Thursday, October 17, 2019

Elitom is exposed as a Perv-predator who assaults from behind - sneaking up to cause people to freeze in fear

I got suspicious of Elitom (who is constantly uploading youtube vids of his travels around the world while living on Prana or Qi as a supposed breatharian and he practices small universe meditation). vidI asked him to sit in full lotus because I know from experience that if you're doing REAL bigu training then the body channels have to be open and you have to be able to sit in full lotus in ease for as long as you want. Instead he ranted in anger for almost an hour in a vid upload about how he didn't need to do cave meditation for 49 days.
So then I was asked a question on my blog about Elitom and I was then informed of him being outed by courageous females.
If you read the comments to these vids - you can see a gang type mentality cropping up with people threatening the others for outing Elitom.
As Dr. Stephen Porges states, "Involuntary Immobility is NOT complicity!" Her right side vagus nerve got activated as the reptilian FREEZE immobility reaction. That is DEEP trauma. Elitom is a perv-predator.

Wow - he grabbed her breast from behind! That's super creepy. Yes these predator pervs rely on sneaking up and surprising people so that the person is afraid - freezing in trauma!
He's DONE.
  Elitom Exposed vid

yeah if someone's mentality is of a lower frequency then it can get stepped on! For example I was hanging out with qigong master Jim Nance and I had just got off work and my male coworker is of low frequency energy. So I had not done meditation to raise my frequency again, so I needed an exorcism. So then I began thinking bad thoughts about Jim while he sat across from me and he suddenly yelled out, "You're always trying to take my energy!" and his yell blasted me with qi right at the frequency that needed exorcism. So then I had very strong fear and I had to stop myself from running out of the room and then he said, "But I still love you." So he did an exorcism of my spirit from a low frequency back up to a high frequency.

Another time he asked me to visit him and I said , "no I just got off work and so I need to meditate to cleanse my energy" and he said, "I totally understand."

So if a male is trying to be celibate then it is up to the male to draw boundaries. He should not accept being hugged and if he hugs people then he needs to cleanse his energy after that. For example monks in Thailand are not allowed to be touched by females. Also the Brahmin priests have to do a three day purification ritual if they just make EYE contact with a female. So we Westerners do not realize just how strict the celibacy training is. So the lust energy is the red frequency - it is yin qi energy and lower frequency. It needs to be raised up as an exorcism.

The standing active exercises are the best way to do this. But it's easier to just avoid close contact with females if you're trying to be celibate. Or you can send energy into females first but when the female sends energy back - it will be low frequency - until you raise her energy up in frequency. That is a psychic type of tantra that does not involve touching. But it takes a lot of low frequency energy to make a small amount of higher frequency energy (that is shot out of the third eye pineal gland). So doing tantra will use up the higher frequency energy over time - and eventually each person has to rely on the Cosmic Mother energy that is not of a form but is formless (it can only be listened to and not seen visually). So then the MIND being stepped on is inherently NOT a male's mind - it can't be.

3rd female speaks out about Eliton sexually assaulting her - video

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