Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Embodying the Emptiness: On Qigong and Quantum physics: cracking the code of consciousness

So I recently had an interesting "debate" so to speak with an acupuncturist who claimed that the qigong master I took classes from was a "scam." It is quite interesting that in traditional chinese medicine acupuncture the "yuan qi" is tied to the jing. How did he put it?
Yuan Qi is a product of Jing - generated by the parents' post-natal Jing  under the influence of the child's Po soul a little bit after conception, and something I can manipulate using my needles or even my fingers.
So a person can become a professional acupuncturist while still maintain a materialistic definition of Yuan Qi.
"Formless" as a liquid, in case of ying qi. "Formless" as a heavy gas which is not or very little affected by gravity, orbiting near the skin, in case of wei qi. "Formless".... not actually formless, as it is badically hard as a heated stone,  for yuan qi (it fells as little grains of salt at the yuan acupoints, such as L3). And so on.
It can be said that the ancestral cavity is the mysterious entrance that humanity must pass through during self-cultivation, but the mysterious entrance is not inside the body, and the ancestral cavity is not outside the body. 
So this definition of Yuan Qi as the Emptiness is well documented in Daoist alchemy - as I have pointed out several times before on that Daoist meditation cultivation website. But as Westerners we are predisposed to "materialistic idealism" from a young age - it is "hard-wired" - and so the idea that the Emptiness could be Embodied is particularly hard to grasp.

Yet this is the phrase that the qigong master used back in 2000 - when he said I had my enlightenment experience. He said that he "embodies the emptiness" and this is what is meant by the training motto - having the Universe inside you.

So recently - if you sign up for the free qigong membership over at http://springforestqigong.com the free guild membership 
then they have posted the recent annual Qi talk by the qigong master, whereby he goes over his predictions for the year. So he emphasizes that quantum mechanics is now explaining how qigong healing can be done long distance.
you can put a cd into a cd player and it'll produce music. when you break the cd in half and try to play it there's no music. electricity made the music play and the music was recorded in the cd. now you've broken the cd, where's the music?
 The music for life is based on negentropy - so the phase is superluminal (in contrast to a CD relying on angstrom wavelength). For example we can perceive sound at the sub-angstrom wavelength. Also smell is proven to be non-local entanglement. So there is a phase coherence that is the 5th dimension and stores the information as a black hole - this is proven by memory experiments. The scientists chop off the head of certain animals - and yet their memory regrows when the head grows back. I have details on this - http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-blue-light-of-blues-music-ii.html just scroll down on that blogbook I posted - gives images, etc.

 Humans are mammals, not half mammal half ghost. Life after death is the most blatant lie ever told.
 We are actually "half ghost half mammal" - it's proven now by science - coherent laser biophotons throughout our whole body. I've seen ghosts also from my qigong training. And as for electrons being conscious? That's hard science now.

Yakir Aharonov:

"There is a non-local exchange that depends on the modular variable....I'm saying that I have now an intuitive picture to understand interference by saying that when a particle moves through two slits, it always goes through one slit or the other, but it knows which other slit, the slit through which it did not go, whether it is open or not, because there are nonlocal equations of motion." Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (2017, Aharonov): The nonlocal equations of motion in the Heisenberg picture thus allow us to consider a particle going through only one of the slits, but it nevertheless has nonlocal information regarding the other slit.... The Heisenberg picture, however, offers a different explanation for the loss of interference that is not in the language of collapse: if one of the slits is closed by the experimenter, a nonlocal exchange of modular momentum with the particle occurs....Alternatively, in the Heisenberg picture, the particle has both a definite location and a nonlocal modular momentum that can “sense” the presence of the other slit and therefore, create interference."
I'm glad to hear Jaci is doing phone healings! Yes I could really feel her qi energy when she gave me a free Friday qissage - very amazing. Yes posting online is silly fun but Chunyi said how even now he's figured out how to "google" things. haha. yes I have been thinking too much - and in real life I am an absurdity as well. So I have been very lucky to have spent personal time with Jim Nance also. Glad to hear your teacher does online healing. Yes I had some recent "real life" experiences where people were freaked out by the connections. I get freaked out by the power of the Emptiness. haha. I overused my energy but I still have some connection to the Emptiness through the pineal gland also. It is pretty trippy.

Jim said how - he shared how he was driving up to my house - and we had a country gravel road to get to my house. The mailboxes and garbage cans were lined up by the road - and Jim said how he saw the spirit of the garbage can as being super huge in the road. haha. In other words he is basically "tripping" all the time. He said it's taken him a while to get used to this. He said when he first had his third eye fully open (soon after he began the qigong training) then he saw "sea anemone" everywhere in the air. haha. So he had to train to "empty out" that astral realm.

So how this can happen inside the body?
I posted a recent science study that delves into this.
 This awareness, this subliminal consciousness of self, is thus the consequence of the soma and brain being touched by an interaction with the cosmos – the relationship between the organism and the gravitational attraction between Earth, Moon and Sun. In this regard, where Organism-Earth-Moon-Sun forms a unit, a fully developed, continuous awareness of organismal self might be considered to be an answer to a further, fourth question: Can consciousness in a living organism arise from some physical feature of the cosmos?
So the "Po soul" and "Hun soul" are both still yin shen whereas the Yuan Qi is formless and so it then recharges the Yuan Jing - as qigong master Wang Liping explains. So 6 hours of full lotus meditation a day - EVERY day - nonstop for a year - will recharge the Yuan Jing from the Yuan Qi - for a middle age man, back to a 16 year old (assuming celibacy is maintained).
So how this works is what qigong master Zhang Hongbao calls the "Golden Key" of "yin matter" that is superluminal matter. See the above quote from Yakir Aharonov for details.
Or that quote I just gave....has more details at the link:
One explanation is that radiation (probably muons and pions) from outer space penetrated the space capsule, and traveled through the astronaut's eyeball and interacted with the retina, triggering an event registered in the brain as a flash, or streak, of light. Continuing from this example, so it may be with moments of protoconsciousness: perhaps neurons of the human brain are from time to time penetrated by precursors of protoconsciousness as a result of which sensitive sites, say among the arrays of MTs, are caused to activate a neural mechanism, the transduction of which is a ‘flash’ of consciousness. Furthermore, and in keeping with this speculative view of the induction of consciousness, the duration of the Cherenkov flash within the eye is short (≤ 10−10s) compared with the integration time of the eye (approx. 50 ms).232 Similarly with quantum protoconscious moments: an OR event occurs within a moment of time lasting about 13–20 ms; longer times (25 and 30 ms) are required to bring about, respectively, the recognition of the event and to set it in the correct place within the sequence of such events.
So now since you're an acupuncturist as your career then you will need to put this science into the context of acupuncture. Luckily Dr. Mae-Wan Ho did this for you.
the format doesn't transfer - so you'll have to read the link (or you can pretend this science doesn't exist )

Superconducting liquid crystalline meridians

both inhere in the continuum of liquid crystalline collagen bers that make up the bulk of the connective tissues. Bound    water layers on the collagen bers provide proton conduction pathways for rapid intercommunicationthroughout the body, enabling the organism
to function as a coherent whole.
So the work of Dr. Mae-Wan ho has been corroborated by Dr. Michael Persinger and others.

Tinkering with the Unbearable Lightness of Being: Meditation, Mind ...

by R Bajpai - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles
Supervised by Dr. Michael Persinger; this dynamic research group has a history ..... demonstrated that simple visualization of white light can generate an ...
that's a pdf link. So try to remember - if you don't read this information then it doesn't "exist." haha.

Finally numerous experimental studies show that distant mental interactions between remote subjects or in vitro cell cultures are often associated with changes in biophoton emissions (see Kawano 2011; Dotta, et. al., 2011; Persinger and Lavallee, 2010; Kokubo et. al, 2008).

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