalences).

So Beato emphasizes that most of the brain growth is during the first two years and this is the only time when the brain has the proper plasticity for this type of broad range statistical analysis. So on a neurological level what Beato really means is that after two years - the synapse connections have been cut down by the brain. Ironically brain development means to "wire together" by "firing together."

So therefore is only certain sounds are heard then the brain will cut off all the other possible sounds - the 2000 phonemes (I think he gave that number). So he then points out that tonal languages more easily also develop perfect pitch since the same phoneme will also have four different pitches for example - and therefore the brain is forced to learn more relative pitches.

So we know from science that 90% of the brain growth happens during the first two years but we also know that listening to music is a right-brain dominant process (frequency perception is right brain dominant). Rick Beato uses the term "tonal colors" and we also know that visualization with color is also right brain dominant.  10 mns in on relative pitch vs. perfect pitch... vid

He recognizes them as units...He can recognize that that is an inversion of F Lydian because he knows that SHAPE in his mind....

So Rick then states how his son did not know the proper names or concepts for the pitches even though his son already had perfect pitch! Instead his son had memorized the perfect pitch based on favorite songs - like the theme song of Star Wars being a B flat chord.

So at this point I would like to interject with a similar example of what could be called a collective consciousness of Perfect Pitch - the Happy Birthday Song. Dr. Daniel Levitin points out that tests have shown people tend to always start singing Happy Birthday on the same note. Now based on Rick Beato's "training" - he would then have taught his son to "convert" the "happy birthday" song NOTE - into the NAME of that note. Therefore just as everyone subconsciously ALREADY knows the starting note of Happy Birthday - they simply need to be TOLD the name of that starting note. And then when they hear a note that reminds them of the same starting note of Happy Birthday (melody) then they will have perfect pitch of that one note - or absolute pitch of that one note.

Since Beato is obviously also training his son (vid) - then his ability was developed from close exposure and a strong musical environment - from birth to his current age.

So the great irony is that people in the West usually approach music as a technical training and so they are frustrated by Rick Beato emphasizing that adults can not learn perfect pitch - when Westerners view reality as a materialistic (albeit idealistic) context - such that the external world (in this case hearing) can be engineered on a technical level and "mastered." oops!!

In other words we are dealing with what has to be a subconscious learning process through an internal perceptual reality that as Rick Beato and his son prove (vid) - is "instantaneous." So a good model to explain this is the holographic brain model of coherent biophoton signals as learning. In other words at the speed of light then space and time are not experienced and therefore the information is "instantaneous." And in reality this is a self-organizing process that is not controlled by the individual but instead by the environment and the collective consciousness (or a cultural training that is more open-minded).

So Westerners are taught that babies are "dumb" and most be "educated" when in fact it's the other way around - the first two years is when the heart spirit holographic information learning is at the most coherent level - and this is how the brain can grow so fast. So unfortunately the typical modern Westernization learning process even starts with brain damage - the forced "cry it out method" that medical doctors tell the mothers to enforce on the babies.

So Perfect Pitch is only relative to the 12 note equal-tempered "language" and so can be learned similar to another speaking language but again the difference between that music requires the right brain to be dominant and therefore the spirit energy of the heart also to be dominant. There has to be an emotional purity and open-heart listening process - and THEN once those notes are learned they can be "transferred" into the conceptual 12 note equal-tempered system.

But why should someone be so keen to memorize the 12 equal-tempered notes anyway - when there are so many other notes? In other words - why should someone limit there ability - even in music - or for that matter limit the abilities of their brain and spirit? This is why for advanced spirit healing training - the person starts at age 9 -  like with the Kogi in the Andes or with the Daoists - or in Indian yoga training schools.

Certainly perfect pitch is a truly stunning skill and is a gateway to the "savant" skills in general - which leads even to the paranormal and spiritual skills of the yogi shamanic healing masters of reality.

We should all be proud of the unique relationship of Rick Beato and his son - and how he even documented his son's expose to "high information" music as a baby. And yet the secret of music still remains "untapped" - as Western music is still quite limited in its abilities. So to be so focused for such an amazing skill of Perfect Pitch is quite an accomplishment but it may be unfortunately limited to the wrong system of music as a whole. This is why the "statistical" explanation is lacking - unless one were to invoke quantum statistics.

On a deeper level what we assume to be a random learning process with the brain "honing" and even pruning its synapse connections - there is actually a highly coherent synchronized harmonization that Louis de Broglie discovered as the Law of Phase Harmony - information-energy from the future, secretly guiding our present. What we perceive to be random is in fact just an after thought of the supposed entropy that we have left behind.

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