Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Is the Hun Soul a Yang Shen or yin shen? that depends if you practice Neidan Neigong qigong alchemy or not

The light of the eyes directed downward is positive

So the Ph.D. thesis or was it the Master's thesis - on Awakening Reality - that I was reading yesterday, noted that the Hun Soul is yang shen while the Po Soul is yin shen.

As I have been reviewing my neidan studies - this claim is a bit confusing but the answer is as I quote above. It depends on if you are doing meditation or not! The Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality book points out that both the Hun Soul and Po Soul are still yin shen. Book of Rites or Li Ji of Zhou Dynasty:

So normally the Hun Soul leaves the eyes with the eyes open. The left eye is the yang shen with yin qi. The liver is the yin qi. This is also Mercury that floats up but as alchemical water it sinks back down, as I quoted yesterday. It is also east, wood and thunder, in the trigrams of alchemy.

So that is still a yin shen but when we close the eyes and visualize the light back into the lower tan tien or elixir field, then we can create a new yang shen, a new physical body, as out of the golden elixir pill. Since it originates out of the yin qi that normally rises up out of the eyes, then this is the Female origin of reality - the yin qi is not limited to the body. It is the psychic lunar energy that then connects back to the Cosmic Mother origin (from the future).

So we add the yin qi back into the yang qi via the yin shen to create a new yang shen that also creates Yuan Qi. This is why the Central Channel connects the three tan tiens.

  As part of their assignment to you; your mentor will personally instruct you on how to practice Shen Gong, Qi Gong and Jing Zuo, in preparation for the advanced alchemical transformations of the spirit necessary to trigger the transmutation of Yin Shen to Yang Shen, to unite the 3 Hun (ethereal souls) and 7 Po (corporeal souls) into one; and result in the complete purification of the acquired mundane conditioning, bringing about the birth of the radiant, original mind (Yuan Shen) and the progressive development of the indestructible immortal body of Yang Shen.
 The Ethereal Souls govern consciousness,
whereas the Corporeal Souls govern the body and form.
The Three Ethereal Souls refer to the Heavenly Ethereal Soul [tian hun天魂], the Earthly Ethereal Soul [di hun地魂] and the Life-Destiny Ethereal Soul [ming hun命魂]. In ancient times they were known by the names of Embryonic Radiance [tai guang胎光], Clear Divinity [shuang ling爽灵] and Serene Essence [you jing幽精] or people called the trinity, Governing Ethereal Soul [zhu ling主魂], Awakening Ethereal Soul [jue hun觉魂] and Alive Ethereal Soul [sheng hun生魂]. Furthermore the three were referred to as Original Spirit [yuan shen元神], Yang Spirit [yang shen阳神] and Yin Spirit [yin shen阴神]. Lastly they were called Heavenly Ethereal Soul [tian hun天魂], Knowledgeable Ethereal Soul [shi hun识魂] and Humanly Ethereal Soul [ren hun人魂]. According to modern times scientific explanations it corresponds to the innate Heavenly nature [tian xing天性], heredity [yi chuan遗传] and Post-Heaven [hou tian后天].

a book for further details

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