Monday, August 26, 2019

No reality is not based on a fractal

No - sorry - it's NOT a fractal. A fractal is just symmetric Western math from logarithms. So the Golden Ratio is a fractal. It's just New Age Freemason B.S. So what I'm talking about is the opposite of fractals. I'm talking about noncommutative phase logic.
I'm pretty sure you've tried to twist what I've said back around to fractals before - others have similarly tried to do this as well.
Chaos logic is similarly based on symmetric logistic equations. I made this error in my master's thesis - wrongly equating the Tai Chi with a Chaotic logistic equation.
So Charles Madden wrote a book on Fractals and Music - and then he contacted me stating he wanted to published my master's thesis. This was in 2001. So then, as a physics major, he said he still couldn't understand what I was stating about the void and Emptiness. So I decided to read his book on Fractals and music - and he details how the Taiji is emphatically NOT a fractal since it's not based on symmetric logic. Suddenly I realized that I had made that error in my master's thesis, as I stated - wrongly equating the Taiji with a logistic symmetric logic.
So then I realized the solution is noncommutative phase logic. So it took me about ten years to really hone on in this and do my own research to corroborate this insight. But I figured - since I did this all on my own SOMEONE else must have also figured this out. I kept searching and searching and FINALLY I discovered Eddie Oshins while working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and also teaching Wing Chun - he also realized the secret of Daoist alchemical Neigong is from noncommutative phase logic. Oshins was pissed though since his discovery of what he called "quantum psychology" got co-opted and twisted by the New Age Freemason scene. So for example he tried to teach Karl Pribram the noncommutative phase logic but Pribram could not understand it.
As my quantum physics professor pointed out - everyone learns the WRONG foundation of physics by learning classical physics in high school based on symmetric mathematical logic whereas the foundation of reality, as per science, has NOT been classical physics, since the early 20th century!! Quantum physics is actually based on noncommutative phase logic.
So you can study my research - it's all free - to UNLEARN the Fractal lies.

 the pilot wave is being reformulated as noncommutative quantum gravity - I've corresponded with Professor Basil J. Hiley about this - he collaborated with David Bohm. De Broglie is being rediscovered - and Aharonov has recently proven de Broglie was correct - empirically - on the double slit experiment. The problem of gravity as Penrose points out, has to due with asymmetric time. This is a much bigger issue than people realize - it goes back to symmetric based math. Alain Connes is also working on this solution - for example calculus has to be recreated as noncommutative calculus. Essentially science had a wrong foundation.

De Broglie was actually just using the principle of Pythagoras, that frequency is inverse to wavelength, to critique relativity, from the perspective of quantum physics. Study de Broglie's "Law of Phase Harmony" - which he considered his greatest discovery. Also consider his proteges - they realized the implications of de Broglie were radical indeed.

there is an "external path" as Vivekananda called the West - he was a Freemason. Then Sri Aurobindo stated Vivekananda visited him, and joined into his energy. Aurobindo was an anarchist, also relying on Freemasonry. So the "external path" is based on symmetric logic and is promoted by the West as the New Age. This view, promoted by Drunvalo Melchizadek, for example, argues that Ecology needs to be replaced and improved through a human-imposed Fractal logic based on the Golden Ratio - that Mother Nature is not good enough and not really spiritual.

So people easily don't realize this difference - since it even goes into India. The Vedic logic is actually the origin of Western thinking as the "external path" - via "divide and average" math, just as with Zoroastrian cosmology. So it is easy for us to think this is the only path for spiritual training - from the New Age. DNA science has now proven that the Brahmin priests invaded India, through the chariot culture, around 2000 BCE - and originated out of the steppes. This chariot culture based on the "hub" as the first Pythagorean Theorem - to contain infinity using geometry - was tied to squaring the circle as a solar ritual sacrifice altar. So the Lunar energy as a circle had to be made to follow the Sun - via mass ritual sacrifice. This was detailed by ABraham Seidenberg, the math professor publishing on the ritual origins of geometry.

So for example in Egypt with the triangle, the height is Osiris, the basis is Isis and the hypotenuse is a dynamic between Set and Horus. This is the secret origin of Christianity and Judaism also. So then the "Greek Miracle" was to take this "divide and average" logic one step further via the creation of the Power Axiom Set or irrational magnitude logic. Plato argued that the unit of two was before number, and yet not geometry. So it was the origin of irrational geometry, and the obvious example, he argued, being that we have a "set" of two eyes that are symmetric or two legs or two hands and two arms.

Daoism in contrast is based on the eyes NOT being symmetrical - so that the left eye is yang shen and yin qi while the right eye is yin shen and yang qi. Similarly in native indigenous cultures you find the same cosmology based on complementary opposites - again NOT a fractal. This goes back to the original human culture - the San Bushmen. So the females sleep on the left hand of the fire and the males on the right hand of the fire.

So then music is a combination of math but also emotional energy with the voice as sound being the psychic yin qi energy transmitted or yang jing energy. As agriculture developed based on the solar calendar then the Lunar psychic energy based on sound was replaced by an external solar visual dominance as patriarchy, with a plow "raping" and spreading around the world via wagons and chariots. This was the wheat culture - wheat monoculture based on God (meaning Bull just as Brahman means Bull) - plowing the earth. The earth is then "contained" via geometry as a means to contain infinity using a geometric mass ritual sacrifice process. So to center the circle for the chariot wheel you are also squaring the circle (or trying to) - using the Pythagorean theorem. The 9/8 major 2nd music interval then, as Plato argued, must be "compromised" for the Good of the State - into 9/8 cubed as the Tritone music interval, the Tyrant, that then rules the world. This is also the Demiurge as the external path - or Set, Satan, etc. So 9/8 was derived from 3/2 squared with the 4 "halved" back into the same octave as 9/8. 3/2 was originally the Single Perfect Yang from the Perfect Fifth music interval based on nondualism - with C to F subharmonic and C to G overtone harmonic as 2/3 and 3/2 respectively - as the SAME time. This is also called (2, 3, infinity).

You can watch  Alain Conne's lecture on music theory and noncommutative geometry for details of how he needs to completely redo  Western science to fix this original problem of symmetric math logic as being erroneous. It's on youtube.

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