Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I am asked what I think about Astrology as Harmonics

So harmonics as inverse based on octaves like 2/3 is doubled to 4/3 as the Perfect Fourth. So Jupiter is the God of space because it protects Earth from comets and asteroids and Saturn is the God of time since those two planets have their orbits align at a 2/5 resonance with a 5/4 or 4/5 octave. This resonance alignment then causes asteroids or comets to get pulled into Earth, causing mass extinctions of life on our planet.

So 5/4 was the Western first approximation for the CUBE root of 2 as logarithmic math. So when there is a mass extinction of life then all BIFOCAL vision is wiped out (2 eyes creates the dimension of DEPTH as volume). so science now realizes that our reality is 1 dimension as the 5th dimension (meaning our 4D spacetime is actually a holograph projection from the Ether or the Emptiness that we can NEVER see but we can LISTEN to or logically infer. The ancients knew this from alchemy meditation - called the Cosmic Mother as Apopis (origin of apocalypse) or called Nuit (origin of Nut-case).

So those were the Egyptian Cosmic Mother goddesses - in ancient Greek the Pythagoreans called it Harmonia - and Daoism says that Music is alchemy as Happiness - the bliss of the Emptiness that emanates light as the female Yin principle - Wuji or Great Mother of the West. So the first "note" in nonwestern alchemy music is actually the Lunar calendar - it is 9 as the radius and 9 as the length for 81. This is because the Lunar calendar harmonizes with the Solar calendar through 81 lunar months of 30 days. So this is based on the precessional cycle of Earth's backwards wobble - as harmonization with the Sun. So the Equinox and Solstice have strong Lunar psychic pineal gland energy due to the First full moon next to the Solar resonance with the Earth increasing the Solar cosmic rays (the Aurora Borealis).

So Western science is based only on the Solar calendar while LIFE on Earth is by the Lunar calendar. So by ignoring the Lunar calendar then humans are going against our natural Pineal Gland synchronization (menses) Mind with the Moon - that resonates with the Cosmic Mother via the Sun. So quantum physics has proven that the Sun is from Negentropy (the 5th dimension that we can not see) and LIFE is also from Negentropy (this is reverse time as quantum entanglement). So for example when birds migrate this is from the photons creating quantum entanglement with the electrons in the brain. Humans do this also - that is how alchemy works - it is the 5th dimension or Cosmic Mother INSIDE our bodies.

 thank you for your kind question. The Vibrating Universe - Page 144 - Google Books Result Nr̥siṃhacaraṇa Paṇḍā - 1995 - Philosophy The ego (ahankara) evolves out of Reason. Depending upon the dominance of one of the three constituents (gunas), we get three kinds of ego, viz., sdttvika ahankara, rajasika ahankara and tamasika ahankara. From ego proceed two parallel series of evolutes — internal and external. The five conative organs and the mind ... The Reality is one and only one that always remains unmanifested and unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests through the plurality of the pheno-menal universe - Maya or Prakrti is constituted of three strings (sattva, rajas and tamas) [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] that vibrate to produce the pluralistic, phenomenal ...  When the three gunas, viz., sattva. rajas and tamas [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] are equipoised (in equilibrium, in sdmydvastha), they are collectively called prakrti, which is itself a tattva (having no tattva).  Prakrti is the three gunas, having no gunas.

 The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism ... Apr 30, 2016 - A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principal known as spanda. Swami Lakshmanjoo tells us that the word 'spanda' means established stable movement. That is, it is movementless-movement, vibrationless-vibration. It is this secret, mysterious and yet essential ...

"The process of creation depends on Nada and Bindu from the union of which Siva and Shakti appear....Only Nada, manifested by the gross (and inaudible) varnas is the denote of meaning. ...primal unvoiced sound (Nada), in almost gross sound (Bindu)....hence the Nada becomes the power of Sakti....sound both as Siva and Sakti....Dualism comes under the literature created after the pluralistic amalgamation of Saivagamas, is not in the earlier Tamil works." International Journal of Science and Research Publicatons, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012, "The Concept of Nada and Bindu in Tirumantiram" pdf Nirmala V., Dept. of Sanskrit Sahitya, Research Scholar, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, India 

The Quest for Divine Music by Suresh Chandra Dey:

 Our whole universe is trigunatmaka, as it is pervaded by the three gunas…Therefore one gets a wonderful visualization of cosmogony, while doing the elementary Nada-sadhana, with the help of a tanpura, which is one of the oldest musical instruments….p. 82, As a result the first musical vibration (Spandan…) that has emanated out of the trigunatmaka (relating to the three gunas), equipoise of Cosmic Nature - that alone is the AUM or OMkara….p. 266        

 22 notes of Indian scale from the 3 gunas as Tai Chi Tetrad - 1-4-5 music intervals or 1:2:3:4. The most common tuning for the four-string tanpura sets the first string at “Pa,” the fifth degree of the scale, while the second and third strings are tuned to the tonic above, and the last string is tuned to the tonic below.We know that the most acoustically pure fifth arises from a 3:2 frequency ratio…tanpura tuning.

 The Yellow Emperor, Huang Ti, in 2700 BCE, told Ling Lun to create the “infinite spiral of fifths” music tuning based on the Perfect Fourth music interval as yin and the Perfect Fifth musical interval as yang, according to the 240 BCE book, Lü-shih ch’un-ch’iu (The Spring and Autumn of Lü Pu-Wei). C to G natural harmonic overtone is the Perfect Fifth as 3/2 while C to F natural subharmonic undertone is the Perfect Fifth as 2/3. Both are heard internally - the ear does not hear the difference in meditation!

 Yes I trained with a Chinese spiritual healer who trained at Shaolin and then did cave meditation - 49 days no sleep - just full lotus pyramid power meditation the whole time. Then his assistant is Jim Nance, African-american qigong master who had a Cosmic Mother vision in a temple in Egypt. He spent 2 years traveling in 14 countries in Africa, initiating into shamanism - and before that he was a kungfu master and then a professional basketball player. - he healed my mom when she could barely walk. I was talking to him on the phone for a couple hours. He said how he could see in 4 directions at the SAME time - and that i could train to do this also. And then he said how he had been having a conversation with my mom while he was talking to me. I would have never known - and she was asleep upstairs.

I had taken her to see him for the "free sample healings" once a month at the qigong center But she had barely been able to walk for months. After each healing she felt better but it didn't last. He said it was easier to heal her when she was asleep so her mind would not get in the way. Also he had to send her energy several times.Then the day after my mom walked a half mile to the mail box and back - just cuz she had so much energy. Now keep in mind the day before the healing she had barely been able to walk up the stairs! So then her friends wondered what had happened to her and she said, I don't know - I just woke up one morning and had all this energy! So then at the end of the week I was talking to Jim again on the phone and I asked him about the healing. And that's when he told me how he had to send her energy several times.

So when I told my mom she goes, "I don't know what else it could have been. Jim must have healed me!" So then a couple years later I reminded her and she got upset saying, "I would have gotten better on my own anyway." But really she had been suffering for months - that's why she was willing to try the nonwestern harmonic resonance healing from meditation.

So then just a few weeks ago - out of the blue - she told me how she was talking to someone while waiting to have her hair cut and she told the story of how Jim healed her using qigong. Then the hairstylist said a lady drives in once a month to do qigong and then gets her hair cut - something like that. so anyway - this stuff is very real. The qigong masters can "tap" into the Matrix and see the past - heal the past - and have visions of the future. When I meditate more than I do get precognitive visions of the future. I call it the Female Formless Awareness - that will Never Be Unveiled - as the Egyptians state about the Cosmic Mother.

So we can LISTEN but not see the Emptiness. There is a lot of science to this also. I researched this for 30 years!! I studied classical piano as a youth and I even got a master's degree studying this topic. So yes Western civilization went against this ancient wisdom - ever since Plato and Archytas LIED about music theory - and Philolaus also. And so when people learn "irrational magnitude" math - that is based on the LIE of the wrong music theory!! haha. So this is a very deep and yet very radical principle.

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