Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Week 4, part 5: Flora mystery ID attempts

I accidentally DROWNED a female flycatcher that had flown thousands of miles to summer in my mini-forest. My mushroom soaking tank had too steep of walls - so the little tweety couldn't get "lift off" to escape. Mother Nature is very sensitive yet very strong. So now I have to make sure my soak tanks are filled with water so there's no "steep walls."

 we are about to have a new mine opening in northern minnesota - a Copper-Sulfate mine. All these mines worldwide leach pollution - and this time into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area - a vast protected refuge. So the big market - 40% of the value of this mine is for rare earth metals - nickel and palladium - the nickel is for electric cars I guess. and Copper is for electric cars. It's the New Green Deal WIPING OUT the Old Green Deal!!

It's gonna create 365 jobs or something - and will be owned by a vast Swiss Conglomerate that has been implicated in vast corruption worldwide already. People are PSYCHED but the environmentalists exposed our state pollution control agency being corrupt as usual -suppression regulatory concerns about the pollution. The lawsuits so far against the mine have not been successful. Civilization must keep having Progress - NO protected Nature sites are allowed left on Earth!! It all must be contaminated.

People are DESPERATE for jobs in northern minnesota - "we support mining" signs are on everyone's lawns. haha. Oh well. They don't realize that Mother Nature is gonna take revenge real quick as the arctic melts down. Our Earth First! activism with the Native indigenous communities STOPPED a copper-sulfate mine that EXXON wanted to put into WIsconsin - just east of this new mine in Minnesota. That copper-sulfate mine was ONLY stopped due to Native indigenous international sovereignty law rights. That's IT - that's the ONLY thing that had the legal power to stop that mine in Wisconsin. But still it took decades to stop it and there was even violence by the Western white communities against the native indigenous communities (for practicing their spearfishing rights, etc.).

Al Gedicks was the expert on how the natives stopped that mine. The FBI was investigating our UW-Greens activism - we had 900 pages of FBI files on just a few dozen of us activists over just a few years! The FBI complained about the FOIA request since it required too much redaction (blacking out) before sending out the files. I got arrested at the largest land mine producer in the world - that was headquartered in Liberal Progressive Minnesota - Alliant Techsystems. I argued to the judge that the corporate charter should be revoked - and the judge then left the room and he returned and dropped all our trespassing charges. haha.

 Hmm - I should be able to ID this but I didn't get a close enough clear photo of the flower maybe.

and so...

this one is different I think... no wait - the one below is different.

so this is actually a grass I think...


looks like a grass right?

ten petals - white - and a grass.... UPDATE: Could be a kind of Chickweed!

Third one - I remember from previous years - an Aster. Only which kind?

I'll get back to that one. Should be enough to ID that with this one photo.

 Gregory Bateson quipped - if only people got their hangovers BEFORE they got drunk. haha. Or as he said - depression is the symptom of future healing. a strong dose of DMT-based plant MAOI root Amazon shamanic medicine lets us know that Mother Nature works as quantum biology biophoton light speed - this is how mycelium sends nitrogen into trees and mycelium stores carbon. So any external perceptions we have are always already created internally as a biophoton spirit signal at the speed of light. The energy to create matter is from the future as quantum negentropy. Schroedinger figured this out in the 1930s and so he published a book called, "What Is Life?" he said - it's the same force that creates stars and the sun: Negentropy.

My guess is the first flower above is some kind of Purslane. (sp?). I'll get back to this later.

yes the original human culture survived the Mt. Toba supervolcano explosion 70,000 years ago - when humans were reduced to a genetic bottleneck of a few thousand humans - by practicing spiritual training called N/om energy. This is our true ancestral heritage that hardly anyone knows about. So we might have to practice it again (imagine that!!). Of course it relies on celibacy - so then we would not be "fooked" anymore, at least not in the normal sense of the word. well - it's kind of like slime mold - the leaders are celibate for the whole colony to survive. But my guess is that this cultural or biophysical practice will not work anymore even for humans or even slime mold. The San Bushmen culture was documented to spread around the world - by Dr. Victor Grauer in his book "Sounding the Depths" - a fascinating read. But as you note - slowly this culture was lost and got corrupted as agriculture was developed after the cooling on earth right after the Holocene warming trend started. oh well.

 yes Madras just had a water murder - my distant Swedish relative is in charge of "privatizing water" for the World Bank. When I asked him about the tragedy of Bolivian water privatization he said the problem was "corporate mismanagement" - Bechtel (the military contractor behemoth). No the problem is the Corporate-State as a Western entity that spreads based on Platonic logarithmic-exponential mathematics - a deeply hard-wired evil philosophy of mind-body separation. I didn't argue with him - instead we went on a Swedish-style Forest nature walk for 2 hours.

 Considering how successful our engineering attempts to "Contain infinity" and reduce time to a Zero Point in Geometry have been - I can just say to you: go for it. Enjoy these last final accelerating years to a zero point in space as the end of time. Because it's all based on a Lie. I call it the Liar of the Lyre - since Western math originates from the WRONG music theory! Even our equal-tempered music tuning is mass mind control.

 I call it Wallstreet Welfare. Yep the Great Crash created an even greater bubble - and now the FED is being forced to admit that the Final Empire is bankrupt (it can not raise rates again). So now the interest rates payments on the debt are so bad that the value of the dollar is officially zero (or close to it). But only due to our military imperial force using genocide to maintain the PetroDollar world "standard" does the paper-digital dollar maintain its "value." That's how China gave value to the first paper money in the world - by the chinese military.

 exactly - good point. It's an acceleration of rate of change. The scientists keep getting "surprised" because even the supercomputers can not model the effect of clouds and water vapor as a positive feedback mechanism. A supercomputer can not model the ecology of an equatorial rainforest - the mind of Mother Nature. So you get all these specialized science studies - each scientist not wanting to jeopardize their funding - so putting out these conservative estimates. I call it the Salaried Sellout phenomenon from Brown-nosing. I saw that a lot first hand at the University. This one "leftist" academic and supposed activist - he refused to do civil disobedience even though he claimed to be some kind of radical. Now he's got his swanky professor job. Good for him! haha. Too little too late.

I haven't read this "little booklet on Mo Pai" you reference. I am not sure that is directly from a student of John Chang? It isn't Magus of Java as I don't remember mention of damage to the LDT in that book?

On simple practices - the secret of the "moving of yin and yang" is that for males the left hand is yang and the lower body is yin while the right hand is yin and the upper body is yang. So just by lining up the palm of the left hand to the lower body and palm of the right hand to upper body - this "connects" the yin-yang circuits (like licking a 9-volt battery).

So if you understand the simple principles of qigong (neidan, neigong, etc.) then you can understand the principles of why ANY practice or "technique" will work. For example in Yiquan, the founder of that lineage says it's all based on "dragon and tiger" as yin-yang energy cultivation. So you have to visualize the energy from the right hand to the left foot and the left hand to the right foot.

You can read the book "TAoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" for more indepth analysis of how the basic principles work - in terms of alchemy. The water method is just that the Heaven energy starts out as yin but only with meditation do you then take that "inner yin" of fire and turn it into Heaven by putting that yin into the Earth and then sublimating it back up to the third eye. So then this has to be swallowed as yang qi back down the front - this is called the "Reverted Elixir" by Pregadio - another name for the Water Method.

So again if you understand the basic principles then all these different terminologies of different lineages can be understood. For example Shaolin is Buddhist but relies on Dragon and Tiger as yin-yang energy dynamics. The dragon and tiger shamanism is traced back many thousands of years in China - as found in graves. I have further details in my profile links - all free research.

As for "damage" to the LDT - a person can overuse the third eye, after it is open. This can cause the yin qi not to be held back by the yang qi - as the yang qi gets burned up. Then you have to rely on yin qi food sources (or fasting meditation) to build up the yang qi again. So as Wang Liping states, if you do five hours of full lotus meditation every day for 1 year (without missing a day and maintaining celibacy) then you can restore your jing energy back to a 16 year old. This is what is necessary to full up the LDT again to then fully activate the third eye as an enlightenment experience.

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