Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What does it mean to be a Pre-Sovereign? The US Constitution is actually a Corporation! Professor David Ciepley

Is the U.S. Government a Corporation? The Corporate Origins of Modern Constitutionalism DAVID CIEPLEY (a1)


pdf link

“Is the U.S. Government a Corporation? The Corporate Genesis of Modern Constitutionalism” (APSR 2017). His current book project, Our Corporate Civilization and its Neoliberal Crisis, recovers the corporate roots of the democratic constitutional state and analyzes the changing relationship between this state and the business corporation.
David Ciepley, The Chartered Corporation as a Governance Technology: Colonial Empire, Constitutional State, and Business Firm."

youtube lecture

the lecture I just posted answers your claim in great detail. The first business corporation was actually Dutch, as an arm of the imperial war machine.
So there's different types of corporations. For the US constitution, the corporation is considered "private" - as in a pre-sovereign legal person, while the government is considered public. So that was to contrast the US corporation to the royal chartered corporations that created the colonies (or later towns).


So this is why in the US, the corporation was declared a legal person - well by a court clerk who worked for the Railroad Robber barons - as http://poclad.org has so well exposed in great detail.
Yes the 14th amendment has been applied more to corporate "freedom" as personhood "due process" than to the freeing of personal slaves.
I don't discount international commerce banking - and the role of the FED created from the previously failed central governments. So obviously if the government is not even issuing its own currency, in terms of our treasury notes being inherently bought by a cartel of private bankers, receiving a 6% rate of profit, against the tax payers - then yes our currency debt financing is the greatest financial scam in world history, as Nomi Prins details (she worked for Goldman Sachs).
So the central banks of the industrialized countries have created, out of nothing, $200 trillion, in the past 10 years. But also in that same time, the US military has "lost" (overspent) another $200 trillion - that was taken, off the books.
So the true "left" is the US military imperial socialist contract system - private contractors that bilk the US government. This has been going on since the Civil War - as Abraham Lincoln warned that corporations would take over. The reason the Union won the war was due to standardized production of parts that are interchangeable - as mass produced scientific war planning.
So then the Union set up Tariffs against England - and this blocked the slave states from trading their slave goods to England. That was the real reason for the civil war. And then the US Empire expanded against Spain - and took over Venezuela from Great Britain - in the early 1900s. And then after World War II - the US took over the British imperial holdings. So for example the British wanted the US to stage the coup against Iran in 1953 - only the CIA just made sure to take control of the oil for the Rockefellers.

 So consider why the US military killed 200,000 in the Philippines -  this was in the late 1800s and early 1900s - and so if you study the history - it was for corporate investment profits. And if the US didn't do it - then we feared Germany would do it first.


That's what the Commerce Clause is for in the US constitution and why corporations were declared "legal persons."
So the "left" as you so call it - is really just Platonic philosophy at the origin of Western civilization, based on logarithmic math (and its inverse exponential function) as a hierarchical "natural law" that controls science.
For example at University of Minnesota - I personally researched the corporate control of the University. So there are about 300 corporations that do "research" at the University. This was set up by the great leftist...Ronald Reagan... who made corporation "donations" to the University as a 100% tax deductible welfare for the rich program - like military contracts.
So I exposed the details of this research, as a graduate student. You can imagine the results - the President of the University personally emailed me to say, patronizingly, that I had done enough and please don't go on Unlimited Hunger Strike. haha. That's because I was going to use my newly acquired qigong powers to throw a wrench in their fake Corporate Junk science system.
This is all well documented public record. And I did not make "millions" by exposing the right-wing corporate control of the University - or do you think Cargill and Monsanto are left-wing organizations? haha. Cargill is the world's largest private corporation but you probably know next to nothing about how it operates. Hardly anyone does. Yes it just works with the CIA directly or the Rockefellers, or the Freemasons, etc.

So Ciepley distinguishes the "member corporation" from the "property corporation."

In a corporation there are no two contracts between natural persons. Every contract is between a natural person and a legal entity. Whether it's labor contracts, it's between workers and the legal entity. The shareholders, the managers have a relationship with the legal entity. The original purpose of a corporation was to get something done, not to maximize profit for the shareholders. A corporation is not an "investor co-op" but rather a partnership is an investor co-op. A corporation is a different separate legal entity. The legal authority that the board has comes from the state, not from the members of the co-op or partnership.

So in contrast to the British Parliament, the government of the US, is NOT the same as the sovereign people.

and so we do not have a representative government as such... but rather an elected board that is legally bound to the constitution, ABOVE the wishes of the individual constituents.

So the key difference is that in England (and its offshoots) the representative parliament IS the sovereign voice of the "people" as a representative government. In the US - the elected government works FOR the sovereign people but does not directly act as the sovereign people.

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