Monday, June 24, 2019

Why the EcoEcho Forest Cultivation is the best way to store carbon on Earth: Shrooms as Sequestration

HiveMind’s Mycelium Vaults Stop & Can Even Reverse Catastrophic Climate Change
HiveMind has developed a green roof inoculated with mycelium that sequesters one hundred tons of CO2e per 1,000 square feet.  They coined the term  “mycelium vaults” because they sequester CO2 for over a thousand years. They are  modular so can be deployed on an office building, factory or warehouse  of up to 1 million square feet within a week. They also inoculate forests, farmland, meadows, and even urban lots. Plans for 2019 included programs in the Rockies, Amazon, and Himalayas.

 Regenerative Agriculture relies on intensive rotational grazing - so you have tons of fertilizer in a paddock from all the manure but the grass is only eaten to 50% down. So then the bacteria feed on the grass sugar and the manure - with the mycelium sequestering the carbon. So what I do is feed the mycelium directly with dying trees that I cut. "But during the study, the scientists discovered between 47%-70% of all sequestered carbon was being delivered to the tree roots as sugars and “eaten” by the Mycorrhizal fungi, which then expels waste residue into the soil." ..."50 to 70% of stored carbon in a chronosequence of boreal forested islands derives from roots and root-associated microorganism"
John M. Kimble, ‎Rattan Lal, ‎Richard Birdsey - 2002 - ‎Technology & Engineering
and other medicinal or aromatic herbs such as shiitake mushroom and sugar maple (Acer sachharum) (Figure 20.2). Pine straw is another nonwood forest ...
 so 5 acres could store 2000 tons of CO2 via mushrooms... since 5 acres is 200,000 square feet...

That could have a carbon credit monetary value of $20,000 or more - just as the BYPRODUCT of growing mushrooms for food (the fruit).


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