Thursday, October 3, 2019

Anti-Collision!! putting foam couch or sofa cushion as wall insulation in the Hermit Hut

The product is still at the early development age but insulating your home – whether with old carpets or the thick foam panels sold at DIY stores – is a proven way to whack down your utility bills.

So I still had three prominent "holes" in my walls in the Hermit Hut. I was gonna use my rock wool insulation but I also need that for the stove pipe - and the walls in general at the end. Luckily Free Craig's List announced the perfect solution: Three couch cushions advertised as perfect for a "hunting shack."

 So these are now in the car.

So I'll just push them into the holes in the walls - and the pressure of the cushion (there's springs inside the cushion) should hold it in place.

Perfect for hunting shack or ice house!
Yep - that's how they were advertised! I said they are for my shack up north....

The first and most obvious use of foam is for its insulating properties. The material is very effective at holding temperatures inside, due to its closed cell structure. And it finds use in all manner of things. Modern construction projects use it in the interior of walls, with it’s malleable state making it ideal to fit inside the walls without compromising their structural integrity.
But foam is also known for insulation of a different kind. As it doesn’t absorb water, it is a great moisture insulator. So in addition to insulating the walls in your home, it also won’t hold water and lead to damp patches.
 So there you go! It's not such a crazy idea after all!!

Imagine if the exterior of your home was covered in sofa cushions, ...
Yes soon it will be MORE than just "imagination!!"
Jul 18, 2010 - 11 posts - ‎4 authors
I took all the foam from the couch and kept it. I had to fill a large cavity in a closet area, so I packed it tight into the walls before I skinned them.
 Ah so I'm not the only one!!

Upholstery foam is typically a closed cell foam, and in general, is useless for any real acoustic absorption... additionally, it's not at all flame resistant, and goes up in flames readily, and gives off extremely toxic fumes.
 hmmm what's the difference?!

Closed cell foam is made of uniform cells that maintain their own shape. Because the cells are closed and have their own cell walls, they are more rigid and trap a large amount of air. This makes for more sturdy products that serve as great insulation.

 Interesting - so the sound dampening is better from the air spaces in Open Cell...

Oh turns out sofa cushions are OPEN CELL insulation! Fascinating.

Amazingly these foam cushions sell for about $25 each online! Wow!!

This one is the same size yet sells for $40!! So that's $120 worth of cushion that I just scored!!

Wow the pocketed coil springs are 15 gauge steel - that's thick!!

So I guess in CHINA this is more acceptable! Foam cushion as wall insulation!!

They even make them as BRICK designs! wild.

how thick is that?

not that thick. Still pretty funny - fake foam bricks!! So I guess the idea is that your children will inevitably COLLIDE into the walls - so better get that foam up!!

And finally there's now Foam Concrete Insulation!!
A mix of foam and concrete. Very fascinating.

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