Monday, May 13, 2019

The Single Perfect Yang and noncommutative music theory

On 5/11/2019 at 10:36 AM, Old Student said:

In terms of Fourier eigenfunctions (eigenfunctions of the Laplacian) no, not an analogy as long as you take any kind of vibration to be a "note".  The theory doesn't have to be applied to a Laplacian or Dirac operator, in which case you can decide for yourself whether you want to call it music directly or an analogy to music.  Personally, I have no problems with analogies and metaphors, they make up the basis of all language, and probably of all thought.  Be aware that in some of what Connes is talking about, those notes are points, and in some they appear to be strings (as in string theory not as in musical strings, but they were named that by analogy to a real string vibrating).  You also need to be aware that when a mathematician says a point in a space, or a point in a phase space, it can be pretty much anything at all, the collection of them plus some structure to the collection makes a space.

I believe the precise statement is, " actually provided by a music theory."  His statement is that taking the underlying point structure of his geometry to be chords, the laws of physics become a music theory, i.e. a theory of what chords to use when and where.  Also please understand that there is a whole superstructure of spaces and groups and algebras and operators over each point in these mathematical spaces.

Do you have a reference for the ultrasound and tubule stuff?

For the sake of maintaining this thread on "climate change" - you can see my blog for more details - and it also links to my ex-blog 

You ask for references. I have a 2012 free pdf book that has 725 scholarly footnotes - so you can just word search it for references on ultrasound. Or just search my blogs. thanks

I think we have a different understanding of what Connes means. That's ok. My long quote of him actually pieces together several different works where he discusses music. I first encountered his work on music in his book "Triangle of Thought" - (2002) - so I read that when it first was published, around that same time. At that time, I also thought he was just being "metaphorical" or as an analog. But since my background in music theory - I guess you'll have to trust me when I say that Connes is the only one pointing out something that I figured out on my own also - that the noncommutative phase origin of music theory, that Connes calls, (2, 3, infinity), is actually also non-local. So he calls it's a geometric subspace that creates time but it is also a noncommutative phase as an eigenfrequency matrix spectrum. So it's before the square root is created as a commutative spectrum.

So Connes likes to practice Chopin on piano - he is obviously biased towards Western music. So he doesn't realize that what he is describing, what you call an "extension" of commutative math, already exists in the nonwestern music logic of Orthodox Pythagorean tuning. So he describes this truth, again, when he switches around 2 to the 12th and 3 to the 19 as 2 to the 19th and 3 to the 12. So when he switches those around he is showing how they are noncommutative.

I give a couple other examples on my blog - there is a book on quantum and music - that I cite - stating the same thing. So I realize what you are saying about the difference between "hearing" sound. But first of all - we have to scrap the Western assumption that music has to depend on a vibrating string that has a symmetric commutative logarithmic logic to it. Connes disproves that. So then I recommend considering that Connes is stating that at "zero" time there is already a noncommutative phase, that he calls, (2, 3, infinity).

So in Daoism - the Single Perfect Yang is the same thing. So Yang is the Perfect Fifth but as 2/3 it is C to F and as 3/2 is it C to G. So for the commutative WEstern science model then the 2/3 as C to F had to be covered up and denied. Archytas only uses 3/2 and not 2/3 - why? Because his logarithmic equation takes the "subharmonic" of the Perfect Fifth - what Philolaus called the "subcontrary" and instead calls it the Harmonic Mean as 4/3, by doubling it back into the same octave. I already described how Philolaus first did that and then ARchytas relied on the equation Arithmetic Mean x Harmonic Mean = Geometric Mean Squared.

So that is the foundation of WEstern science that first covered up the empirical truth of the noncommutative phase origin of reality. But in nonwestern cultures this "cover up" never happened. My contention is that the ecological crisis is because Western science imposes the opposite form of entropy onto ecology due to this wrong "root"' or foundation of mathematics, and then extends that wrong root, as the "music logarithmic spiral" into higher dimensions.

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